
Thursday 12 April 2012

Disguising your vegetables.

We all know that children go through phases of fussy eating, its a normal part of growing up from my experience,  but some parents do worry about it. Sometimes there can be sneaky ways to get them into the children without them really noticing.

Snot Pot soup.

One very easy way to do this is in soup, but I have found that making it runny,so it is drinkable rather than eatable, pureeing it, and making it strange colours and giving it a disgusting name often appeals.

So on that thought I made a soup on Monday night as part of Bobs' tea. We used 2 vegetable stock cubes, 1 1/2 pt water, 4oz red lentils, 4 oz green peas and 4 oz broccoli. Bring to the boil, simmer for 20 mins and then purée. Ladies and gentleman I give you snot pot soup;
My thanks go to Sam for the name.

Next up we mixed cooked potatoes with beetroot and carrot powder to make playdoh potatoes.

Take 1lb cooked potatoes and put them through a potato ricer to get nice mashed potatoes with no lumps.

dry and wet carrot
Take two tablespoons of  carrot powder and mix with eight tablespoons warm water and mix to a runny parte. You may want to use slightly less if you add butter and milk to your potatoes.

beetroot potato
Next take one tablespoon beetroot powder and mix with four tablespoons warm water and mix.

Split the mash into 3 piles. Leave one pile plain, to one add the carrot paste and the last the beetroot paste.

You can then either pipe some into piles and use as eyes and nose and make a face, we used tomato for hair and peas for a mouth.

Bob likes it on a small plate which is placed on a bigger plate with the rest of the food on just like in a restaurant.

as tuna fish cakes served with beetroot
You can also ring the changes and add either cheese, fish or chicken and make them into shapes and serve as a complete meal. We stirred a tin of tuna through the 1lb of potatoes.

By the time we had  finished colouring and shaping them they were quite cold, but 20 mins at 180 oC reheats and browns them.

This recipe used some products from Healthy Supplies but the recipe and findings are my own.

1 comment:

  1. I make my own soup but never thought of making it into cup a soup for my son.He spills the thin soup when using a spoon so I have been making thick stuff. I think I will be making some tomorrow now.


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