
Saturday 15 December 2018

Project 365 week 50


No walk round the fishery as had overtime, Only photos I took were during my lunch break when I was messing around with decorations at work. The photographer in me was itching to play with the ceiling decorations and see what I could do with them, the light and colours in and on them were stunning but sadly not a feasible option during working hours. Had planned to take some after my shift finished but a late phone call from the supervisor offering me an overtime shift starting at the same time as my shift finished was to good an opportunity to miss. Not turning down money for the sake of a

On holiday this weekend but will see what I can do next weekend.

reflections in the bauble 


A great afternoon so took Dixie dog to Auchincruive for a good run round. Spotted some birds while there.

bird in the trees 


We went to Stirling for our monthly visit. DD2 was down from Oban as she has her last appointment with the antenatal people. Baby ( still no blog name!!)  is now head down so that is good news. So her due date is the 5th Jan and if baby not here by the 15th then they will take her in and section her. Here is hoping for a baby born naturally before that, as having a section with a two year old to run around after is hard going, but many mothers manage as you have no choice but to get on with it. I have two weeks holidays left at work so we will go north and help out regardless after SIL goes back to work.

Miss Ziggy was entertaining us with Jungle Bells and other songs.

Ziggy on her microphone 


As my regular readers will know I have been doing cycle rides with a local enterprise called the Active Travel Hub. I got invited to a volunteer lunch. Was nice to meet up with the others and hear their reasons for getting involved with the enterprise. The company and the chat was entertaining.

Went to the Waterfront in Ayr and have to say their acceptance of my food allergy issues was great, Quite happy to adapt the meals with no hassle what so ever, and the food was delicious.


Went down to take the wreath to Grans grave. A few weeks ago we had offered some artificial flowers and leaves we had in the loft to somebody that could use them. A local woman picked them up and brought us round a wreath she had made with some of the flowers in. Very nice it was too.

a wreath for Gran. 


A few weeks back I had a card through from the royal mail to say they had a parcel for me. But they lost that parcel after they tried to deliver it to me and can no longer find it. So after investigations they decided all they could do was send me a claim form for the parcel.  But having spoken to them I found out that I cannot claim for the lost parcel as I have no idea who sent it or what was in it, what size shape or anything else about it.

Into town to do some shopping and take the dog for a walk. Spotted the squirrels down feeding round the duck pond.

looking for food. 


Bought a raffle ticket at work the other week for a local club's fund raising. Got a message during the week to say I had won a hamper of goodies from it.Two others were also lucky enough to win a hamper as well.

 We dropped the claim form for the pet insurance off at the vet, walked the dog and picked up the hamper. These will come in handy over the holiday period.

Not quite sure where the snow is that was forecast for us but so far so good today,

my hamper with my winning ticket on. 


  1. Fantastic ornament shot, so clever! The bird photo is a bit like Where's Wallie picture. :) I had two c-sections, and though it was rough, I wasn't much incapacitated. Lovely wreath! And what a bummer re lost parcel. They did the same with one of the parcels for me a couple of years ago. Never found out what it was, I presume it was a prize. How on Earth can they lose a parcel at the depot?

  2. The ornament shot is lovely. Not long now until the new grandchild, how exciting! The lost parcel sounds very frustrating.

  3. Love the perspective in the image of the bauble. Framed yourself perfectly! You've certainly had a busy week and wish I had time to go cycling. Muct be exciting waiting for arrival of your next grandchild!

  4. Ahh! You do right taking overtime at this time of year. My fella will be doing some over the next few days.
    Good luck to your daughter with the baby.
    That is great that somewhere was so good with your food allergies.
    Ugh! That is annoying about the lost parcel. x

  5. That's a yummy hamper win, well done. Grrrr to the post, how annoying, guess you can't claim compensation unless you know what was inside. The wreath looks lovely, such a nice thing for you and neighbour to have done

  6. That hamper look great as does the wreath, really pretty. Love the reflection in that bauble #365

  7. That is one gorgeous ornament photo. Such a lovely wreath too. Sorry about the lost parcel what a nightmare. So exciting about the new grand baby not long now x

  8. So exciting that baby is almost here! Hope a c-section is avoided! So annoying about that parcel! I lost a couple of things last year around this time....but it was via the couriers.

    Love the ornament photo and well done on the hamper win

  9. Lots of tempting goodies in your hamper: congrats on your win! #project365


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