
Saturday, 9 February 2019

Project 365 week 6.


A very very lazy day, something I never do. Was going to go out for a walk after lunch as DD2 and family were planning on going out in the car. I don't make a good passenger so had no plans to go with them. I sat for a over an hour snuggling Ziggy just before lunch while DD2 made a lasagna for tea. By then Ziggy was playing up and they decided not to go out in the car so Ziggy went for a walk with dad and the dog. It started raining so I sat and played catch up with a few tv programmes on my kindle instead of going out. I managed a mere 3661 steps all day, never walked so few in the past.

One sleepy baby Roo


DD2 decided she was fed up of being housebound and against mine and her husbands advice not to she decided she was driving her car. So we headed to the next village over for mother and toddlers. Not my idea of fun but I fulfilled my role by helping get the kids into and out of the car and set off by myself to add some mileage after a lazy Sunday. Managed just over 3 miles in the hour they were in toddlers. In the afternoon I took Ziggy out for a walk.

Reflections at the Connel Bridge 


Was to wet to head out in the morning with the kids so we played silly games. We turned Ziggy's chair into a tree for her owls and the owls flew from their tree round the living room down the hall and into the kitchen and back again, I was also an owl and flew behind them, one way of getting my step count up.

Health visitor was back out in the morning as Roo is still not back up to her birth weight. DD2 is struggling to breast feed her, Roo will feed for two hours or more at a time and still cry with hunger when daughter tries to put her down.  This is not feasible once I have gone home to help out so she is going to evaluate how she feeds her. She has started to top up with a bottle but realises this is not a good idea. She is in two minds as to how to take this forward.

In the afternoon we took her dog down to the vet for blood tests for a drug he is on. We put baby Roo into the single buggy and made Ziggy walk. She was not happy about having to walk back up the hill  but then it is a steep hill for little legs. So a few temper tantrums and some bribery from her mother we all got home in one piece.

we played in the tee pee 


My day to go home so knew it would be a busy morning. I wanted to take a pack lunch with me so walked down to Tesco for rolls and cold meat just after 7am. Back home to pack and between dressing the two girls and wandering round with Roo in one arm we managed to get out the door just after 10am as DD2 wanted to go to the Rhythmic Rascals group a few villages away. It starts at 10.30 am and lasts for an hour so enough time to go and get back to Oban for my train just after midday. When I got out the car Ziggy started to howl as she did not want me to go.

making music 

So home on the train. Home was slightly easier than up as my rucksack was quite heavy with food and juice and at least going home the three and a half  hour train ride was first so my pack lunch was eaten time I got to Glasgow. The walk between stations is also downhill on the way home.

Sat on the train doing sewing and watching the last of the series of Touch.

Hubby and dog were both glad to have me home.


Needed to do some shopping so took a run into town and to walk the dog first. We got caught in hailstones half way round our walk.There were lots and lots of squirrels around. This one was eating the fungi growing on the tree.

watching the squirrels 


Have tried  to get hold of Hotpoint this week, and tried to be nice to them on the phone. Finding that difficult as I felt I was being treated like an idiot and had no idea what I was on about. They started to sort my problem out online as the modern world does, and then they decided to ignore me yesterday. Basically the second freezer they have sent me has the same issue as the first one, the holes are in the wrong place and it is not possible for the door to be turned round to open left sided  and where it needs to fit in my kitchen it needs to be left side opening. Same freezer chassis as the first one which was rejected by an engineer two weeks ago come Monday, but with a different badge on it.
But before we can reject it it has to be seen by an engineer, ......same as the last one, ......when he says it is faulty then they will order another one and swap it over....just as they did with the first one.......this could go on and on. I have suggested to them they should change over the door BEFORE they bring it out to know it works......but they tell me they can't do that. Talk about feel like you are banging you head on a brick wall.  So having to rearrange my working week so I can be in on Monday afternoon when the engineer comes out between 12 and 6 as I am not in until 2.30 ish but they tell me they cant give me 3-6.
Meanwhile this has left me without a freezer and making it very expensive to eat as I bulk buy and cook on a weekly basis and cant do that now.

the holes dont line up, if you line them up there is a gap down the side of the door seal 


Mileage sitting at 164.1 this morning, a mere 30.2 miles this week. But spent all day on Wednesday on a train and Thursday being lazy, then Friday catching up with housework.

