
Sunday 22 April 2018

My Blog's 7th anniversary giveaway No 7

On April fifth my humble little blog was seven years old. Seven years of sharing the ups and downs of life, the growth of my family from two grandchildren to seven not to mention a house move and the demise of two pets.

So by way of celebration I am planning on running a series of giveaways. Some of the prizes I am providing myself and some have generously been donated by various companies. So I have ten prizes so will run one every three days to spread them out over the month.

Today's prize is another box of Thorntons chocolates again provided by myself. These are proving very popular so seems sensible to run with another box.

Giveaway No 7 - Box of Thorntons chocolates I list my free-to-enter competitions on Competition Database! - Find more competitions at


  1. as long as its not too hot, the sun is good in moderation

  2. I prefer the weather warm but not too hot.

  3. just warm, i hate being too hot but i also hate being cold too lol x

  4. I like the temperature to be between around 15 to 30 Celsius.

  5. Margaret Clarkson
    I like it warm and sunny but not too blazing hot

  6. I prefer it to be just warm because if it gets too hot I don't feel like doing anything!

  7. I freeze in the sun and sweat when its cold. I'm a menopausal woman, it sucks to get old

  8. I like the weather just as it has been over the last 2 weeks .Very warm , but fresh .

  9. I much prefer the snow. Apart from the fact that it seems almost magical I really hate being hot. Having said that abroad is a dry heat that I find much easer to handle than the sultry humid head we get in the UK

  10. I do like the hot weather, I find everyone seems to be in a good mood in the heat LOL!!! But my favourite season is Winter! :) being inside with my family all cosy, candles on watching a good film brilliant!

  11. I do love the snow but it can be very cold, unfortunately the sun and I are not friends as I have vitiligo, and I HATE the rain!

  12. I love the warm weather - the warmer the better x

  13. I like it to be in the late teens/early 20s - warm but not too warm!

  14. I really hate the hot weather - I was on holiday in Philadelphia once when it was very hot. I overheated and couldn't cool down! Ended up going back to the hotel and sitting in a cold bath for an hour with my wife topping it up with ice! Frightened me to death...

  15. I like it to be around 75-77 (in old money!) don't like it too hot or too cold.

  16. I’d say hot. About 25 degrees is probably my ideal.

  17. I like it warm, 20 is just about right, if warmer I hope for a little breeze :)

  18. I love the sun, the warmer the better. I loathe rain & feeling cold!

  19. I love the warm weather as long as its not that awful stick heat we tend to get a lot of these days!

  20. I like it when it's warm and not too hot

  21. You can buy Gold , Playing cards , and Chests with Gems.

  22. preferably hot with a nice cool breeze to make it a little more comfortable

  23. My ideal is a warm sunny day with no rain between 20-25 if I need to be doing things, if I have time to sit in the garden and read 25+ to get my legs tanned is lovely!

  24. I am ok if it is not too hot don't like cold weather as it makes my illness worse

  25. I'm not a Sun lover either it doesn't do for me but I have natural red hair and sensitive skin. Like you around 18 is enough otherwise I'm overheated and irritable . I love to see Summer just wish I could enjoy it a bit more. Blah whinge haha

  26. So to enter this giveaway tell me in eight words or more how you prefer the weather warm, hot, cold, snow, baking sun?
    l love easy questions!!!! . . . hot, the hotter the better, l don't like the cold

  27. If I have the day off work I like the weather as hot as it gets! Scorching.

  28. Love the sunny weather if it's not too hot really cheers me up and love watching snow falling x

  29. Love the warm weather - so much easier than struggling with hats and scarfs etc in the winter

  30. I like it to be warm - not so hot it's uncomfortable, but hot enough to not need a coat when you go out!

  31. I like it when it's sunny but not too hot.

  32. I love the hot weather i went to Australia in November not even there summer and highest was 38 whist we was there that was to hot for me then

  33. i love very hot weather teh tyoe you get in egypt i hate the cold dull damp weather we have in the uk wish i was in the caribbean

  34. Sunny hot weather is my favourite. Fed up with all this rain we are having now

  35. the sun nice and hot

  36. Just warm for me please, if you could arrange that!

  37. Not to hot or cold somewhere in between is nice

  38. I love it when the weather is warm, not hot. I really feel about this time of year is nice xx

  39. See I love that we have different seasons and weather's. It sets the mood throughout the year. I do love it nice and warm if I had to choose though.

