
Friday 13 April 2012

Project 366 #104

Bob and I planted these 10 days ago , and so far we have nine of the fifteen sunflowers (LHS), three of the five tomatoes, four of the five courgettes, and so far none of the chilli peppers have popped up to say hello.

May have to plant some more sweetcorn as I want nine for the garden but want a choice when it comes to planting out time.

Have used this just so I can keep a eye on the progression of my plants. Not the best picture but a record none the less.


  1. My seeds aren't doing so well, although my butternut squash have really popped up in the last few days. As for the carrots? Pah! The innocent organic seeds were rubbish

  2. we not planting carrots or cauliflowers/cabbages and the likes this year as they came to nothing.


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