
Monday 21 May 2012

Project 366 142/366

We had lovely weather today so thought we would sit out the front in the sun and make daisy chains. We stretched this one from the front door to the lamp post, kept the adults amused the kids got bored and wandered off.

The Boy and Me is going for a theme this week, Exploring Nature, so as I had taken daisy picture will see what else I can come up with for the rest of the week on the theme. 

Took some nice pictures today, so thought I would share the rest with you.

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky


  1. That's a fabulous photo and I love the angle on it, makes the lines really accentuated. Glad you had fun making daisy chains, there's something about seeing them that brings it out in all of us.

    1. So glad you chose this one, it's my favourite too.

  2. that's some daisy chain! not sure I would have the patience..

  3. That's a brilliantly long daisy chain! Must have taken a while to complete. I like the angle of the photo and well done for remembering that there was a theme ! X

  4. Wow - impressed by the lenght of that one.

  5. Wow what a long daisy chain

  6. That made me smile as we have been picking endless daisies this week as my LO is obsessed with them! I keep finding them everywhere! Great picture, really unusual!

  7. My girls have recently learnt how to make daisy chains and they love it. They'd spend hours out there if we let them; the problem is, the grass that has the most daisies is on the front and it's next to a very busy road so we don't really like them being out there on their own.
    They make them at school at playtime and bring them home as gifts for me :D

  8. I adore making Daisy Chains!must have taken a long time to make!
    What a great photo!

  9. Great picture, i haven't made daisy chains in years (plan for today!) love the little video collection of pictres too!

  10. Now if only we could teach the Bug to make those then him and GG would be occupied for hours!

  11. Wow- that's a great Daisy Chain. And what a great way to capture the moment.

  12. Thank you, you've given me an idea of what my girls can do later this afternoon :) great pic.

  13. Most impressive daisy chain. Well done

  14. Never seen a daisy chain like it! fab!

  15. I've not made daisy chains for years.. Always more fun for grown ups than the children.


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