I did manage to get the monkey finished on the blanket on the train though so was a good use of the time. I had unpicked the head and helmet earlier in the week as it had gone wrong somewhere. It does have facial features they just do not show to well in this picture.

One cross stitch monkey 


  1. How sweet that Ziggy was sad that you were leaving! I hope your daughter can sort out the feeding issues for the baby. 30 miles in a weeks still sounds pretty good! Your freezer situation sounds very frustrating.

    1. it is really frustrating, just not sure how long will we wait for a solution.

  2. Sometimes a lazy day is just needed!

    Aww I bet your hubby and the dog missed you while you were gone! Hope that freezer issue gets sorted quickly and love that cross stitch monkey!

    1. the lazy day was much needed. The monkey took a bit of getting right

  3. Sleepy baby Roo is so sweer, and has a lovely mop of hair. Hope your daughter is able to keep b/fing. I had a similar issue with Eddie, as I didn't have enough milk, and he kept hanging on the boobs for ages. I had to top up with formula, but after 9 weeks he categorically refused to have a bottle, and by then my milk was well established, so I think it might be worth persevering.
    Beautiful bridge reflections, and an adorable cross stitch monkey. But what a palaver with Hotpoint, maybe stop being nice and shame them on social media?

    1. yes it was recommended she tops up with 3 bottles a week until Roo gains strength and puts on wait.

  4. It sounds like you had a lovely Sunday. I do like a lazy day.
    It sounds like your daughter is having a tough time with the breastfeeding. The poor thing.
    Ugh! It sounds like Hotpoint is being a right pain in the bum. I hope you get the freezer sorted soon. x

    1. I very rarely have a lazy day I find it hard to do nothing to be honest.

  5. Oh no! I am not sure if I could cope without a freezer. I really hope they get it sorted out for you. Sounds like you were a great help to DD2. I had the same feeding issue with my second thankfully topping up was enough to keep me going until my milk came in fully. Hope it works out for them. Thats probably still more miles than I have walked this week!

    1. like to help out where I can, sadly could not afford to stay longer as losing out financially which has an impact on next months wages

  6. Frustrating about the freezer. They do like to make things so compliated don't they.
    Hope the breastfeeding gets on better. Has Roo been checked for tongue tie?

    1. yes she has tongue tie but first available appointment is beginning of April by which time it may have resolved itself.

  7. How sweet that Ziggy was sad because you are leaving. I really hope your daughter can sort the feeding issues, it’s not easy. Your freezer situation sounds a nightmare, hope you get it sorted. X

    1. No feeding is not easy when you are worrying are they getting enough. bottle lets you see what they are getting better I suppose. We will see how she weighs in this week.

  8. Lovely pictures of the view, Ziggy and Baby Roo. Its adorable watching infants walk and run, and more adorable when they cry when they don't want someone to leave 😜 the freezer issue is annoying. I hope it gets sorted out 😁

    1. I am hoping it is sorted soon as well else I may not be responsible for my actions!!!!

  9. I hope DD2 and Roo which a conclusion with the feeding issues soon. Sounds like you had a lovely visit with them and Ziggy certainly looks like she enjoys having you around. Shame about the fridge, that would really annoy me, hope it's sorted ASAP

  10. What a pita about the freezer, in our modern world it's too easy to solve the issue before delivering to you isn't it. I feel your frustration. sorry to hear that breastfeeding is a struggle with Roo, it sounds so familiar to the issue I had, I hope the HV can support them if she wants to continue to bf, i had to stop in the end for both of our sakes. That bridge shot is stunning Elaine #365

  11. I remember worrying over getting the baby fed too. My eldest has always been a snacker and I had to insist she feed even resorting to changing nappies so she'd drink more. #365

  12. I'd be lost without my freezer! I combination fed all 3 of my children and it was a solution that suited all of us. #project365


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