
Saturday 11 February 2017

Project 365 week 6

Fitted in my workouts again this week. Some nights I do not feel like it but once I motivate myself and get started I enjoy it. I am now doing 40-45 minutes a time, this is up from the 20-25 minutes I started off doing. Not bad in 6 weeks.


Off work on holiday this weekend. So I spent some of the time quilting. Started off by making a hundred what they call half square triangles. Took me longer that it should of done as I made a few wrong ones.


A walk round the fishery.Lilly really likes it here. Gymnastics run with Bob and then home and did a workout.


Did some baking. Had been sent a few bits and pieces form Cake Angels to use with a Valentine theme, so here are my offerings. #sp


Been busy working on my first full size quilt. It still needs an edge and at this stage not sure what I am doing. I have been a lot fussier with this one, More accurately pinning the pieces together and if the squares did not match up then I have been unpicking the stitching and resewing them.


A cold but sunny day, took Lily a walk round the woods. The snowdrops are all beginning to come out. Have to say we all came back filthy, it has rained here for days and the fields are totally waterlogged. Poor Lily had to have a change of water in the sink to rinse all the mud off she was that filthy underneath. Hazards of a dog so low to the ground I suppose.


I went round to watch the twins while DD1 took Bob to Centrestage. SIL3 had volunteered to pick Bob up and bring him back to save daughter hanging around. So as she was going to be  away for less than an hour I kept Spud as well as the twins. She is a happy wee soul and quite good at amusing herself. Think this is the first picture I have of the three of them together that I have taken in a long time.


I spent two hours the other day sorting out my material cupboard. Have cut the pieces into smaller sizes to make them more use able and easier to cut up on the cutting board. Also sorted them into colours so they are easier to match up when making an item.


  1. What a gorgeous view at the fishery! Love your cakes and the quilt is looking great. Gorgeous photo of the three, lovely to get them together like that :)

    1. it is nice to capture the three of them together, they are growing so quick.

  2. Wow, so much material! The quilt looks really good. Love the photo of Spud with the twins.

    1. yes it is rather a lot of material, most of it bought as curtains and quilt covers from charity shops for peanuts.

  3. Lovely picture of the three little ones! Your doing fab with all the workouts - your fitness levels must be zooming :)

    1. work outs have come to a halt this week as my foot is so sore.

  4. Your quilting looks fab as does the cakes....Yummy!
    Your grandkids are growing up so quickly! Adorable x

  5. the quilt looks beautiful, where will it go when you've finished it? I live the photo at the fishery and poor Lilly will have to go on a diet to keep her belly out the

  6. The quilt is looking great - I'm not sure I'd have enough patience to do something like that! The cakes look good too!

    1. I hate sitting doing nothing so the quilting is my therapy.

  7. You are making a lot of progress on the quilting and your stash cupboard looks very neat.

    1. I doubt it will stay tidy when start my next project.

  8. Well done on the workouts! Need to motivate myself now and get back into my workouts! Lovely pic of the kids and the quilt is looking good

  9. Spud is so big now Elaine! They grow so fast don't they?
    Your Valentines baking looks pretty and you have so much material out away for your quilting. and very well done on the fitness - excellent work x

  10. I'm so impressed with your workouts. It's great once you get motivated. I've struggled to get going since the start on the year. I was doing so well then Christmas hit and I've been off it since. So really well done you!!
    Love the photo of all the children together, it's so lovely that they're close in age and live near by. They'll grow up best of friends!!

  11. I'm so impressed with your workouts. It's great once you get motivated. I've struggled to get going since the start on the year. I was doing so well then Christmas hit and I've been off it since. So really well done you!!
    Love the photo of all the children together, it's so lovely that they're close in age and live near by. They'll grow up best of friends!!


Nice to see you stopping by. Thank you for your comment and I hope you stop by again.