
Saturday 5 July 2014

Project 365 week 27 29th June -5th July

Gosh its been a busy week with one things and another that has been going on, although a productive week with two missions accomplished. Cant believe we are more than half way through the year already.


Another long shift at work, long days make for boring pictures. But I did go and have a wander round the garden after work, the plants are doing rather well. Lots of flowers on the tomatoes, maybe have some to eat in a few weeks.

flowers on the tomato plant


When I had been on holiday the other weekend we wandered round  the car boot in Ayr. We were about four cars from the end when I heard a voice shout me. Sitting there was Nic, the younger son's other half from quite a few year ago. Now sadly known only to him he stopped talking to us all about five years ago when he moved back to where he had grown up. We phoned and texted but to no avail. Tried to find where he was living, again with no luck. Managed to find where he was working but time we got there he had moved on again.

So for the last few years we have had little contact. Well Nic and my son Scott had got back together a few years ago, turns out they have just bought their first house and she is expecting my next grandchild at the end of August. She was delighted to see us. Gave us both their phone numbers and their address.

So on the Sunday I phoned him, and phoned him again, but was getting no answer. So the girls tried with no luck either, our text messages also went unanswered. So we took the bull by the horns, jumped in the car and went to see him. Wasn't sure if he would be in but he would have to return home at some point. Wasn't sure what reception we would get, but thank fully he let us in and promised to keep in touch.

Though Nic has promised she will give us full access to the baby even if he does not want to know, so at least baby will get to know his/her cousins and both sets of grandparents. Time will tell if he comes to visit or not, but it was lovely to see him again.

Son, daughter No1 and the twins


Part of the reason we have been busy this week is because the older two are away to Auntie T in Oban for the week. While they are away we have emptied the contents of Bob's room into Fifif's so it can be decorated. Remember we got a Dulux bedroom in a box a while ago? Well this week it has been brought out of the box and used. Looking good I have to say. Blog post to follow.

So we have been round there quite a bit this week and it has kept everybody busy one way or another.

Minky and SIL amusing each other


We have waited nearly a year for our power company to change over our electric meters. We realised when we moved in they were dangerous, they sent somebody out in August last year and agreed they needed changing. They were suppose to come out yesterday, we sat and waited but nobody came. Their customer service stinks and they are nigh on impossible to get hold off on the phone. Anyway I phoned them when they did not turn up, but was in a queue with an expected wait time of nearly four hours.

So as I did not have nearly four hours to spare I arranged for a ring back. Now how silly of me to assume they would only ring me back when I was at the front of the queue.But no the phone call came, press 1 for this and 2 for that to make sure they have the right person, and then nearly forty minutes later I actually got a human being. If I had forty minutes to spare hanging on a phone I would have stayed in the queue!!

She could only apologise, nothing on the notes to say why nobody had turned up, and rebooked us in for Thursday.

hanging on the telephone


My OH is very very annoying at times. For the last few weeks whenever he puts the milk back in the fridge he will insist on just popping the lid on top, not turning to make sure it stays on, so ever time I have opened the fridge door the lid has fell off, I have had to pick it up and screw it back on. So this time we had a disagreement over it and we discussed it rationally as adults do. Next time I went to the fridge this is what I found, it really did make me laugh, idiot that he is.

The meter man did turn up today, left an hour later, job complete. Look on the bright side, as they did not turn up we get £25 credit on our leccy bill....shame he didn't not turn up ten times!!!

the taped on lid


The room has been transformed. Now we just needed to get everything back into it. So while granddad painted the shelves that I bought to put up and daughter reassembled the play mobil building me and the other Granddad manage to wreck carrying them up the stairs earlier in the day. I sat on the bedroom floor sort of helping but mainly amusing the twins. Minky thought it was fab as he could actually crawl on the cushion floor Bob has in his room. So he would crawl towards his mum or granddad and I would get his feet and pull him back to where we were playing, he was laughing his head off.

Also managed to get some laughs out of Dinky as well, she usually only laughs for Bob but tonight she was laughing away for me. She is different than him she stays sat exactly where you sit her, him  he is off getting stuck under things and climbing across things and generally being a wee monkey. Here he is after rolling himself across the floor to steal the toy off of her that she had.

Minky rolled across to pinch Dinky's toy


I had seen a tweet a few weeks back from VitaCocoKidsuk that they were giving away free samples of their new drink in a train station in London that day. I asked them had they any plans to come to Scotland
-  the answer was no but they would send me some free samples, and so two of each flavour turned up yesterday. Very nice they are too, very refreshing.

They also popped in some money off vouchers and I will definitely buy more, the kids may even get near the next lot. No I had no obligation to blog about them but one good turn deserves another.

Love the box they came in, gonna keep that for storing stuff in.

Vita Coco Kids is the NEW, naturally fruit flavoured coconut water made just for Kids! It’s kids-tested and mum-approved, and that’s not just monkey business!

come in a pouch complete with a straw

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. you have had a busy week!! the milk lid did make me chuxkle :) we love the vitacoco drinks here!! x

  2. Glad you got to see your son again Elaine. I bet that was so lovely. The twins are so gorgeous! #Project365

  3. Gosh, what an eventful week! Hope it all works out with the new grandchild x

  4. Fingers crossed for a positive family future with the new baby.

  5. You have had a busy week! Love the lid solution, that's the sort of thing my husband would do :)

  6. Hahahaha that lid debacle made me laugh. That's the sort of argument me and the other half all the time!

  7. So glad you got to see your son again Elaine. What a busy week. Love the milk lid, made me laugh

  8. oh i so hope that your son keps in touch for the sake of his child because i feel that grandparents are a very important part of a child life. you must have been so nervous about seeing him again after all this time.
    how funny of your hubby to tape on the milk lid - lol and looks like a bumper crop of tomatoes will be due soon x

  9. Congratulations Elaine. Must be nice to be back in touch.

  10. That is great news that you managed to track down your son, I hope that he will stay in touch and another grandchild, how exciting?' Love the bottom photo of the twins, really cute

  11. Wow I bet that was a surprise to see your sons partner and see him again. I hope you stay in touch. I hate being on hold, it drives me crackers. Hope you have a good week x

  12. loving all the baby pics this week - far too cute

  13. It can be very difficult when families drift apart; I hope this is the beginning of a new start for all of you.

    I love the photo of Minky and Dinky. :)

  14. The twins look so sweet. Sorry for my lack of comments over the past weeks. 365 is the only blogging I am doing these days. It's lovely you managed to get in touch with your son again I hope you all get to keep in touch.

  15. lol lol that taped on lid s fantastic!! .. I am glad things seem to be working themselves out with your family and that you will get to see the new baby x

  16. Elaine, we have a similar situation with my brother. He disowned us all about 20 years ago, got back in contact with me about 7 years ago and then erupted and cut me back out 2 months ago. It's upsetting, it really is, but you can't do anything about it. It's easier to just parcel up the unexplainable hurt and puzzlement and move on. I hope your son does keep in contact with you, at least his partner.

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.


Nice to see you stopping by. Thank you for your comment and I hope you stop by again.