
Saturday 10 June 2017

Project 365 week 23

Not been a good week at all. Poor little Lilly has had a really really rough deal.


Still on holiday from work, so had a long lie, a lazy day, and took Lilly for a walk, She did seem to enjoy her walk and spent ages digging at the rocks which hubby kept moving for her. But had to end up carrying her part of the way home as she was struggling at the end of the street.

there is something under here and I want at it.


Took Bob to gymnastics, sat in the library and did some sewing, had no notion to go for a walk despite the fact it was dry.
Lilly has always been a bad eater, picking at small portions, and we throw away more food that she eats. but for this last week there is no filling her. She would eat ten meals a day at the moment if I put them down to her, I'm not she is getting three but it worries me as to why all of a sudden she is a little grubber that will eat anything and everything.
A strange rainbow tonight along with a red sky at sunset. Quite a grainy picture but was taken at dusk with a cheap point and shoot.

rainbow and red sky


Took Lilly to the Glasgow vet school to see what they could offer us to do for her. The agreed to do a swallow test as she had never been a good eater and struggles to swallow, they took some blood teats and we decided to leave her with them overnight ready for a CT scan on Wednesday morning. We would have had to hang around for four or five hours and  she would have had less than twelve hours at home before we had to take her back so one abandonment seemed better that two.

the consultation room


Lilly had her CT scan, they took five needle samples from the mass in her left lungs to see if they could identify it. They also took a fluid test to look for infection as well. The mass fills her whole left lung and there is no oxygen getting in there at all. She also has some small nodules growing in her right lung. The vet showed us a video she has taken of the mass, looks like a cream coloured round shiny marble. She admits she has never seen anything like it before.
Poor Lilly  has a bald patch on her side, a shaved patch on each side of her neck and baldy bits on three of her legs. Was nearly 9pm time we got home.

I sat and did some sewing. during the day to take my mind off of things.

a baldy patch and a green bandage on her back leg


Hubby and I went and did our bit and voted and then went and sat with the three youngest so that DD1 could go and place her cross. Not that it did much good. Sadly the samples they took from Lillys lung were inconclusive and so we are no further forward into knowing what the mass is. though the vet is convinced it is cancerous. We have pet insurance but this whole carry on is SO expensive, we have used nearly 1/3 of are annual payout to so far find out nothing constructive. Worried we will use the whole amount just finding out what it is and then have none left to treat it with. Need to wait on the results of the infection test before we can do anything else now.
Lilly has been shaking her head for a while but the vet school would not look at them while she was there so I took her to our own vet tonight. She has an ear infection so she now has drops to get in them both for five days.

ear drops


Took Lilly for a short walk round the pond at the fishery tonight. She does not do much running around but still enjoys a slow stroll. This was the sewing I did yesterday.

turned out good.


Hubby spotted this while we were on holiday, so we just had to buy it.

how very true. 


  1. Poor Lily! What a tough week for her and you. It's great that the vet is looking into it so closely, but it must be really stressful waiting. The James Bond cushion is amazing :)

    1. The James Bond cushion went down well I have to say.

  2. I like that last quote. It would work very well in our house too! Hope you get some answers for Lily

    1. refreshing to know I am not the only one with a grumpy husband.

  3. so sorry to hear about Lilly. i love the point and shoot photo of the rainbow, it's stunning. I bought that same phrase for my parents

    1. I think a lot of men fit in that category.

  4. Poor Lily - it must be difficult not to know for sure what is wrong, but there is no wonder she's been struggling. I do like the James Bond cushion.

    1. It is horrible not knowing, and when VERY expensive tests tell you nothing it is disappointing.

  5. Aww! Poor Lily. What a rubbish week for her. It must be so worrying for you. Sending love and hugs x

    1. It is a huge worry but fingers are still crossed.

  6. Oh Lilly, I haven't dared asked you how she was doing. What a worry for you. I know exactly how expensive the bills can be, one of my cats had renal problems and the insurance classed it as pre-existing as he'd had mild issue for a long time. It wiped out my savings.

    The cushion is fab btw #365

    1. luckily for us Lillys condition did not come about until well into our insurance period so they have paid out so far, have to admit had we not had insurance then there would have been no further tests.

  7. Poor wee Lily, what a difficult week. What a worry. I love the rainbow, so pretty. Sending lots of love xx

  8. awwwww Elaine I am so sorry to read about poor Lily. I really hope they can get to the bottom of it and before all of your payout is used up. Bless her - she is such. sweet little dog and must be such good company for your and hubby.
    Your latest sewing creation is fab! x

    1. she is a very sweet little dog I have to agree.

  9. Oh no poor Lilly, and poor you. I hope you get some good answers and treatment soon. It sounds like it's been going on for so long. That James Bond cushion is awesome by the way :)

    1. I was very pleased with the cushion I have to say.

  10. Oh dear, poor old Lily. Hope you find some answers soon. I could do with that sign here too!

    1. think the sign fits most men at some point.

  11. Oh, poor Lilly. Off to read this week's post, hope she's doing better x
    Love the cushion!


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