
Monday 7 May 2012

Project 366 128/366

The children had asked last week if they could make biscuits when they were here today. Bob wanted green ones and Fifi wanted blue. No matter how much blue colouring we added they would not turn blue. The green ones went green, but that was it.

Had planned on making red, white and blue and rolling the three colours together sort of swiss roll style and cutting them to look like Catherine wheels.....but was a no go. If any of you have any suggestions as to why they will not take or hold a colour, or any other suggestions at to how to colour them I would be grateful - other people seem to manage gorgeous rainbow colour cakes and things.

So Bob made his green ones and iced them with white and green icing.

Fifis are not blue but she iced them with red and black icing.

Fifi icing her biscuits

Here are a few more pictures of varying stages.

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky Im linking this one, again not because it any good quality a picture, in fact its terrible with the cluttered background  mental note to self, get a bigger house or tidier worktops, but it sums up my blog - us having fun
The result were not what we had hoped for, but they had fun making them and they were edible once made so what more really matters?


  1. Yum ! No baking here this weekend but the rainbow cakes we made have only just gone - they were blue red and green, maybe fifi and bob might want to try making those? x

  2. Baking with kids is so much fun! No idea about the food colouring though?

  3. Do you have Wilton baking products there? If so their gel colors work great and have no funny taste

    1. thanks for that. No I had never heard of them but I have found a uk supplier whom I have contacted.

    2. and that wonderful supplier has agreed to send me some out to try....more posts to come

  4. Wow, I love Fifi's concentration on the job! Good girl

  5. We found that using white fat like Trex instead of yellow butter or margerine and leaving out the yolks on recipes that call for eggs to be added, stops the colour interference.

    We also use colour paste rather than liquid as the colours are much stronger.

    1. hadn't thought of Trex, will give this one a go thank you. have got some gels to try

  6. Sounds fun. I have only coloured cakes not biscuits.

  7. Kids do love helpoing out in the kitchen. Great choice for your link up x

  8. I find with The Boy that it's never about the end result but about the process involved an the pride on his face when he's made something.

    Thanks for linking up


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