
Thursday 28 March 2013

The sun is out - time to Spring clean.

It is the end of March, its suppose to be Spring, somebody forget to tell the snow clouds they were suppose to have left a while ago. This time last year we had the children playing in the river dressed in t-shirts and shorts it was that nice. 

Sadly it may not be very warm but the sun is still shining. I don't know about you but despite my best efforts the cobwebs seem to be breeding in the corners of the rooms, and with the bright blazing sun shine streaming through the grubby windows it shows up all the dusty corners. One of the advantages of the winter is you can turn a blind eye to them easier and shut your curtains at 4pm.  

The clocks change this week and time to think about Spring cleaning, it may be an old fashioned idea but I for one like to freshen up curtains and bedding at this time of year, give the house dust mites and the bed bugs a shock and expose them to daylight, some hot soapy water and some fresh air to blow them all away. Also with having allergies in the family this is not something we usually put off, I like my quilts and curtains done twice a year.

Certainly one of the things that makes this task much much easier to do these days is a washer dryer. Pop you curtains, or quilts in the machine, press a button and walk off and leave it. Come back a few hours later and they are washed, dried and ready to be ironed. No need to have to hang them out in between the snow showers.  I doubt many of you will remember how much fun the spring cleaning use to be. I remember as a child, when life was much simpler back in the 60’s, the smell of the washing boiling away in the boiler, treading up and down in the bath with bare feet in the cold water to rinse the articles and then arguing with my brothers and sister over who got to turn the handle on the mangle, it was the highlight of our Easter Holidays.  Grandma probably appreciated it as it made the work easier for her, though I must admit it was probably a lot quicker to do it herself.

I wonder how many people still do a Spring clean?

This is a sponsored post but the thoughts and memories are all my own.


  1. I did a massive one last weekend. I haven't done one in a few years so we had tonnes of stuff to get rid off!! We have it all on bin bags now. Got to make a trip to charity places now :)

  2. Oh goodness no! I do like to think all our properties get a good spring clean, actually a winter clean but my own house I loose the will!

  3. We've just thrown masses of stuff in the skip and it feels good! Never had a washer drier though - always heard that they don't work as well as two separate machines.


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