
Monday 30 December 2013

Medela breast feeding products - a review.

This blog for me is a great family blog, I love to support my children and what better than supporting them through such a wonderful experience as breast feeding?  My daughter is determined  to carry on with this especially as Minky is starting (already at not quite six weeks old) to show signs of the family allergy trait. So the longer she can keep this up the better for all concerned. So when I saw a shout out I asked my daughter if she was interested, she said yes and so I applied. So her is my daughters review on the products she has tried.

Very early in my pregnancy, I knew that this baby would be breast fed. Having already breastfed one baby and bottle fed the other, I knew which was easiest for me, and it certainly wasn’t the option that required boiling the kettle and measuring milk powder in the middle of the night! I then discovered that there were two babies on the way, and quickly realised that breastfeeding may not be as easy with two.

tandem feeding, breasfeeding twins, struggle to breastfeed, Happily, however, we have managed to breastfeed fairly well so far, with a few minor hiccups along the way, but with tremendous support from the very beginning from everyone around me – from the midwives at the hospital, the health visitor, and the local breastfeeding network, to the kids (who bring me food and drinks, the TV remote, and anything else I may need), and my wonderful fiancĂ©, who has taken on the cooking, cleaning, answering the door and phone, etc etc, to enable me to concentrate on feeding the babies.

Somedays (and nights), the feeds have run into one another, with no breaks in between – I struggle to tandem feed, and it sometimes feels as though as soon as one baby has finished feeding, the other one is ready for a feed, and they finish just in time for the first one to need another one... Judging by the amount of weight both babies are piling on, it’s obviously working, which makes it all worthwhile (and is what I console myself with at 3am, when one or the other has been feeding constantly since 10pm!)

With this in mind, when Mum saw a shout out on twitter from Medela, looking for breastfeeding mums to test out a breast care set for breastfeeding mums, she thought of me, and applied. The pack arrived and it contained  15 disposable breast pads, a trial sized tube of Purelan nipple cream, 2 Hydrogel pads, and a pretty little bag to keep it all in.

Medela Purelan Nipple creamPureLan 100

Breastfeeding problems because of sensitive or dry nipples?
If you experience breastfeeding problems, PureLan cream protects your nipples from dryness during breastfeeding. It contains 100 per cent pure lanolin (wool wax) without any artificial additives or preservatives. This means it doesn't have to be removed before breastfeeding. You can also apply it to other dry skin areas. The PureLan cream is so safe, you can even use it on your baby's skin.

The breast pads are individually wrapped, so are ideal to throw in my handbag or the changing bag, and they are shaped, which means that they fit nicely inside your bra, without slipping. Each one has a sticky pad to hold it in place too. I found they were very absorbent, and I haven’t had a wet patch on my top while I was using them. The Purelan cream is very soothing for sore nipples – an almost certainty in the early days of breastfeeding, especially when feeding twins, and I find that keeping the tube in the fridge means it is even more soothing. The cream is all natural, and has no taste or smell, and so doesn’t need to be removed before feeding – a great thing for those of us with baby brain! A little goes a long way too, the 7g tube I received is still going strong almost a week later. The bag is ideal for keeping breastfeeding products in the changing bag too – no more rooting around in the bottom looking for a breastpad!

breastfeeding, pain, sore nipples, The star of the pack, as far as I am concerned, is the Hydrogel pads. These are sterile gel pads, which provide “instant relief for sore and cracked nipples”, and they do exactly what they say. The pads are useable for up to 24 hours before they must be thrown away, and are just removed before each feed, and popped back on after a quick rinse under the cold tap. The pads are cold to the touch, but warm through quickly with your body heat, and are slightly sticky, which means they stay in place, but don’t leave any residue. I wish I’d had these pads available for the first few days of feeding, they would have made those very tough days a little bit easier

Hydrogel Pads
Breastfeeding problems because of sore or cracked nipples?
For breastfeeding problems as sore and cracked nipples, our Hydrogel Pads offer relief. Simply place the cooling pad on the skin. The pads provide moisture and keep your skin smooth and, in doing so, ease the pain of sore nipples between feeds. Because the nipple area is kept moist, the Hydrogel Pads create an environment that promotes the healing process.
I know my daughter is planning on buying some of these as she really did find they helped.

The pack would make an ideal present for any new mum planning to breastfeed, and would be an ideal addition to your hospital bag.

Disclaimer - we were sent the products to review my our findings remain honest.

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