
Saturday 6 July 2019

Project 365 week 27

You must be getting fed up with my knit/crochet/dog pictures so going to try to do something different this week.I have still knitted/crocheted and walked the dog but my life does consists of other things.
We spotted a second series of Dark on Netflix, enjoyed the first series but was so long ago have forgotten what happened so we watching our way through it again first.


Fed up of taking the same thing to work so rung the changes and took some lacto free cheese spread with these. They make a bit of a mess on the table as some of the seeds fall off but easy to clear up.A nice nutty flavour. These are great as they come in packs of four so stay fresher than the big packs.
A full day at work and hubby spent the day with friend dropping me off and picking me back up from work.


Had some things to do in the town after dropping hubby off who walked along to friends house. I parked the car over a mile away from where I wanted to be and walked in and out.
The large windows of this former shop make ideal reflections up river.


Was feeling rather tired so did what I needed to do in town and then picked friend up to bring him here. They walked the dog down the woods while I did some ironing and then went off fishing, getting back at way gone 11 again.
Made a few baby items for a still born baby.
I am really lazy when it comes to some things one of these things being dry skin on my feet, so I now have one of these to do something about it.


Had a letter to post so after dropping off hubby off I again parked the car over a mile away and walked and posted a letter.
Picked up hubby and friend and we went and did another 2 miles along the beach. We did drive out to Dunure to have a walk there for a change but they are now advertising themselves as a place Outlander was filmed and charging you £2.50 to park on a grassy area that was free in the past. Would not have minded a £1 but totally object to being exploited. So we turned round and came back.

Collected these little yellow shells, just because I could. They were a pretty colour, will find something to do with them.


Finished off a cardigan for a friends baby that is due soon.


Took a walk to Failford, not been up there in a while. Met lots of people, always feel it is an area that is well underused. Met a family that moved locally a few weeks back and were there with their four children who were having a ball in the river and playing hide and seek in the woods. We introduced them to geocaching as something else to do with the children.

Made a lamb mince meat loaf for tea with saute potatoes and mixed veg. Blitzed a large onion and a stale roll in the food mixer, add some seasoning and an egg and then mixed through the mince, placed in a square baking tin and cooked in the oven. Enough left for lunch at work one day this weekend.

Worked on a crochet gilet for Roo, going to do a matching one for her sister. Finding the crochet patterns easier to follow now and even easier if I relate them to knitting, allows me to see in my minds eye how they should be shaping up.
Facetimed with Ziggy and Roo. They are planning on coming down for a week later this month.


A pile of housework, some blogging and an afternoon of tv and crochet. Watching some old Trial and Retribution, an old Linda La Plante series. More crochet and a wander round the fishery once the rain stopped.Did hang washing out but once it stopped raining brought it back in and threw it back in the washing machine.
I am not  a lover of plain rice cakes but quite like the plain chocolate ones but they were not on special offer this week and it was going to cost £1.50 for a pack of 6, so I bought some spelt cakes for £1, fourteen in the pack and a 30p bar of plain chocolate and made my own cheaper version. Added a few sprinkles for effect. Again handy to take to work for in my break.

dark chocolate rice cakes


Nearly made it....determined I will have completed the 1000 by next weekend.

Not seen much of the grandchildren this week, a few short visits to their house for other things.

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  1. Well done on nearly making it to your 1000 miles walking already! I sometimes think I share too much of the same stuff on my blog too, but if we do a lot of sport and you do a lot of knitting and dog walking, that's what we have to share!
    Did you say you made something for a still born baby? That is so sad, but also so sweet that you are giving it so much thought and care. The parents must really appreciate that.
    Your chocolate rice cakes are very clever. I spent years eating rice cakes, as wheat used to cause me problems. Taking the time away from wheat means I am now mainly OK with it and I wouldn't care if I never saw a rice cake again! I definitely ate too many of them.

  2. My fella and I have just noticed Dark on Netflix and was wondering what it was about. I think we're going to have to watch it from the beginning.
    Ahh! I haven't had Ryvita for years. I think I might have to order some with the food shop. I think my girls would like them.
    Those Ped Egg things are suppsed to be good. I am lazy when it comes to looking after my feet too. Oops. lol
    Those shells are very pretty.
    Great idea to add your own chocolate to the spelt cakes.
    Well done with the walking. x

  3. You're nearly there with your 1000-miles walk! What are you planning to do next?
    Beautiful reflections in the window. And the shells are very pretty, maybe you can do some crafting with your grandchildren when they come visiting.

  4. Plain rice cakes are a bit dull. My H has them for breakfast with lots of hummous on top to make them taste of something. You are doing well with your walking.

  5. ooh never thought to make a mince meat loaf...might have to give that a go.

    Not heard of Dark on Netflix...will check it out as looking for something new to watch!

    Is the ped egg thing good?

  6. good luck with the 1000 miles walk. How lovely to meet such a nice family when you were out and about. That car parking is expensive, you really don't want to know what we pay over here, although weekends in the malls are free

  7. Great idea to make your own version of chocolate rice cakes, look so much better than shop ones! I admit to missing your crochet pics... #project365

  8. Thats amazing I hope you hit your target and I will be seeing a fully completed map this time next week. Great idea on the rice cakes, Kipper has a tendancy to like the chocolate ones too. So will be using this tip. The picture in the hope window is great really clear reflection.

  9. Love your walking map, well done. The reflection shot is great #365


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