
Saturday 14 March 2015

Project 365 Week 11


I came home from work on Saturday night after doing an eleven hour shift right through and had gone into the bathroom to go the loo and clean my teeth ready for bed. Well just as I was about to place my ample bottom on the toilet something black scurried across the floor. Now I have this massive massive phobia of eight legged creatures and my first thought was this thing was tarantula sized so I was ready to climb onto the toilet seat when I realised it was only a mouse.
So I shouted DH who went up the stairs to fetch the children's net to try and help catch it. Its not the biggest bathroom in the world, so I moved the bin and it ran to the right, so I moved the toilet roll holder and it ran to the right again, so I moved the cabinet under the pedestal and it had disappeared. Not sure where it went to but have not seen it since.

a mouse net


A proud Grandma moment. Fifi started playing the drums just after Easter last year and the teacher was really impressed with how well she did. So in August when she went up to secondary school she carried on with them I have to say she is loving secondary school, not just the lessons but the lunchtime and after school activities as well. 

On Monday evening her school were involved in the Ayrshire Music Festival, this is their 90th year. She very proudly sat on stage and played the drums to accompany the brass and woodwind band. She did amazingly well considering this is the first time she has played in public. The show was running over an hour late and they did not get on stage till gone 9pm so all in all they did brilliantly. 

She get a mention in the summing up by the judge. This is the only photograph I have of the evening as for obvious reasons I could not take a picture of her on stage.  Well done Fifi, not sure where she gets the musical talent from as we are all tone deaf. 

watching the competition play


We had a log on one of the caches we own to say the tub was cracked and it was needing some maintenance, so as it was a glorious afternoon we went to maintain it. While out I decided we would go and pick up a nearby cache as well.We found one of the two we looked for, the other one evades us every time we have looked for it - most irritating.  For all we have walked a lot in the area we placed our cache in we have never been further down the road, so today we did.

Down there we discovered Burnbank Woods and Ladyton Loch. The area is quite pretty, though I would imagine it would get rather overgrown in the Summer months with brambles.

Think I will take the children along here over the Summer but we will walk round the pond and the woods and look for wildlife rather than wander off looking for caches.

blue skies and swans


Sorry but another proud Grandma moment - and why not?
Fifi has many talents, and no idea where they come from, but again she is loving secondary school and the more grown up opportunities this is offering her. One of her loves at the moment is art class. The local council hold an annual art exhibition with works from the local schools and there were three pieces of work chosen from her class, and hers was one of them.

So as I was in the town I popped into see the work. The talent some of these children have is amazing. Some of the advanced higher work was stunning and must have taken months of work. Fifi's and her class mates were smaller pieces of work, but equally as brilliant and talented.

peas in a pod


Daughter needed to nip in to pick up Fifi after school and to save her the hassle of taking the three wee ones with her I went at looked after them. Bob was not in the best of moods but the twins and I had fun.
When she got back I brought the older two up the road. We had hoped to get out somewhere as it is light now till gone 6pm now but the rain was bouncing inches off the road. So to try and cheer grumpy Bob up I got him busy helping make tea in the kitchen. He chopped carrots, tomatoes, peppers, onion and a smoked pork sausage which we used to make roasted veg for the tea.
His next task was bananas, pears and plums which  we made fruit sponge with. This seemed to cheer him up and he was in a much better mood time we had spent an hour together. Fifi had done her usual and gone off out with her friend.

Was actually thinking as I watched the two of them sharing the table and the biscuits and their drinking cups how much harder life would have been had one of them had the food issues Bob has got. I mean how would you tell one they could not share with the other?

at their table eating biscuit


I feel so sorry for poor Bob. His skin is a mess. On the advice of his allergy specialist he had cut out all citrus and berries for the last two months He was not best pleased about that as he loves his oranges and fruit juice but he is also very fed up of being itchy and scratching and having to apply cream two, three, four times a day, so he agreed to try it for a while but it was clutching at straws and it has made no difference. So he is now allowed them again, and is now waiting for an appointment at Yorkhill Hospital to see f they can come up with any better ideas.

hs legs are even worse


I like entering competitions, and it is always nice to win the odd prize or two. I got an e-mail the other day from the lovely Sarah over at Boo Roo and Tigger too to tell me I had won a first aid kit in a competition over on her blog.We had been talking about renewing some of the items in the kit in the car so this is a handy win.

a handy win

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. Eek! I would have ran if I saw a
    Well done your granddaughter! You must be so proud!
    Good luck at the hospital and well done on your win! x

    1. Not holding out much hope at the hospital, but worth a try. I am very proud of these moments in her life, she is growing into a very nice young lady if I do say so.

  2. You must be very proud of Fifi - I cant imagine my two at high school but I know it will be here in a blink of an eye. I love your reasoning 'it was only a mouse'!! :)

    1. yes high school comes all to soon, and Fifi has settled well going from a school of less than 200 children to one of over 2000. Mice don't bother me.

