
Wednesday 2 May 2012

Project 366 123/366

We seem to be having the best of the weather that is going at the moment judging by what I am reading,so we decided we would go down and dig over some of the garden in the allotment.

Whilst down there two robins decided they would come and have a nosey at what we were up to, so we tossed them some worms and sat and waited, and waited, till eventually we got some nice pictures of them.

on the wood with a worm

picking up the worm

getting ready to eat.

If you zoom in on them all you can see the worms.

Whilst I was there, I thought I would do a "from where I stand" only it was a "from where I sit", looking up the allotment whilst I was sitting waiting on the robin. 

 At the moment there are a few potatoes sticking up but apart from that we have nothing in just yet. A lot of the nights this week we have woken up to heavy frosts on the car, so I am in no rush to plant out.


  1. Replies
    1. thank you, they leak so not good for dog walking on beach but fine for digging in

  2. I love your wellies. I think a robin has to be my favourite bird. Apart from Little Bird and Big Bird lol ;-)


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