
Saturday 25 February 2017

Project 365 week 8


Lilly is a strange little dog. Only ever eats when I come in, will not eat otherwise. Does not matter whether I go out for an hour or twelve, eats her food when I come back in and not before. Here she is eating the breakfast I put out twelve hours ago.

Silly Lilly eats her munch


My camera has been playing up lately and as I took a 3 year no quibble swap out policy when I bought it I took it back and changed it. Sadly two years later  they did not have the same camera. So as I had little choice in the same price range then I took this one, the best of a bad bunch. Not as high a spec as the last one but hoping to get some good pictures from it.

my new camera


Been working on my quilt this week, pinned it out ready for the quilting part of the project. Had to use the bed as without moving furniture I do not have a floor space big enough.  Since then I have sewn seams and unpicked seams, this morning  Saturday)  despite the time I have put in it is no further forward

one completed quilt top pinned out

Watched the kids for an hour as I popped in to see DD1 on my way home and she did not look to good. So sent her to bed for some peace and quiet. What a nice mummy I


Went and sat with the kids while DD1 went and registered the gruesome twosome for nursery in August. Was suppose to be watching the other two later on while daughter did a parents session in the nursery with the twins but Dinky was being sick and they both have diarrhoea so they cannot go. They were very quiet and did not move much.

two quiet toddlers


Watched the kids while DD1 went shopping. The twins still not feeling good so I gave them half an hour of tv while they sat on the couch, I never give them tv time but even I could appreciate they were not well.

Spud was asleep but did not seem to bothered that mum was not there when she woke up. I got plenty of smiles. She sat on Bob's knee and he played peek a boo with her which she loved.

We had originally been going to Stirling today but this got cancelled last minute. Thankfully as we would never have made it anyway. The snow brought devastation to the area with the M8 and the M80 at a standstill for over 5 hrs. We do go prepared for such probabilities with food and snacks in the car as well as hats gloves and spare jackets but even so 5 hrs is way to long to be stuck. We never saw any more than a fluttering here.

one sleeping Spud


Normally on a Friday afternoon I watch the wee ones while DD1 runs Bob to Centrestage for his drama, but she was still feeling crappy so I dropped him off instead.

Had a notion for a chicken and leek pie since I had some chicken left from the other night. So here is tonight's tea, was served with some carrots. Not the prettiest picture but tasted very nice.

chicken and leek pie


There has been no keep fit this week. My foot is killing me and I am struggling to walk. The last few days I have been putting my shoes on the minute I get up hoping the support from the insoles will help rather than walking round with bare feet until it settles. Yesterday I treated myself to a new pair of boots rather than trainers, these will also offer ankle support as well as my feet in general. Need them to be hard wearing as I am heavy on my feet. Wanted them to be fully breathable as they are often on for twelve hours at a time and for the next few weeks even longer than that. These are advertised as isogrip ( guaranteed 500 miles in the sole) and isodry. A bit more expensive than I would normally buy but I need to get this pain under control or I can't work. To put the cost into perspective I will earn the cost back in my overtime shift tomorrow, so cannot really complain.

Mountain Warehouse Hurricane boot. 


  1. Sounds like a week with a bit of illness. Hope everyone's better now.

    1. Yes too much illness but the draw back of children that share toys and cups and food.

  2. Hope the boots work for you and the camera does the job. Lilly clearly likes to eat in company! #365

    1. My foot is much better this weekend that it has been in a long while

  3. I really hope the boots work for you! Your quilt looks amazing! I hope the twins and your daughter are all feeling better now.

    1. the quilt top is great even if I do say so myself, hoping I can manage to finish it.

  4. Hope your foot feels better soon. What an adorable photo of Spud. So teen tiny! #36

    1. Nice to get a photo of Spud that is not her walking into the camera.

  5. I've been watching your quilt grow and grow (literally) over on your facebook page. You're doing a great job with it.
    Hope all the little ones are feeling a bit better now, there has been a lot going around lately. Hopefully with spring not far away everyone will start feeling much better!

    1. One of the problems of my daughter having so many children is they catch every thing from each other and spread it round.

  6. A shame about the camera - hopefully a newer model will make up for the lack of spec. Hope your feet are better soon and the children too.

    1. So far the poor zoom is not good but the higher pixels take better pictures.

  7. blimey Copper does not leave his food - he gobbles it down at the speed of sound as soon as it is in his bowl! I am surprised he has not choked on it, the speed at which he exhales it! your quilt is looking great Elaine and I love the sound of your pie, yummy. I hope the twins are feeling better now - shame when they are poorly. xx

    1. yes most normal dogs do. Lilly did in the first month we had her but not since then.

  8. Bob used to do this with his food, wait till i got home, but it stopped after we moved to dubai, never did find out why, vet friend suggested as he's been neglected he needed me to protect him while he ate

    1. well maybe this is Lilly's issue as she is a rescue dog.

    2. it sounds likely, we have Rory the foster dog back for the weekend and she chews her biscuits one by one by one

    3. our last rescue dog use to do that. Pick up one biscuit, walk away and eat it, go back for another etc. I am sure she expended more energy it doing this than she got from them.

  9. Like the sound of a 500 mile guarantee on a boot - they look sturdy too. Love the sleepy Spud - too cute. Hope the camera serves you well.

    1. they are very comfortable. Last pair I had with a 5000 mile guarantee on the soles wore out on the top instead.

  10. very interesting! keep writing
    I am so glad I found your blog.


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