
Saturday 27 September 2014

Project 365 week 39 21st - 27th September

Been a nice week weather wise again. Been out for a few geocaching walks, and non geocaching walks, having fun with the grandchildren and getting to know my new phone as it is now active and the old one is no more.


The woman next door has a lizard who eats meal worms but the ones that are left she normally feeds to the garden birds, but the last few times she has handed them into us, the chickens love them. They just about fight amongst themselves for them.

fighting over the meal worm


Decided to take a walk somewhere different, we have had little rain here now for weeks and weeks, and so we decided to walk along the river. So OH and I drove to Failford, pulled on our wellies and walked up stream as far as we could get, before the edging ran out too walk on and it was too deep for wellies. We then scrambled up the banking and walked back along the footpath to the car. It passed away ninety minutes on a warm calm evening. 

the view upstream


We were busy during the day, time we got tea it was a bit dark for a walk up river or round an unlit country estate, so we walked round the village instead. Have to say the memorial looks very nice all lit up blue. 

the revamped local memorial


We decided to go up to Darvel and finish off one of the series of caches that is there. Managed to find all nine that we looked for, just one in the series of eighteen has beat us, but maybe go back for a look over the winter when the undergrowth has died down. Again was a beautiful afternoon for a five mile walk.

As usual on a Wednesday Daughter No1 comes round with the twins for a while. Minky decided there was more fun to be had with his head in the box than out of it. He could see a toy behind the box but could not work out how to reach it. Not the clearest picture but his antics made me laugh. 

Minky in his toy box. 


As per normal now on a Thursday the older two were round, I say the older two, Fifi stayed long enough to eat her tea and came back in time to get ready for bed. Bob and I had fun with a science project set before tea, he then went out the front to play on his scooter for a while and we played dominoes before bedtime. As is normal for him inhalers and meds must be taken, takes quite a while to take them all so we spread it out and do it while he is playing. 

Dominoes and inhalers 


Another busy day. The chickens so far are allowed too be free range at times of the day, but as there is no fence between us and next door we cant tell them to stay out of next doors garden and therefore they only get out when we can watch them. So as this will not be practical in the winter oh is building them a run so a lot of today has been helping out cut wood etc. 

After tea we decided to go and pick up  one geocache. This was the view over hazy Ayr from just past the cache. No we didn't manage to find it despite my scrambling through blackberry bushes into a ditch. But the two mile walk was very pleasant regardless. 

the sun shines through the haze. 


The frame for the first side of the chicken run is made and painted, needs to dry now before the wire can be stapled on. |Three more sides and a roof and the girls will think it is Christmas. 

3 more sides and a roof at it will be finished.

fun as a gran
TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. The memorial looks stunning all lit up and your walk upstream looks stunning!

  2. That's a pretty shot of the river. I'm very impressed by how much you get out on walks with geocaching.

  3. Eek to the river nearly going over the top of your wellies. I would have been very nervous in the water.

  4. The river looks pretty and I like the memorial photo. We still haven't tried geocaching!

  5. gosh that revamped memorial looks really really eerie! that stream was beautiful x x

  6. Love the photo upstream, so peaceful. The chicken run looks like it is coming along well, can't wait to see it up! #365

  7. Lots of lovely outdoor fun in your week, how could I not love this!

  8. Lovely shot upstream! Look forward to seeing the finished chicken run! #365

  9. I love that view upstream photo, I want to take a walk there. Mich x

  10. that stream shot from monday is beautiful Elaine , looks so serene and green and lush! the chickens will be happy once thier run is finished! x

  11. My friends chickens got eaten by something as she forgot to put them in their pen ...the cockeral hid and he survived!!

    That memorial looks lovely lit up! Aww and poor Dinky not being able to work out how to get the watching kids try to work out things

  12. I like the river shot - not sure i'd have waded through in wellies though!!


Nice to see you stopping by. Thank you for your comment and I hope you stop by again.