
Saturday 3 March 2018

Project 365 week 9

Wow what a week this has been weather wise. Lots of snow all round us but we got a few light showers but less than an inch in total. But it has been very very cold and the wind would cut you in half. Had the dog out most days with plenty of layers of clothing on.

Been doing more cross stitching and started on my next picture.


While I was at work hubby finished doing the drain and used the rest of the cement to straighten the washing pole.


Dropped Bob at gymnastics and went for a walk along the river at Auchincruive with the dog and hubby.


A walk round the fishery, not that there was any fishing going on the ponds were mostly frozen with a few small gaps that the swans and geese were making the most of. Loved the reflection on the ice.

 Later on in the week the swans and geese had moved to some of the local fields obviously looking for stuff to eat,


We had a little snow in the morning and a few heavy showers through out the day but we got off lightly in comparison to other places. We were on the edge of the amber warning. Roads were clear so we went to the poultry shop to buy more chicken pieces and walked the dog at the same time. Then got caught in a heavy snow shower on our afternoon walk down to DD1 and the grandkids.


We had just gone to bed when hubby was gripped by an excruciating pain, so he went and got a drink of milk hoping it was indigestion but really not thinking it was.  After half an hour it was not getting any better so he agreed to me phoning 111, that is when I knew he was in massive pain as he hates hospitals, But just got a message saying we were in a queue  and our call would be answered as soon as possible. But twenty minutes later we were still on hold and I hung up. My thinking being if they were that busy it would probably take three hours or more for a doctor to phone me back, so as his pain was subsiding slightly we decided to wait on the GP opening in the morning and get an appointment. By the morning his pain felt more like bruising internally. GP thinks it may have been a gall stone moving so he has to go for an ultra sound to see if there are any more.

We then went for a cold walk round a local park, thought it would be a bit warmer in the wind surrounded by trees than the beach would have been. Started snowing lightly when we were walking.

A spot of babysitting in the afternoon as Bob had an ophthalmology appointment. He is just to carry on with the drops he is on. Was far far to cold to take them out, the wind was bitter so we stayed in and played games. Hubby walked down with Dixie dog and the wee ones were all happy to feed and stroke her.


Spud turns two today. Normally I would go round and take a cake etc but all the kids and daughter have a stinking cold, sore throat, aching joints etc, and none of them are in the mood for being civilised and they are not eating so seemed such a waste. They were suppose to be meeting up with the other grandparents for a visit to a local soft play but that did not happen either. She is too young to know it is her birthday. Have to say my throat is quite sore and I don't feel great either.

I got back with some shopping and popped the shopping bags on the floor and forgot there were some mini pork pies in there, so little miss helped herself to one. Wont eat good quality dog food but will eat human food.


I was suppose to be going to The Free From Show in Glasgow with DD3 today but it was cancelled due to the weather, disappointed not to be going but can understand why they cancelled it.

Got four bars threw from Muscle Foods by way of an apology. Certainly makes me feel better about their customer service. Yes I tried the dark chocolate mint one as I have a soft spot for those two together.

Throat feeling a bit better but rather hoarse with laryngitis and a bit of discomfort in my glands.


  1. Wow, Spud is two already! Hope everyone is feeling a bit better now. That must have been scary when your husband was in so much pain.
    Lovely photo of the reflection in the ice.

    1. getting there slowly, Fifi went back to school on Monday but nobody else been out the door

  2. The wind has been vicious hasn't it, I don't think I've ever felt so cold. You've got some beautiful places to walk Dixie up there. Hope the scan will answer the pain question for your husband, sounds painfull #365

    1. we have a lot of parks, ponds and beaches within easy reach, we are very lucky

  3. Oh gosh getting the pain like that must have been a bit scary! Glad the pain subsided though and hopefully he doesn't have any more gall stones of that's what it was.

    Happy birthday to Spud! Such a shame everyone was ill.

    1. I think her birthday was a total none event to be honest

  4. Happy birthday to Spud! Two years already, I remember you posting photos of the ultrasound. Hope she and you are feeling better now, and ouch re moving gall stone. My Mum had them, and it could be extremely painful. The swans on the river photo is very beautiful.

    1. I know seems no time since we shared the scans.

  5. Some lovely photos. Hope you feel better soon! #365

  6. I don't know why but I imagined you having a lot of snow being up in Scotland.
    Happy birthday to Spud. I hope you feel better soon x

    1. a lot of Scotland got snow and a lot of localish areas hit by the beast with roads closed and no public transport running to and from Glasgow.

  7. The gall stones sound so painful. I hope they manage to zap them all for him. Happy Birthday Spud!! And I hope the snow isn’t too bad for you all x

    1. His pain has subsided now but hopefully not wait to long for a scan

  8. We have been the same here, freezing cold but hardly and snow to speak of. I hope all is ok with your husband and the scan. #365

    1. I think the west coast got off very lightly for a change

  9. Was surprised to hear you'd had virtually no snow. Hope everyone feels better soon. I'm glad muscle foods made some effort to compensate you.

  10. Happy birthday Spud, hope everyone is feeling better soon and hubby gets to the root of his pain. I’ve been surprised at where the snow did and didn’t hit the UK, I’m still snowed in but only due to a drift in front of my car, but the sun is out today and temps have risen above freezing for now

    1. yes the snow did hit in parts that never usually get any

  11. Hope the laryngitis doesn't hang on too long. I had it in January for 2 weeks - so painful.

    1. it is very painful especially when I cough

  12. The wind has been one of the worst things about the cold weather! Hope you are feeling better soon! X #project365

    1. the wind was cruel and probably did not help the throat

  13. It certainly has been freezing hasn't it? I hope your husband feels better that must have been a worry and I hope the rest of the family have recovered now.

  14. Happy birthday Spud and I hope everyone is feeling better soon. I hope hubby gets to the root of his pain. The weather has been crazy x

  15. Hope everyone is healthy and happy again now. More fun weather due this weekend... #project365


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