
Saturday 7 July 2012

Almond Breeze Blueberry Pancakes

I applied a few weeks back through a link on Foodies 100 to have sent out a carton of new Almond Breeze Almond Milk  made by Blue Diamond to come up with an original breakfast menu. Ok there is a competition attached but as I blog a lot of dairy free stuff how could I resist? 

Our instructions were We want you to let your imaginations run wild, coming up with the most innovative food since sliced bread!
Whether you favour muffins or scrambled eggs for brekkie, we want to see what scrumptious culinary creations you can make using Almond Breeze almond milk. 

The milk that describes itself as 
Almond Breeze® almond milk is a delicious alternative that's dairy free, lactose free and soya free. It's made from the finest Californian almonds, so not only is it a great tasting alternative to diary milk and non dairy milk alternatives, but it's packed with all the natural goodness of those amazing almonds.
It's a good source of calcium, Vitamin A, D & E and has absolutely no saturated fat or cholesterol. (Yes, really.) Our Unsweetened almond milk is free of sugars and has less than half the calories of skimmed dairy milk and half the calories of soya milk, which makes it a great alternative for those wanting to live a healthier lifestyle. It's just so full of goodness it's a wonder we fit it in the carton.

Well this sounds like something very healthy to add to your breakfast, and so I decided that being who I am and blogging what I blog that it would have to be dairy/egg/gluten free.I decided I would make one of our favourite breakfast recipes -  Pancakes.

Blueberry Scotch Pancakes

mixed the berries through
250 grams gluten free self raising flour
30g sugar
8 dessert spoons dairy free natural yoghurt ( as egg replacer)
250ml Almond breeze milk
blueberries ( to own taste) 

Mix milk and yoghurt together. ( I find yoghurt makes an excellent replacer for egg in pancakes, makes for a less soggy centre than flaxseed or banana).

Beat in sugar and flour until a thick consistency is achieved.

You can either stir the blueberries into the mix at this stage or add to each as you go along to get an even spread. 

Heat a lightly oiled frying pan and cook 2 or 3 at a time. Add blueberries as soon as the mixture goes into the pan so they heat through and explode to release the flavour if you did not stir through the mix.

bubbling up nicely

Cook for 2-4 mins until bubble rise and pancakes start to dry out on top, then turn over to brown second side. 

Serve on their own in the car on the way to school, or on a plate with a spoonful of yoghurt and more berries. 

a smiley face one served with yoghurt and berries

I also made a milk loaf if you want a look, but decided the pancakes were an better recipe to add to the competition


  1. Seeing that I forgot to buy eggs this week I could actually try these!

  2. I love scotch pancakes and I love blueberries, what a great combination and a brilliant use of almond milk too. Might have a go at these! Love the smiley face too, very cheery!

  3. Love the smiley face..Great way of getting the kiddies to eat a bit of fruit!


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