
Saturday 9 August 2014

Project 365 week 32 3rd - 9th August

Another week of the grandchildren being busy when I was not, and me being busy when they weren't. Got to spend some time with the oldest and the twins but no Bob again, he was off having lots of fun with the other grandparents. 


I won this in a competition a few weeks after daughter bought one for the twins - typical


Not been a walk round the fishery for quite a while, it seemed a shame to waste such a lovely evening so off we went. Loved the sunset over the pond. No filters or anything here, just as it came off the camera. 


We placed three caches in memory of Shorty Dog back at the end of May. The first one we placed has had a few people mark it up as "Did not find", so I disabled it until we got time to check it out. But no it appears to have gone missing, so will need to replace it sometime soon. Daughter No3 was getting picked up in the town to come visit so we went and checked it out before we came home. 

No3 heads for the last know resting place of the cache


A visit day for Son No1 today. The weather forecast was for wet and windy so we didnt leave home quite so early to save hanging around in the wet - as is typical we hit two sets of roadworks, one lot that held us up for less than ten minutes,and the others held us up for over forty minutes. Still made it in time for the visit.  There is what is called an earth cache nearby, so we picked it up while we were there. 

the view from the earth cache - Ochil Hills Menstrie 


Daughter No1 phoned to see if I wanted a day out with her, Fifi and the twins (Bob was elsewhere) so we had a very pleasant day in the sun.  Here is Fifi sat on a book seat ( the seat is designed to look like a row of books)  in the Kay Park in Kilmarnock. You can read about our day out here. 


A rather wet day, not really suitable for the camera to be out, or me with it for that matter. But I captured raindrops on the gladioli that has come out in the back garden.


Last Friday I had entered a phone/e-mail in competition on the local radio station. I got a phone call back from the DJ to say I had been picked as the winner, but as it was Friday I was going to get a challenge with a chance to answer another question and win an extra prize. I had originally entered for one CD, but ended up with four cd's and the digital radio. Rather nerve racking being on air but fun none the less.


  1. You're on a prize wining roll, buy a lottery ticket quick! Lovely sunset picture.

  2. Well done on your wins. I've started entering competitions again this week.

  3. Look at you on the radio and winning all that, I love it. I love the book seat too very cute. I wonder what happened to the cache? Maybe someone found it not realising what it was, very mysterious lol

  4. Love the sunset photo, it looks like a beautiful place.

  5. Lots of geocaching reference here which is a new hobby of ours! I can't believe we've not thought of it before - great fun! Shame some of them go missing isn't it? Glad you got a nice day out with your daughter and grandchildren :)

  6. Well done on the prizes :) The sunset photo is stunning. Such a shame that one of your caches went missing. We love geocaching too, but have been lucky so far in finding them where they're supposed to be!

  7. gosh you are good at winning things, i guess that will have to be put up for sale now! That sunset is pretty isnt it? loveky colours. shame the caches went missing :( x

  8. Good work on the wins, that's how we first met when you won Jackson Reece wipes on my blog. That sunset is wonderful, so picturesque.

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.

  9. Wow you do well with your competitions don't you? I love the sunset photo, that is really beautiful. That bench is clever isn't it?

  10. Well done on your win. A shame about the cache - wonder how that happened.

  11. Wow that Sunset is amazing, what stunning colours

  12. Great wins! I love Monday's photo, and that book seat is totally fab! #Project365

  13. Well done on the wins, sounds like a gun week x


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