  3. Ouch to Bob's skin, not nice. I would have freaked way more over a mouse than a spider!! That pond looks lovely and worth exploring #365

    1. I think a lot of people are the same, but no they don't bother me, kept enough hamsters as a child.

  4. What a great 'peas in a pod' picture, I bet you are really proud! Love the photo by the Loch. Wonder where the mouse has gone?! #365

    1. not seen or heard any more from the mouse. It is a great picture.

  5. I think you have every right to be a proud Grandma :) Poor Bob - that skin looks really painful :( How serene is that pond? Beautiful x

    1. Its nice when they make you proud. Poor Bob has just been scratching so much lately.

  6. I would have screamed at seeing a mouse!! Some wonderful proud moments for you this week, nice to look back on x

    1. amazing how some things that scare one person another is ok with. It is nice to look back on proud moments.

  7. Poor Bob, his skin looks so sore bless hime Elaine! Wowsers, a mouse! I would have run screaming out of the house! Love the peas in a pod picture, very good indeed.

    1. sadly his skin never seems to get any better. No mice don't bother me.

  8. Wow, what a talented granddaughter you have. I can only dream of drawing pictures like that. I hope that the skin situation is soon sorted out. Poor thing, that must be horrible for him.x

    1. yes she seems to have many talents, and I just threw away lots of her drawings tat one day may well be worth something as "early works"

  9. Never heard of a mouse net. We had mice at the last house and discovered a dead one under the bookcase when we moved. Hope you find yours.

    1. it is actually a butterfly net but all we had to hand we could use.

  10. you did make me laugh describing your ample bottom!!! i hope the mouse has left got good! but as you say better than a massive spider!
    very well done to Fifi on both of her talents this week and you have every right to be proud
    poor Bob that is rotten luck about his diet and his skin :( xx

    1. glad my comment made you laugh, and nice to know I am not the only one that prefers mice to spiders.

  11. I think I would have preferred the spider to the mouse. The artwork is lovely, well done.

    1. No no no mouse any day. The art work is fab isn't it.

  12. Hope they get to the bottom of his allergies. Good luck with the mouse hunt

    1. to get to the bottom of his allergies is a dream to far I think, but we can but hope.

  13. Omg only a mouse? I would freak out if it were in the house.
    Ouch his skin looks so sore

    1. yes I know, I am weird, prefer mice to 8 legged creatures

  14. Poor Bob, that looks really nasty, after visiting a specialist last year for a sudden outbreak of eczema in my mid 40s for the first time ever I have every sympathy with how uncomfortable skin things are, it feels like your whole body is is being attacked.I had allergy tests but it never showed anything. It went by itself in the end, I do hope Bob's will too.

    1. I have eczema on one hand and the itch from it is bad enough, cannot begin to imagine how uncomfy this is.

  15. Ouch poor Bob, I hope his allergy soon settled down and you can pin point what is causing it. I loved your proud Grandma moment, they should be shouted from the roof tops :-) hope you all have a lovely week x

    1. would be nice to get to the root of his allergies, make for a more comfortable life.

  16. I'm not surprised you're proud of Fifi. Mice are cute except when they're wild in one's home....or bathroom!

    1. It is nice when they do wonderful things. Yes in the house is not the right place for a mouse, not hears from it since.

  17. Poor bob! I would be a proud gran too...what lovely art work. Look how the twins have grown! Tell I've been away for a while.

    1. welcome back to the project. I think the twins look big cos your daughter looks small

  18. Well done to Fifi, sounds like she is doing very well at school.
    I hope bob gets a little further forward with the hospital bless.
    And well done on your win, I hope you continue to have good luck with the comping :)

    1. thank you, first win of the year, hoping for some more. She is doing great at school.

  19. Well done to your grand daughter! Poor Bob, I do hope the hospital can help him. And well done to you too on your win :) Sounds like you had a good week all round x

    1. it was a nice week, nice to have my grandchildren near enough to enjoy.

  20. That first paragraph did make me chuckle. I too am petrified of eight-legged beasts so I would have been very relived to discover it was a mouse!
    Well done to Fifi, I do like her picture - I bet you are a proud gran indeed.
    Poor Bob, bless him! x

    1. glad it is not just me that prefers a mouse to an eight legged creature in the house,

  21. oh wow a fab week by all accounts then ... minus the bathroom visitor! ... poor Bob his skin certainly looks super sore .. hope he is on the mend soon x

    1. it was a good week, its nice to have weeks like that.

  22. I can't believe how big the twins have got! Poor Bob, that looks so painful, has it gone down now, do you know what it was?

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.

    1. sadly that is it gone down, it gets much redder and sorer than that, and no we have no idea what causes it.

  23. ONLY A MOUSE!!!! are you mad? I'd much prefer to see a spider, at least you can squish them!
    Lovely to hear that FIfi is doing so well at secondary school and enjoying her art and music
    Hope that Bob gets his allergies sorted out. Being itchy must be very uncomfortable. Poor boy.

    1. No you cannot squish them or hoover them up or drown them either - scream, panic and run is the only way.


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