  40. Love heat as long as I can cool myself like a pool of sea. But working in heat is awful. I hate snow and rain so I guess I'm a warm person.😁

  41. I like Spring when it is bright, warm is nice. As it is nice and enviting for getting outdoors. I don't focus ( or concentrate) / worry too much about the weather. As weather happens. We need rain, for water for ourselves, animals, plants, etc. So I can appreciate we have a variety of weather for various reasons.

    Springtime can be lovely, as flowers come into bloom. Leaves are growing on trees, the birds are chirping. We see new lambs in the fields, etc. Nice to appreciate Nature.

    Rachel Craig

  42. i like it warm, t-shirt weather

  43. I like the weather to be warm but not scorching hot because as I have got older I don’t cope as well with the heat.

  44. I like it hot but not scorching, hot with a nice gentle breeze is perfect for me

  45. I don’t think I’m ever happy! I like it warm, but only comfortable warm not hot

  46. I prefer cold and dry, then I enjoy egtting back indoors

  47. Ooh same here. I'm definitely a warm, with some sun, but not scorching type. I can't bear being too hot. Holidays are great, but when the holiday sun is the normal day to day, its a bit much for me :-)

  48. warm and sunny for me but not too hot

  49. I like it warm but not too hot (I'm too Scottish for hot)

  50. for me the hotter the better when i can relax and do nothing! but when im stuck in the office theres nothing worse than it been boiling outside!!!

  51. I like it to be hot and sunny most :) But if I'm on holiday I want it to be wet back in England!

  52. I love the sun, it just makes you feel more happier and energetic and vitamin D is so important for us 💜

  53. A nice sunny day would be good

  54. I like it warm enough to eat outside but not hot enough to burn your skin.

  55. Around 22, is just right for me, with preferably clear blue skies.

  56. Caroline stokes1 May 2018 at 16:08

    I love the sun, but don't like to be too hot, about 20 is fine. Dappled sunlight filtering through forest leaves is my favourite.

  57. I like either a crisp but sunny day in Autumn or Winter or a warm day in Spring but don't like it too hot or humid

  58. ooh i love the sun as we dont get it very often the minute its out im inthe garden

  59. As long as I'm not working I love the weather to be around 20 degrees. It means trips to the beach, picnics and ice cream.

  60. I like a warm day with a gentle breeze

  61. Charmaine Dance1 May 2018 at 21:18

    I like it warm and sunny but not super hot

  62. I like it very warm, but not too humid

  63. Michelle Ferguson2 May 2018 at 08:23

    I love the sun, anything up to about 30, above that is too hot for me

  64. Nice and warm, but not too hot. About 27/28 degrees is perfect

  65. I hate it when it's baking hot! I like a warm but on the cooler side of warm day, and I'd choose cold over hot. I do actually really love snow, but only if it's "proper" snow as opposed to the snow we usually get here

  66. Hot sunny & clear blue skies

  67. Im definitely a tropical gal. I feel so miserable when the whether is grey. My mum grew up in Australia on the gold coast so i think i must take after her :)

  68. I like it warm and sunny with blue skies

  69. give me a good frost any day :-) breathing in the fresh cold air makes me feel really energetic and alive.

  70. I like it warm, not hot. I like to sunbathe but 20 degrees would be my ideal temperature

  71. If I'm working warm, if I'm on holiday hot

  72. Love the baking sun, i suffer with raynards which affects me badly in cold weather, so the hotter the better for me lol

  73. I like sunny days with blue skies but not when it gets too hot.

  74. I love hot weather - it can never be too hot for me

  75. I prefer it warm so you can leave the house without a jacket

  76. i like it to be warm enough to wear a dress without layers and not feeling cold. Not so hot though that i'm sweating

  77. Hot but not too warm. I lived in the Caribbean for several years and was a prisoner in te house as I could not stand the heat.

  78. I like it a little warmer than you. Somewhere in the lower 20s is perfect.

  79. I enjoy a warm day but really can't take the heat as i burn easily.

  80. I like warm, but not roasting weather but more than anything a blue sky!

  81. I definitely prefer it warm/fairly hot, I am a summer baby hate being cold haha

  82. It really can't ever be too hot for me. I just adore boiling hot weather.

  83. Warm - but not so hot that I feel like I'm melting

  84. I don't really like being too hot or too cold, so I'll settle for warm. Happily walking about in a tshirt today.

  85. Sunny, 22 degrees, light breeze, few whispy clouds, rain overnight!

  86. I love hot weather, it can never be too hot!

  87. nice scenic summer soaked peceful walks

  88. I love the summer when I can get out into the garden and grow flowers and vegetables while I hear the birds singing.

  89. I prefer the weather to be warm but not too hot that it's uncomfortable!

  90. i grew up in switzerland and love the snow

  91. At the age of 30 I still don't know...I moan in the summer that I want it to be winter because at least in winter I can warm up....then winter comes and I am crying for summer 😂

