
Monday 9 April 2012

Project 366 The Big #100

Well the theme of my blog is the interaction with my children and grandchildren, and so I have thought what better picture to use for my monumental100th picture than something that reflects just that.

So as Daughter No 2 gets bank holidays off of work she was bringing the children over today as she was coming over to see me anyway. But the granddaughter decided she was having a strop, fell out with her mum and got sent to her room instead of coming for a visit. Makes me laugh cos the granddaughter so reminds me of just what her mother was like at the same age....and she use to tell me she was leaving home.....they are both as stubborn and awkward as each other....and I really have no idea where they get that from......don't all look at me like that if you don't mind!!

So Daughter No2 turned up with her dog and her nephew in tow so we went out to exercise the two of them, there's a very convenient little park right across the road from me.

 We played idiots in the park, escaped the aliens on the way back, and took turns to see if we could beat the dog to the ball....needless to say we didn't.

But my Project 366 picture has to be he one that best signifies what my blog stands for, my very heading "the interaction with ny children and grandchildren"  -  I give you Bob and Auntie T having fun.

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky

Here is a few more that we took if you want to flick through them,  feel free.


  1. Looks like you had a great day, I think the monkey bars need some work though

    1. they require more upper body strength than we have that's for sure. We had lots of fun and thankfully park about empty

  2. I love this, that's a wonderful reason for you to blog! Long may it continue :)

    1. thank you, a blog to be looked back on for remembrance once Im old or gone

  3. I love that shot, such fun. I wish my bottom was small enough to fit down a slide nowadays!

    Thanks for linking up

    1. so do I!! especially a small slide like that

  4. I have a teenage son who has made very few appearances in this project as they are so much harder to photograph! Lovely photo and it sounds as though you had a great day x

  5. Wheeee! There is nothing like a good slide. Especially if you are *technically* too big..

    1. Bob insisted she went on so he could push her down....and he did

  6. awww, brilliant. i love the inspiration behind your blog. xx

  7. we can only do it in the colder weather, cant risk it in the summer when kids have ice-creams etc so he loves it whan he gets the chance to

  8. Oh that does look like a lot of fun :O)

  9. A lovely photo, well done Mummy! Do join me on Country Kids too


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