
Monday 10 August 2015

Reading with the twins - a book review

The twins have been having books read to them since they were days old, Bob use to read them stories while mummy had a coffee or a shower, they may well have been asleep some of the time, but that did not seem to matter. They have had bedtime stories read since weeks old and both love reading books.

They will happily trot off and fetch a book at random from their bookcase in the living room and bring it across for you to read. Dinky will actually sit and "read" to herself, the book may well be upside and she may well start at the back and jump three or four pages at a time but she does not seem to care, she babbles away pointing at various parts of the book as she does so.

fetching books for Granddad 

So when I was asked to review a book I thought yes please I know at least three little people that will enjoy that, Bob and the twins.

The book we were reviewing was

The Mouse and the Crocodile”, by Lorraine Catterall

The Mouse and the crocodile 

 It’s a lovely story about a little lost crocodile, who befriends a mouse, and they go off together to find Crocs home, with help from some of the animals they meet along the way.

The illustrations, by Fanny Liem, are beautiful, very colourful and cute, as are all the best books for children.  The book is written in rhyme, which little ones love, and is one of the few where the rhymes work even in a Scottish accent!  

Dinky has ‘read’ herself the book numerous times, chuckling away at it, and it has been bedtime story for the little ones for a few nights now.  Bob has even read it, and says “it’s really good, and a bit weird, cos I thought crocodiles ate mouses.”

no encouragement required

The only think that daunted me a bit was the tarantula as I have a phobia of these eight legged creatures, but this ons is cute and you don't really see all of him so its not too bad. But it is a nice easy book to read with plenty going on on each page, but equally importantly appealing to us as adults, 

We’re looking forward to the next in the series to be published now, and it’ll definitely be on the list for Santa this year.

We were sent the book to review but the review remains honest and unbiased.



  1. Children seem to be fascinated by crocodiles in books despite the fact that they are so dangerous. This story sounds fun but I'm not sure that I would enjoy reading a book with a tarantula in it!


    1. no I did not think I would either but it is a cute wee thing you only see the front of, you dont see all of it in any picture

  2. I am so not keen on spiders lol. Love the look of this, the illustrations look more like cartoons than drawings, fun and unique, thanks for sharing with #readwithme x

    1. the illustrations are great, big, bright and colourful.

  3. Aww it does look a cute little book, think my boys would love it :) #readwithme


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