
Saturday 15 August 2015

Project 365 week 33


We treated ourselves to a Chinese for tea, the place we use does massive portions so we just get one meal between the two of us. This is all that was left, we don't like them but they always put them in for free and the chickens eat them.

prawn crackers


Needed some potatoes so decided to dig some up. Enough here easily for two or three weeks, and that was just four of the plants dug up, another sixteen to go. They are a fab size, last year most of them were tiny.

home grown potatoes


Not had the older two over for weeks, they have both been very busy doing their own thing. But Bob decided this week he wanted to come and stay. Think I saw them long enough to feed them and that was about it. They were both out playing in the evening and Bob decided to read books in the morning, did not want to pay games or anything, but that was their choice.

Fifi and Bob on their way home


Chocolate Brownies made from a recipe I saw on instagram. They are very delicious. I made mine in a rectangular tin rather than individual biscuits and cut it into squares to serve. You can see the recipe on Lucy's blog bakeplaysmile . I used vitalite rather than butter and had a bag of mixed nuts that had almonds and hazlenuts as well as peanuts and after about ten minutes squashed the top down with a fork to break the crust and allow them to finish cooking.

chocolate brownies


This week has been about car hunting. Last time we bought a new car, over six years ago there was a lot of small independent garages locally and most of the big ones had cheaper cars as well sadly this all seems to have changed and finding a smaller cheaper to run car locally is proving a bit more difficult than we had imagined.

Any way took a run to a few localish ones but only had one half suitable but we are just going to bide our time till the right thing comes along. Any was as we were out we just decided to pick up some geocaches and take a walk along the beach.

While we were in Kilwinning just round the corner from the abbey we decided to have a look.

Kilwinning Abbey


Went to pick up a cache that had just been put out locally and took a wander through the park while I was there. Was taking pictures of  bees on flowers and managed to get this one just as it took off.

a bee in flight


We found this in the garden earlier in the week, neither of the children would touch it but were both fascinated by it. It is totally dehydrated and its head and body are flat.

flat frog



  1. Ohh we love Prawn crackers....It is the best bit! hehehe
    Well done on the potatoes...Those brownies look so good! I bet they didn't last long x

  2. I adore prawn crackers, there wouldn't be any left in our house lol. Love the look of those brownie biscuits too!

  3. Poor toad! Loving your bee shots this week and this one is fab.

  4. Nutty brownies sound delicious but no one else eats nuts in the house so I'd stuff them all to myself!! I love prawn crackers so I'd be happy sharing a Chinese meal with you :)

  5. Chinsesse is always a treat here too, ew to the dehydrated toad, a live and jumping one outside my front door tonight!

  6. I wouldn't have touched the flat frog/ toad either! Yuk! Your potatoes look fantastic.
    Good luck with the car hunt!

  7. I would not have touched that frog either bleugh. Those brownies look very tasty! I would love to grow some potatoes of my own, we seem to go through loads x

  8. I haven't had chinese for ages, my tummy is rumbling just thinking about it. My kids are fascinated by dead animals too - they found a crab at the beach and were examining it for ages

  9. that is great capture of the bee buzzing by that flower. that poor frog - not sure i could touch it ha ha
    those brownies do look yummy all soft and squidgy in the centre mmmm
    and well done on your super crop of home grown potatoes - lovely to have your own to cook with, they taste so much nicer x

  10. Lots of yummy food. Way to go with the potatoes x

  11. Lush browines! And what a great haul of potatoes! I grew them a few years ago, and my crop was very disappointing. We don't like prawn crackers either

  12. so lovely that the kids still want to visit, min event through a stage where they didn't want to go aged between 9 and 14, they go visit their grandparents more than us now

  13. Oh no! Poor frog! I wouldn't have touched it ether! Lol! The Abbey shot is great. I've not had a Chinese in a while! Yum!


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