
Thursday 31 July 2014

An update on my vegetable growing.

I was despairing a few weeks back that the garden did not seem to be coming to much and I thought all my efforts were going to have come to nothing. But things seem to be coming on in leaps and bounds and I feel a lot more hopeful.

The sweetcorn is starting to grow, not overly large yet, about leek size but plenty of growing season left.

The potatoes have grown well,

so I tipped out one bag of them 

and we got just over 5lb, not a huge amount but a few nights tea, very nice they were as well. 

We have tomatoes in the greenhouse

and some near the greenhouse as there was not room for them all

and there are plenty appearing on all of the plants 

The herbs are coming along nicely, and we have been using these in cooking

I potted the runner beans into larger pots, 

stapled some netting to the fence and have placed them where they can climb up.

I thinned out the peppermint mint

and the spearmint both of which seemed to be dying off 

We have various pots of strawberries which have been producing fruit for a few weeks, now and get picked and eaten straight away, be that by OH, daughter or granddaughter, they don't really get into the house.

Finally I have topped up the second lot of potatoes, these were from a few I found in the cupboard that had sprouted so I decided I may as well plant them.

The broccoli has been devastated by the caterpillars, some of which we have brought in and watched them pupate. The radishes so far don't seem to be doing a great deal. The carrots have also come to nothing.

So as you can see not had a huge harvest yet, but it is early days and we will see what else produces edible fruit and veg.

You can see our starting post here  which is about saving money by growing your own.


  1. Once I get my garden sorted I want to grow veg

  2. Oh well done on the growing veg! I haven't grown any this year

  3. Well done. I have only managed tomatoes and courgettes this year. I have picked two courgettes so far which I am impressed about.

  4. Your vegetables are doing fab, the snails attacked mine so I lost all my peas and beans. Got lots of potatoes though


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