  92. Same as you, about 18 to 20 but with sunshine!

  93. Warm, warm enough to enjoy the outdoors, not so hot that it gets uncomfortable.

  94. T shirt weather not sweaty weather :)

  95. Christine Hobbs4 May 2018 at 08:45

    about 22 degrees is nice, too hot and I don't want to move and do anything. Hate the cold and rain because I cycle a lot and hate getting cold fingers and wet knickers xx

  96. I don't have a preference as I like a really cold, snowy winter and a really warm summer. As long as it isn't too rainy or windy, I'm happy!

  97. For me comfortable, no sweating, or shivering, so you can sit any enjoy it

  98. Lots of snow as we go to Iceland on holiday as often as we can.

  99. I love mid 70s - a nice warm day without any wind. Higher temperatures I can tolerate on holiday if there is air-con in accommodation and other places, otherwise I can never cool off, and certainly can't sleep.

  100. I would much rather be too cold than too hot, i think 18c is about enough for me too

  101. Sunny,hot weather.Love summer.

  102. I love it when it’s just nice so not to hot, not to cold. I do prefer the darker nights though and when it rains

  103. I'm not a massive sun fan, but I do like it when the weather is warm and not too hot.

  104. Warm to hot, love to be outside in shorts and a skimpy t-shirt

  105. I prefer it to be cold: You can always put on more layers, but there is a limit to how many clothes you can take off before you are arrested!

  106. We love hot summer days spent in the garden with the family

  107. I prefer it cold, it's easier to warm up than cooldown

  108. I prefer the cold, can't function in the sun.

  109. I prefer autumn when it's not hot but not yet getting too cold

  110. Judy Beba-Brown4 May 2018 at 21:53

    Warm and sunny suits me fine, not too hot, so I can complete all my tasks with the sun pouring in, and sit in the garden for my coffee.

  111. I prefer it neutral, so a nice day with no wind, not too hot

  112. I like it to be warm and sunny but not too hot and sticky - there's nothing worse than that!

  113. Definitely prefer it when the weather is warm.

  114. I love it when the weather is nice and hot, but not to humid

  115. I love warm summer days but not so hot that you feel the need to strip off and are sweating profusely!

  116. I’d definitely prefer the hotter sunnier days, mid 20s is enough for me

  117. I prefer the weather warm but not too hot.

  118. debbie patching5 May 2018 at 09:08

    The sun as it seems to make everyone much happier

  119. like you --anything over 18 degrees is too hot--i love a pleasntly warm spring day

  120. The colder the better, get too warm when it's above 10c.

  121. I love to see a clear blue sky.

  122. I tend to like lower temperatures with a cool breeze in the garden.

  123. i prefer the weather to just be warm, too hot or cold and i struggle with my body temperature

  124. I like autumn weather when its crisp and fresh , but not too cold! I get fed up in Summer if its too hot!

  125. I love the sunshine and playing outside in the park or going to a nice cafe

  126. I prefer it warm and sunny but not too hot.

  127. Sunny and warm but not burning hot as I do tend to burn!

  128. i love the weather scorching hot lots of sunshine

  129. just warm, not hot where you cant do anything

  130. I love all the seasons but you can’t beat a long walk on a warm sunny day!

  131. i,m a traditionalist love summer to be hot makes everyone happy events and holidays ,love winter to be 10 foot snow frosts and dark cold nights how its meant to be not that we ever hardly see a snowflake. and everything else in between

  132. I like warm, sunny days with blue skies and little breeze. Not too hot and not too cold, although I do love freshly laid snow, that hasn't been touched and to snuggle up indoors with a candle, blanket and hot chocolate on those cold days. So I like a bit of both, just not too hot for me.

  133. Baking sun for me I like my bones scorched. - Michelle Wild.

  134. Don't mind it being warm or hot as long as the sun is shining

  135. I love the heat it makes me happy and want to go out and enjoy it

  136. Love the hot weather, preferably whilst lying on a foreign beach, where if I get too hot I can go for a dip to cool down.

  137. I'm awkward. I love the sunshine - the brightness really helps with my moods and outlook for the day. BUT. I don't like to be too warm and if I'm too hot I get majorly grumpy


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