
Saturday 4 April 2015

Project 365 week 14


This was going to be what I shared last for last Saturdays picture but was changed at the last minute and so is being used today instead.

This is my new camera. Toyed with a few different ones before finally setting on this. I still wanted a pocket sized camera but liked the fact I can learn on this one as I can change it to manual and play with the settings.

So far I am impressed but a lot of functions  I have not used.

my new camera


Was a beautiful morning when I went to let the chickens out, first red sky I have seen in a long time.



Poor Bob has been suffering from an abscess on and off for a while now. His teeth are not in the best condition due to the amount of medication of one sort or another that he takes. They decided after much deliberation and discussions between all the relevant qualified people that a general anaesthetic was the best way. So he had to be at hospital for half past seven, and he had three teeth out,  I volunteered to go round after tea time and help with the babies bath and bed time in case Bob was still feeling miserable. He was actually not too bad.

Love the way these two are starting to communicate, maybe not in words but in sounds and hand gestures. Dinky now says "see it" as well.  Not the clearest photo going they don't sit still very long in the same area to get pictures taken.

at their table


DH treated us to lunch today and afterwards we went for a walk along the beach, it was chilly but bright and sunny. I liked the way this ship appeared to be sitting in between the two markers at the harbour entrance in front of snow topped Arran.

Arran with snow topped peaks
snow topped Arran in the background


Took Bob for a walk down the fishery when I picked him up. Sadly it was a shortened walk as he was having fun and running about and slipped in the mud and ended up rather filthy. But before that we were looking at the birds. We just missed the peacock with his tail feathers open looking very majestic. We hung around for a while hoping he would open again but he was for none of it.
No Fifi this week as she was being picked up to spend a long weekend in Oban.

peacock strutting his stuff


Bob is not allowed to eat dry crispy food for a week. For most children this would not be a problem you could give them boiled eggs or make their cereal soggy with milk but not so easy with Bob as he hates milk on cereal ( both his mother and I eat it dry as well) so this morning I made him pancakes and a smoothie.

wheat, egg, gluten free pancakes and a fruit smoothie


Saw this when we were in the town and as we have been looking for a blue pot for a while this seemed ideal. It sits nicely with the other two blue pots on the kitchen windowsill. This has narcissus in it from the garden.

narcissus in a boot vase

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. I hope the little one feels better soon, the smoothies and pancakes look scrummy

    1. he is feeling better, and it all got eaten and drunk so I guess he enjoyed them

  2. Enjoy learning about your new camera. I've got mine out today so I can start learning more about its functions.

    1. They are a challenge but well worth trying to get our heads round

  3. Loving the boot vase! And those pancakes and smoothie look very yummy. Beautiful photo of the peacock. I hope you enjoy your new camera :)

    1. The vase is that bit different. Bob enjoys them but I am not sure most people would find his pancakes yummy.

  4. Love the daffs in the blue boot! New cameras are always fun - I've only scratched the surface with mine, need to find more time to learn!

    1. yes time is in short supply in this house as well but I will find time to learn it bit by bit

  5. Love that peacock shot Elaine! Stunning! Hope everyone is feeling better now.Happy Easter

    1. I liked the peacock picture as well, not every day he displays his feathers for me.

  6. I love the blue boot vase, and I hope Bob feels much better soon. The peacock is stunning too

    1. it is that little bit different, and yes he is feeling better thanks

  7. I hope Bob feels better soon! Love the photo of the boat, especially the mountains in the background! For a southerner like me, who has hardly seen snow all winter, it's fascinating to see it, especially at this time of year!
    Hope you enjoy your new camera.

    1. we have not had much snow here either so it was nice to see it on the hills. Not late for snow here yet, it is only the start of April after all.

  8. Lovely photos from the week, hope Bob makes a quick recovery and can eat his dry cereal again soon.

    1. dry cereal may seem odd to some of you but for the third generation it is normal to us, and he will be back to normal this week.

  9. The new camera looks a perfect balance of small and quality with some great results. Happy snapping!

    1. It is performing well so far, and fits in my pocket - just my sort of camera.

  10. I think we would struggle with no crispy food too as H doesn't usually eat cereal or drink milk. Love your camera - a nice size for carrying about.

    1. it is hard with all Bobs no go foods to find something he could eat for the week.

  11. Love the boot vase!
    Cute new camera

    1. yes the vase is a bit different isnt it. The camera is working well.

  12. Gorgeous sunrise, and the photo at the harbour is just beautiful. I am loving the boot vase, my kids would love that! #365

    1. the picture at the harbour was right place right time and nicely lined up

  13. Loving the posh new camera and that peacock is very handsome

    1. he is a handsome chap isn't he, and I have to say the camera is nice.

  14. I hope Bob is feeling better after having his teeth out. I know what you mean about getting twins to both stay still for a picture, it is hard work! I love the snow topped peaks of Arran. The hubby and I long to visit the islands off the East of Scotland. My hubby loves an Islay Malt or two :-) Happy Easter x #project365

    1. Yes thanks he is feeling better. Twins are hard work. Have to admit have never sadly visited any of the Islands despite looking at Arran for twenty years.

  15. I'd love a new camera!! Love the red sky, brilliant view. And what a unique vase, certainly makes the daffs stand out x

    1. I was determined the windfall was being spent on me, it makes a change.

  16. Happy new Camera!,
    Absolutely stunning photo at the harbour, very picturesque.
    And hope Bob makes a speedy recovery.
    Happy Easter :)

    1. This camera is insured, if I break its screen it is covered!! The harbour picture was my fav this week.

  17. I have the bigger version of your camera and adore it! .. i have no doubt yours will be fantastic

    The peacock is stunning!

    I love your boot vase! .. how cute is that!

    1. I am not a lover of big cameras, prefer it to fit in my pocket. Thank you, right place not quite right time for the peacock.

  18. What a great camera...
    I hope Bob is feeling better now...Poor thing! Looks like he's been fed well though....hehehe
    Fab photos x

    1. us grandmas do the best we can, and yes he seems fine thanks

  19. Poor Bob Elaine, that is rough for him especially after all his allergies and food intolerances :(
    still it sounds like he is coping well considering.
    those pancakes look good! what a lovely Gran you are
    and good luck with your new camera - i mean in trying out all of the functions. i know my phone has many that i have yet to try lol xx

    1. He takes it all in his stride, and he loved the pancakes as always.

  20. Like the look of that camera... I always use my phone because I want something that fits in my pocket... Will be interested in how you get on with it. Love that sky, and the shot of the boat x


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