
Friday 26 October 2018

Helping Other Mums – 5 Things You Can Do

People, Women, Friends, Family, Walking, Road, Green

Pixabay You’re stronger together.

Mums should stick together. Always. If you’re going to embrace the help that’s on offer to you, however, it’s vital that you return the favour. Thankfully, helping other mums is a far easier task than you imagine.
There are several instances in which your support, knowledge, and mere presence can have a telling impact on another mums life. Consequently, here are five of the most effective way to do your bit for the collection of mothers.
Take Care Of Their Kid
  We all need an opportunity to handle other life commitments away from the children. You can help a fellow mum by babysitting their child after school or organising a carpool to free up some valuable time in the mornings. Many of these efforts will be repaid. So, when you have a big group of mothers rather than a one-on-one friendship, you should find that it works very well for everyone involved. This is the perfect microcosm of the give and take philosophy.   
Support Them Through Illness
  Suffering from an injury or illness is never easy. However, it can seem infinitely tougher when you have children to consider too. Helping a friend through these situations with love and care can be hugely beneficial. In many cases, it can help speed up the road to recovery while preventing the child from being around illnesses or seeing a parent at their worst. Nobody deserves to face those battles alone, so make sure your fellow mums don’t have to.    
Educate Them
  Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. By pulling your skills together, you can all discover that knowledge is power in a very clear manner. Whether it’s teaching other parents about internet safety, a new child-friendly activity, or ways to stay on top of house chores doesn’t matter. For every skill you teach them, there is another skill that they can teach you. Once again, you can take this even further by working together as a group. After all, education isn’t only vital for the kids.
Support Them Through Breakups
  There’s no need to poke your nose into people’s business. When a close friend is going through a tough separation, though, your support can be very comforting. This can range from pointing them to the best family law experts to being there to provide emotional support or share your experiences. If nothing else, knowing that they needn’t face the battle alone can prove to make a huge impact on their mindset as they take on the many challenges ahead.
Provide Motivation
  Every mum is happy to put their children first. Still, this can lead to reduced confidence and other related issues. Sometimes, then, the best thing you can do is inspire another mum to be her best. From being her competition in the bid for fitness to giving her a daily text message to tell her that she can do this, those little steps make a big impact. When you’ve got her back, she’ll have yours. Together, you can both accomplish truly wonderful things. Embrace it.

This is a collaborative post.

1 comment:

  1. As women we should all stick together and help each other out. x


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