
Saturday 12 October 2019

Project 365 week 41

Trying to be a bit more positive this week. The fact I have actually manage to sleep the last four nights is helping with that. Up to and including Monday night was just hideous, when it takes 15 to 20 minutes of rubbing at your arm and hand to stop the pins and needles and you are getting that every forty five minutes or so then sleep is impossible. When all you want to do is cry or chop your arms off then it makes for a long night.

Still struggling with basic tasks and still getting hubby to help with hot and heavy things.

Been out for a walk most days and been using the exercise bike in the house just to pass the time. Managed to do some crochet, a few stitches at a time, though the nearly finished item looks nothing like it should and I have no idea why not but it helped pass the time. Suppose to be an owl hat but the hat part is not head shaped in the least so wont be adding the eyes etc to finish it off but never mind.

DD3 suggested jigsaw puzzles so been doing one with hot air balloons on and listening to my audiobooks at the same time.


Lots of lazing around. Got a call from Ziggy. She was having great fun adding silly effects to herself and her little sister.


Not really sure what happened today as had no sleep for a number of nights. Don't seem to be any photos taken today.

Here is one from last week when friend was trying to balance treats on the dogs head, she was for none of it.


Had a phone call back from the GP and told my inflammatory markers were raised but not by much but my potassium levels were back in the normal range. This disappointed me as I was hoping that with the symptoms I have (six of the eight main ones) that low potassium was going to be the answer and a quick fix.

Walked the dog in the morning and lazed with the dog in the afternoon, think she is quite liking me lazing around.


After yesterdays phone results was given an appointment for today to see the GP I have been seeing to see what the next stage is. He is as baffled as me and I felt just playing for time in hoping it will go away. He did ask me what I would like done next.....well sorry I don't know, if I knew that I would be sat in his chair not mine. Having had little sleep in weeks then I am not the most tolerant when tired and in pain. He says he can refer me to neurology but will wait months for an appointment.

He said he would discuss it with the others in the practice and phoned back and said they decided another full batch of blood tests might show something as my lost lot were done a few or so before this kicked off.
Took friend to his physio appointment, the hospital near my GP anyway so hubby played taxi driver between one place and the other and we fitted in a walk with the dog as well.   Friend needed a pile of paperwork scanned and emailed to his mum so I did it for him.


Had an occupational health appointment through work. Had put in for this when things started going wrong as never sure how long you will wait for one. But less than two weeks is not bad. He took a full history, that took a an idea of the last few weeks.....then did lots of prodding and poking and hammering with moving arms here and there, and he agrees with the GP, seems to be nothing major, for it to be both sides at once rules out trapped nerve, and that water retention and inflammation after three days of diarrhoea can cause the symptoms I have and it should go down in its own time.  Have to say was rather sore later in the day because of it.

Back into town to get more bloods taken later in the day.

While I was going in today anyway I did my helicobacter pylori test and handed it in. Two weeks for the results of this.


A walk round the park locally with the dog.

Went down to watch the three wee ones while DD1 picks Bob up. Was winding up Minky, sitting him on my knee and giving him kisses and calling him Grandma's baby boy....he was not amused...and kept trying to push me away. When Bob came in he decided he would be Grandma's baby boy instead then and came for cuddles. Quite nice at thirteen he still wants cuddles from Grandma.

Threw a sausage pasta bake in the oven so tea was ready when I came back. Very yummy it was as well.

Spotted these in the shop last week, yum yum.


DD3 is away to a wedding today and dropped me off a few jigsaws on the way. Will need to hunt out the jigsaw board as DD2 and the girls are down on Monday for a few days so the table will be needed for them. Just as easy on the board and then slips under the couch for storage.

Always start doing jigsaws with the edges first, got as far as most of the edges and the bits with writing on.
Managed two rows of knitting spread over half an hour, hands think that was enough to be doing.

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  1. I am glad you are feeling a little better. I think getting a good nights sleep really helps.
    hehehe! It looks like a fun call from Ziggy.
    It looks like your dog is very happy with you having some lazy days.
    That is rubbish that your doctor didn't really know how to help you.
    It sounds like you had a lovely time with the grandkids. My 12 year old hates cuddles from me but will quite happily have them from my dad and his partner. lol
    Have fun with the jigsaws x

    1. the jigsaw is a great distraction, and does not hurt the wrists and fingers.

  2. I'm glad you're feeling a bit better and I really hope you get some answers soon. It must be really frustrating.
    That's lovely that Bob still likes a cuddle from you. My daughter has lots of cuddles from me and her dad, but not her grandparents. My boys will have a very quick hug from me occasionally, but not from anyone else!

    1. First time in a long time I have had a hug from him, but happy to have one anytime he gives me one.

  3. I'm glad you are sleeping better and you have found something to do to help keep you occupied. I hope the next set of tests are more illuminating than the previous ones.

    1. Sleeping makes all the difference to feeling human or not.

  4. Hope the bloods show some answers for you. Nice that Bob likes cuddles. I don't think any of our nephews have done so with Granny at that age, although will still give a kiss. Our niece will still go for a hug though and she's 13 (the only girl of the grandchildren though).
    I'm like you with puzzles. Have to get the edges first.

    1. I think they are all so different when it comes to cuddles. Fingers crossed for answers.

  5. I am glad things are improving a little. Hope you get some answers from the blood tests and asap. That is nice that Bob enjoys the cuddles. xx

    1. I was rather pleasantly surprised when he came over but certainly would not have said no.

  6. Can't believe the doctor asked you what you wanted doing next?? He is the doctor..he should know! But glad he spoke to others and ordered more blood tests. Hope you get to the bottom of it soon!

    Yes I always do the edges first when it comes to jigsaws!

    Love the pic of Ziggy and her silly effects.

    1. not quite sure how she does it but you never get a normal facetime with her as her mum uses the mobile

  7. Do love a good jigsaw. Sorry that your results have left more questions than answers, hopefully the new bloods will show something more #365

  8. Glad to read you managed to get some sleep. The GP's questions about what you want to do next is incredible. He clearly doesn't know what to suggest.
    The puzzle looks good, I haven't done a puzzle in months, and my hands are itching to have a go.

    1. sleep makes all the difference especially emotionally

  9. I'm so sorry to hear you're still struggling and in so much pain, it must be driving you up the wall. Really hope you get an answer soon

  10. Hope the blood tests reveal the problem. Not much fun being a medical mystery! Ooh I fancy doing a jigsaw now... #project365

  11. Glad to hear that the sleep is getting a little easier but sorry to hear you are still in a lot of pain. I hope the new set of bloods reveal a quick fix for you. The jigsaws look like fun, look forward to seeing the finished picture.


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