
Saturday 7 March 2015

Project 365 week 10


My family are MAD, mad mad mad I tell you. Daughter No1 had another pile of bits and pieces that go down the road with baking etc and she phoned to say she had a tub with a plate and a few other bits rattling around inside it. So I told her I did not want it rattling around and that she needed to stuff it with something, so I suggested £20 and £50 that is exactly what she did.

even got the queens head on


DH went out to warm the car up for me before I went to work ( he is quite useful that way). On the front seat I found our little man sitting with a note. We picked him up on holiday last year and he sits on the middle console, but he looks like he is bleeding. See I told you my family were mad, no need to wonder where daughter gets it from!!!

his right arm is "bleeding" 


We went to see The Great Scottish Tapestry a few weeks back at Stirling Castle. Little did we know at that stage that they were going to add extra venues and that it is now coming to Ayr. So we have decided to take our geocaching to an extra level and organise an event based round it. We are organising what is called a flash mob and ours is based on two items seen in one of the tapestries - people have to bring along a can of Irn Bru and a tunnocks tea cake, meet for 3 o'clock and disperse by quarter past.We are encouraging people to go in and see the tapestry either before or after the event.

So I was along sussing out the best place for the event to happen and decided here was a good as place as any. Did a blog post on it here.

a sign t my venue 


Went for a walk down to the shop and post box and then went along to see daughter and the children.
Minky had been in a right mumpy mood all day apparently, but managed smiles for granddad. We got them both playing peek a boo. It is quite funny Minky hides and forgets to come out, and Dinky has not quite got the coordination to cover her eyes but laughs at you anyway as she pulls her hands away from her cheeks.

Minky covers his eyes, Dinky says boo


Got  phone call just after eight o'clock to ask if I would go and sit with the three wee ones while daughter ran Fifi to school. I then took them for a two hour walk  to give daughter a break and a chance to catch up with some housework.

After Dinky finished her breakfast I got her dressed and then she played away happily.

car works better this way


For the last few months when ever it rains the gutters over flow and splatter down the building, so we picked up a phone number from an ad for a local man who cleans them. Hopefully this will help and save any further damage to the building.

gutter cleaning


Last year we spent a lot of time and effort on vegetables in the garden. Apart from the potatoes and the tomatoes nothing came to anything. So this year we are going to do potatoes, tomatoes and try peppers, but that is it. So when Daughter was in the shop the other day she spotted these and picked them up for us.

heres hoping this year

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. I think less is more sometimes in the garden. I find it a bit hit and miss. The year before last we had loads of runner beans and last year hardly any. Love the idea of a geocaching flash mob.

    1. yes I agree, I think success in the garden depends on a lot of factors.

  2. A geocaching flash mob sounds like fun :) I had hoped to plant some beg in the garden this year, but if the snow doesn't melt soon it won't happen! Your first two photos made me smile :)

    1. will be a while before the seeds get planted but at least they are bought

  3. I love the injured man, made me giggle lol. Max always used to sit backwards on his car too. #365

    1. the man made me laugh in the car, just had to share it

  4. Love the madness of your family, it brightens up the day. The geocaching flash mob sounds interesting x

    1. yes the madness does brighten the day. Hopefully the flash mob will be fun

  5. Oh that last photo looks interesting - we had a massive failure here last year on the veg front - our soil is just rubbish. Think it helps if you have a mad family personally x #365

    1. I did all mine in grow bags as we have no soil. We certainly have a mad family

  6. Your family's sense of humour made me smile. Your geocaching flash mob idea sounds great, good luck with that! And good luck with growing the veg too :)

    1. they have a very warped sense of humour!!! No doubt if the veg comes to anything it will feature over the Summer

  7. So lovely to see their coordination skills develop even when they don't quite master the games we play! Good luck with the garden and growing your own - always worth the effort! :)

    1. I just think the twins are so fascinating, how they both have different skills developing at different times despite them being the same age, and even more amazed that he seems to master things before her. Having said that time they start school I am sure they will both be at the same level.

  8. The £20/£50 'notes' picture & the injured man picture really did make me chuckle.
    We also tried loads of flowers, vegetables, and fruit in a garden last year, with very little success. Considering not doing a thing this year and just seeing what happens! x

    1. sounds like a sensible option, no energy and no effort to grow nothing, or lots of energy and effort to grow nothing - no brainer really

  9. Cars always work better when you sit on them backwards. Miss A always used to do this.

    1. I am sure when the skill improves it will go forward, but she enjoys it regardless.

  10. Look forward to hearing more about the geocaching, always good to get the gutters emptied and I love the "mad" factor in your house to make you smile.

    1. you would have laughed last night with hubby chasing a mouse round the bathroom with a butterfly net.

  11. Wow the twins are certainly getting big now! I remember getting broody when they were tiny remembering how mine were once so small! I know the feeling of a mad family, I often say our house and my mum and dads house are mad houses lol but do you know what, I wouldn't have them any other way! Mad families are happy families! Hope you have a lovely week x

    1. small twins = very hard work = nothing to get broody over ( as you know only to well). Yes mad families are happy families and I am lucky to have them.

  12. I really need to get on with planting the fruit and veg, it is on the list

    1. a bit early yet up here in Scotland, end of April a better start time for us.

  13. I am loving the smiles for Grandad, so cute!

    1. really irritating for daughter, they grump all day and smile and laugh when other people in.

  14. i hope the veggies grow well - you had better get Mr Bloom to pop round lol
    the flash mob geo cache at the tapestry sounds fun especially the chocolate tea cake part !!!
    and yes i would say your family are barking but better that way than grumpy!! x

  15. awww the twins are growing up quick

  16. Great post Elaine. I love your little injured man ;) Regarding the veggies, I have always found courgettes the easiest to grow, we were totally overrun with them at one point. I hope your veg grow better this year.x


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