
Sunday 1 April 2012

Help I am a blogger -meme

Ali over at Dragons & Fairydust started a meme called "Help I am a blogger"  which was passed onto me by Cheryl over at madhouse family reviews.

 Ali says
Strange things occurred the other day, I came to the realisation that I am actually a blogger. Looking at my blog this may seem to be rather an obvious statement to make, but being a blogger is actually a whole lot more than just having a blog. It is a lifestyle change that seems to have crept up on me gradually without me noticing.
As I am looking for some new blogs to read I thought I would start a Meme (my first one ever) to mark this realisation. I have a few questions that I will answer about my blog, then I am going to tag a few lucky people and get them to answer the same questions. I hope to learn more about them and their blogs. Hopefully they will do the same and link up here so I will end up with a list of links to some lovely blogs to read.

So as she is somebody I have not met I thought the very reason she is doing this is to find people she has not met, so I am joining in and she may enjoy reading my blog, as well as the people I tag who join in.

77%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?
Created by OnePlusYou - Free Dating Site

So the question I need to answer are

1) What is your blog about?

My blogs' tagline is "my life and the interaction with my children and grandchildren" So my blog is about that in every aspect that may entail on a day to day basis. The highs the lows, the laughs and the tears. We also blog egg/wheat/gluten/nuts/dairy free due to medical needs.
I have been very lucky in having a lot of products to review, from food to toys to kitchen items, and I also review products I buy for us to use sometimes because I like them and would recommend them, and sometimes because they are disappointing and I would like make people aware of my thoughts.

2) When and how did you start blogging?

I started my blog really as an online diary for the children, grandchildren, and eventually great grandchildrento look back on and reminisce about the mad woman that I am. I got left black and white photos, this is just a more modern version of that photo album.
I started blogging on 5th April 2011, 362 days ago. I strated blogging as I had been reading and commenting on other peoples and enjoying the interaction. It was Kay over at brinkofbedlam that really encouraged me as I was doing a lot of interacting with her over her fish in a dishwasher escapade.
We had had the grandchildren at Auchencruive playing with the bubble man, and we had got stunning pictures, one of which became my blog heading picture. I was also starting off on my allotment and I thought it would be nice to have a record of its progression, and so funasagran was born.

3) What was your first post?

Funnily enough I would have expected me to do something on the grandchildren, but no, I did not put enough thought it and my first post was about my allotment. have a click and a read if you want.

 4) Does blogging affect your life, and if so how?

First of all I would say it has enhanced my life, I have met many many lovely people. I have joined in with conversations, I have helped and advised people, I have sent hugs and support, and received the same back in return.
The biggest effect on my life has to be Project 366 that I am joining in with, I won a camera and have never been a photographer, but decided this project was a good excuse to learn to use my prize properly.
Blogging takes up time, between reading other peoples and commenting, writing  normal posts, writing reviews, taking the time once something is cooked/baked  to take an appetising photograph, but for me it has enhanced my dull boring life.
Blogging has allowed me to find other people who have children like Bob with issues and allergies like hi and adapt their recipes to suit his needs.

5) What do you love most about blogging?

Again I suppose the people I have met and the opportunities I have had. Because of Bobs needs I have expanded out hugely on feeding him, so he is getting to try different foods and fun things, boosting his confidence and allowing him to see he can be "normal".
I love to look at my stats, not so much now for how many as my blog was started for personal reasons, and I would still write it even if nobody except my family read it, but where they are from, how they found me, how long they stayed, and if the same people return.

Ok as Ali is looking for new people I am going to tag users of Love new blogs users who are relatively new to blogging so I have chosen

Barmac at Vintage and Home made
Laura at Chez Mummy who has been nominated for two BIBS so well worth a read.
amumsim at a mum's internal monologue
and lastly Bobs Mum at The Crumbly Mummy

please come back and link you your blog post as a comment on here so I can find you


  1. Thank you for the tag. It's lovely to find your blog!

  2. Thanks so much for joining in :)I love the picture at the top of your blog, it looks like it was a fab day!

    1. your welcome. and thak you, one of about 200 various taken that day, about fifty of them on my FB page

  3. Aw, I'm so pleased that I helped start you on the rocky road to blogging addiction, lol! Good innit! I've loved reading your blogs and chatting with you, and I've really found it interesting and sometimes shocking to read about life with allergies. I also think that it's fun to share blogging projects, ie cheese and diet drinks! Keep on blogging! :O)

    1. same for me hun, and glad you find our life interesting. yes mouldy cheese is very interesting

  4. Thanks for the tag, here's my post
    thank you x

    1. thank you, and good luck with your blogging career, it makes interesting reading, covering topics a lot of us can relate to

  5. I've done it.

    Thank you so much for the tag! I really enjoyed taking part! x

    1. thanks Charotte, your blog makes for nice reading, and what an unusual name you have. Well done for taking other newbies, it gives a huge confidence boost


Nice to see you stopping by. Thank you for your comment and I hope you stop by again.