
Saturday 6 July 2013

Project 365 30th June - 6th July 2013

Six whole months have gone into the Project. Nice to see so many regulars still going strong. So here we go with this weeks pictures, the excitement that is my life.


Went for a walk down to Daughter No 1's to see about getting stuff from her garage we put in there a few years back.
Across the road from my daughters is an area that was revamped a few years back. One of the items they added was the bust of Rabbie Burn's who lived and worked on  a Farm just outside the village.


Nipped to Tesco for a few bits and pieces on the way home. Tesco, like other supermarkets, offer a price promise, but come on, do they really think I am going to go back to Tesco to save 1p? Would it not make sense for amounts less than 25p/50p to just donate the money to their charity of the year instead of this?


Bought a bunch of fresh flowers to put on my new coffee table.


The children and I went to play in the park that we were looking for last week. We cheated and went by car as it looked like it was going to rain. You can see the fun here if you want.


It was raining this morning, and so after games of battleships and Frustration, the children were given some wallpaper to draw round themselves, and were taking them home to colour them in/decorate them.


Met up with daughter No1 in the town today, and whilst we were sitting in the car eating an ice-cream ( bad move my stomach suffered for hrs afterwards). This chap was hanging out an upstairs window watching the world go by.


OH has been working on clearing the mess behind the bottom fence. These are some of the brambles and nettles from behind one half of it. Once it is all cleared  the fence will have new fence posts put in to support it, at the moment it is leaning on what will be the chicken shed at one end and next doors fence at the other.

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. i know what you mean about the 1p off my next shop. i know that every little penny helps buuuuut £1's would help more ;)
    drawing around each other on the wallpaper is a fun idea x

  2. There was a great activity on Science Sparks a few months ago which featured locating body parts on an outlined drawing, would Bob and Fifi be interested in this?

    Great photo of them playing together.

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365

    1. thanks for that TBAM, I have been and looked, here is the link for anybody elae and will pass this onto my daughter. Great idea, I now Bob has been studying the human body at home this term.

  3. Can't wait to see what the human wallpaper looks like when it is coloured in

  4. you have been super busy again! i love the idea of drawing round each other on wallpaper! i love it x

  5. sorry Claire...I know a few people who dont like clowns, he was a strange looking creature sitting where he was.

  6. Great pictures - I can't believe we are 6 months in either, I didn't think I would still be blogging let alone still taking a picture a day! Love that Tesco receipt, how ridiculous, probably cost more in paper and ink than you have off your next shop ;)

  7. That clown looks a bit scary. The wallpaper idea is a good one.

  8. I got a 1p voucher too....went into the bin...waste of paper and ink really!!

    Ohh scary clown lol

    1. exactly Fozia, you consider how many people will do that...much better to donate it to charity

  9. I dont many would complain at your idea about donating to charity, anything less than a certain amount should up the help they give a lot over the year x

  10. It probably costs Tesco's more than that to print the 1p vouchers - how ridiculous.

  11. Haha the Tesco receipt has really made me smile!!

  12. That is a strange photo of the man hanging out of the window. A bit creepy. I love the one of the children drawing their outlines.

    1. he was very creepy, he was a mannequin, thankfully not real

  13. Those receipts from Tesco really annoy me - what a waste of paper! What a great idea with the wall paper, I might try that with my lot.


Nice to see you stopping by. Thank you for your comment and I hope you stop by again.