
Saturday 9 July 2016

Project 366 week 27


Rather chilly these last few mornings, and so I stuck the fire on for fifteen minutes this morning, 


A nice sunset from the bedroom window. 


The tomatoes seem to have taken a huge stretch in the green house in the last week, probably doubled in height and now have lots of flowers.


Well my prize turned up on Sunday. But when we went to assemble it instead of having a plinth type stand in the middle it had two feet, one near each end and thirty seven inches apart. But our tv table was only thirty four inches wide, so we ordered a new stand for it. Have to say it looks good and makes the room look much bigger, and there is still room for the Andrex puppies who have lived there for many a year. 


Had the twins and Bob round for a picnic in the garden today. The twins had their bikes with them and Minky was riding his down the path and bumping down the step at the end, and laughing as he did it, no wonder he gets a split head.  Then he decided he would ride Bob's scooter instead. He actually managed to grasp the idea of one foot on and one foot pushing, was not much good at it right enough, but he is only two. Dinky just stood on it with both feet. 


Did some baking. Dairy free chocolate cakes with coconut oil butter icing, Recipe to follow.


Have really enjoyed making Ziggy's blanket, nearly got as much done as I can until he/she is born
. So as I never made the twins or Evie a blanket I have decided maybe I should do. The twins will get something suitable for their cot beds when their mum finally makes them into beds, think she said maybe time they start Minky is seriously into Toy Story so the theme for his is easy. As Minky would say "to finity and yond" as he leaps off the couch/table/freezer etc.


  1. Lovely embroidery! The cupcakes sound good, so does a picnic in the garden. The tomatoes are doing well.

  2. The tomatoes are doing really well, and I like the look of those cupcakes! Gorgeous sky, such pretty pinks. Your new TV looks fab :)

  3. Ooooh the tv looks great! The mornings have been a bit nippy here too. Hope you have a good week x

  4. Oh nice prize! I can't believe our so called Summer so far - we need some natural heat. Love the sound of the Toy Story blanket x

  5. Wow your tomatoes look amazing! Mine are struggling and look very sad -- what's your secret!?

  6. Your tomatoes are doing really well - I will have to give mine a bit of a talking to.

  7. what a fantastic prize Elaine - well done you! You do seem to win a few things, i guess you enter a lot of comps. your blanket is coming along nicely and I love the theme of Toy Story. I remember Burton being really into those films when he was 2/1 2 ish xx


Nice to see you stopping by. Thank you for your comment and I hope you stop by again.