
Saturday 17 October 2015

Project 365 week 42

Sunday Nice to see some things never change!!  Daughter No2 has always been bad for allowing her skoosh bottle to run dry, and the only place she ever filled in was as the garage of mum and dad. Once again she runs out coming down the road and fills up here.

topping up her screen wash


The older two have been away since Saturday morning up in Oban with daughter and SIL No2. So while they have been away daughter No 1 has been moving Bob into the room with the gruesome twosome and moving her room to his ready to put a cot in for Spud. As I had been working all weekend I was not able to help out, luckily the other set of grandparents had been on hand, as well as a good friend,  so I went round today and took the twins out for a while to let her get on. We had actually been looking for piles of leaves to play in but could not find any in a safe place for me to watch the two of them so we went down the fishery instead. Lets just say their waterproof suits and wellies did not do a lot to keep them dry!!

Did a separate blog post on them here.

lots of fun in the puddles


Shopping day today. Morrisons still has pumpkins at fifty pence, they also had butternut squash and turnips as well. I also picked up some leeks and parsnips as well as some large srping onions that were reduced. One of our favourite meals is a pile of vegetables chopped up sprinkled with oil and seasoning and thrown in the over for approx forty five minutes then add some sliced tomatoes and chopped peppers and finish cooking for ten more minutes.  Great served with an egg, some cold meat or even with some cooked lentils stirred through before serving.

I know also have a pile of chopped veg in the freezer that will do at least two more nights.

you can never have too many veg


Trying to make the most of the nice weather we have been having and so asked Bob if he fancied a bit of fishing and Fifi a walk, Bob accepted our offer Fifi did not. So while Bob and Granddad fished I walked four miles. Bob managed nearly two hours of fishing before he started to get bored, he really does enjoy it. We then went back to the car for a snack and into the play park for about forty five minutes until it got chilly and Bob wanted to head back to the car.

I was spying on them from the middle path


Had been in Troon doing holiday cover at the complex and had a wander round the shops afterwards. We went into a small greengrocer shop for some fruit. The owner asked me did I make banana loaf, I said yes so he handed me a bag of brown bananas for free. To be honest with you very few of them even had brown bits on and everyone was usable. Lots of yummy banana treats made with some handed over for the kids as well.

lots and lots of bananas


Have noticed in a morning for a week or so now that there seem to be zillions of very fine spider webs strung across everywhere, you go out to the car and have to fight your way through them, its quite quite horrible as they cling on to you. A lot of it is not webs in the sense of the word it is just strands and strands across everywhere. What worries me is where are all the spiders??

raindrops on webs


Was beginning to think I was not going to get this and had planned on phoning yesterday, but it turned up Thursday. A line can now be drawn under the whole sorry saga of the car that is no more.

car tax refund


  1. Them jumping in puddles looks like so much fun!
    That fruit and veg looks fab! Hooray for free bananas x

    1. the jumping in puddles is a great thing to do and they loved it.

  2. Always fun trying to claim back money! Great to get some bargains and freebies on the fruit and veg front - I always feel sorry for all the pumpkins that will just get carved and not eaten!

    1. yes pumpkins are for eating not looking pretty.

  3. love Monday and Wednesday's photos, lovely moments to capture. eekk to spiders webs, I find them everywhere too x

    1. Monday and Wednesday's pictures really are what this project for me is all about.
      Never use to see webs in the way we are this year

  4. I love that fishing photo and it drives my greengrocer OH mad that people will only buy 'perfect' fruit and veg, glad you made lots of yummy treats #365

    1. Have to say brown bananas are always more usable than they appear to be. Must be annoying knowing that a small mark cuts into your profit.

  5. Love the picture of Bob and Grandad. Your veg dish sounds delicious. My eldest would have loved to eat those bananas - he will only eat them when they're spotty!

    1. Yes it was a nice capture with them being unaware I was there.

  6. Wow so many bananas. I love a bit of bab an cake! :) I'm pretty bad for making sure my screen wash is topped up. My husband always has to remind me!

    1. Have to say I am paranoid about topping up all my levels in thew car and doing tyre pressure regularly as well.

  7. There's a crazy amount of spiders this year! Hate them

    Lovely pic of them jumping in the puddles and glad you got your refund!

    1. I am with you they totally freak me out. Yes was beginning to think my refund was never coming

  8. Great banana haul. Nice that he gave them to you rather than waste them. Glad you got your money back - it's good to be able to move on from that.

    1. try not to waste food even though it was free.
      Yes nice to move on from the horror that was the car for 24 hrs.

  9. Glad to hear that the car fiasco has finally been sorted. I agree - the amount of spiders around this year is astronomical

    1. Its not the spiders I am seeing thankfully but plenty of evidence they are around.

  10. I have been for a look and left you a comment.
    Still annoyed about the loss of money but have moved on

  11. Love the puddle jumping picture, and well done on getting your car tax refund!

    1. The refund will come in handy for something.

  12. well done on the little one managing 2 hours of fishing. good to hear the car saga is finally over, it must be such a relief. I often wonder where all the spiders are and what the point it with spinning these webs if they go and live somewhere else

    1. yes webs are designed to catch food, half the webs were just straight strands so not sure what purpose they serve

  13. how lovely of the greengrocer to give you summary bananas - I would have been happy with them too, as I am always using up bananas in cakes and bakes. Lovely photo of the twins enjoying some puddle fun and it is lovely that Bob and Grandad get to enjoy some fishing time. You did well going on a 4 mile hike too xx

    1. it was nice to get to hike somewhere different, my doorstep gets boring. Bob loves one on one time with granddad


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