
Saturday 16 May 2015

Project 365 week 20


When Daughter No1 was a child she use to hate the fact that every apple that came into the house always had a bite missing. They did not come into the house this way but her little brother was not happy unless he had had a bite out of every one in the fruit bowl. Eventually he out grew this phase. But when I was in the other day I noticed she now has the same problem - Minky takes a bite out of them all, see I wasn't such a bad mother!!


Bob is going to gymnastics and so I am watching the gruesome twosome for the hour and a half that they are away. Was a lovely evening on Monday so I decided to take them for a walk. I had strict instructions not to let them fall asleep and time we got down the fishery Minky was nearly asleep so I let him out for a walk, He managed to find puddles to paddle in, Dinky at least played with the flowers.


Thursday is Daughter No1's first wedding anniversary and as a Tuesday is SIL's only evening off work I volunteered to babysit so they could get out for a while. The gruesome twosome were in bed time they went out so Bob and I sat and played games.


Went for a walk up one of the top roads as I had decided to go and look for two caches that are up there that I have not found yet. It is one of the highest points around and you get a very clear view of where we lived for six years. We lived in the farmhouse whilst the building of the dairy was going on. We have pictures and video of the whole project from the first hole in the ground. Was amazing to watch it go up.


Took the gruesome twosome and Bob for a walk down to the fishery, there is really no where else to go for a walk to in the village, to give mum and dad some time on their own. Minky was tired and so was not out of the pushchair, Dinky was out and having fun. I brought them up to the house to play in the garden for a while. They had all sorts of toys outside but ended up playing with the watering can and the brush.


I keep getting a request for a pot of stovies. Daughter says they jut do not taste the same when she makes them, any excuse!! So being the nice mum that I am I made a pot for her. They don't look overly yummy but they taste good. It was one of the meals that the two boys hated but the three girls loved.


Made a cake last night, a chocolate cake with a strip of marzipan through the middle.

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. You are such an amazing grandmother! It's lovely that you get to spend so much time with your grandchildren and I bet your daughter really appreciates the help. I love Dinky's Mickey Mouse outfit :)

    1. I am honoured to be in my grandchildrens lives, and it is the greatest joy to be allowed to spend so much time with them, they are small for such a short time.

  2. hahaha! My youngest does that with apples! So very annoying!
    Great photos! It looks like you had a fun week.
    That cake looks amazing! What a great idea putting marzipan through the middle! x

    1. think the apple biting is a common complaint, and I did have a great week thanks

  3. A watering can and brush is so much more fun than actual toys!

    Oh happy first wedding anniversary! gosh has it been a year? Only seems like yesterday that you were talking about it.
    That cake looks yum!!

    1. I know the year has passed quickly and the cake was yum.

  4. I recognise that Fireman Sam game, what little boy can resist a puddle x

    1. Bob got it for his Christmas, I had refused to play the first game he got out.

  5. I've never had stovies before. That cake looks delicious.!! They look so cute playing with the watering cans x

    1. I love stovies one of our favourites. They are a pair of the nicest possible way

  6. Oh I love marzipan and could eat it by the block so I'd love that cake! Love the pictures of the two littlies on their walk :)

    1. shhhhh not tell everybody but so do I, some of the block did get eaten before it got near the cake....yum It is the only part of a Christmas cake that I eat.

  7. Oh I would have SO played with the watering can and brush too! What are stovies? I have never heard of them. Your cake, as usual, looks super yummy! Ickle Pickle x

    1. its amazing how young children find none toys fun. cake is yummy

  8. that cake looks lovely Elaine, but I am curious about stovies is that corned beef and potatoes? the twins make that waterig can look huge lol my two love to *help* like that too xx

    1. it is made with what up here we call square sausage, and add potatoes, onion, a tin of tomatoes and what ever veg you have available, looks ghastly but tastes yummy, and even more yummy on day 2.

  9. The cake looks scrummy - love the pic of them dragging the watering can around the garden, there have been similar scenes this week here

    1. Minky started it, he is a holy terror and Dinky just follows on!!

  10. Love the sound of the marzipan cake. The apple bites would drive me up the wall.

    1. it does my daughter too, I just think it was so ironic that one of hers should do it.

  11. That cake looks divine! Loooooove marzipan!!

    1. it was delicious and have to say so do I.

  12. Wow, I could do with a piece of that cake right now. Looks FANTASTIC. I have never heard of stovies but I must say I think I'll stick to the cake ......

    1. think sticking with the cake may be a wise move, was yummy

  13. you are a fab granny, hope you didn't get in trouble for the puddle

    1. no mummy lets them do worse. and I try to be a good gran.

  14. Th twins look like they've had fun this week :-) I love how your apples also look like that, my twins always seem to want a bite out of all the apples too x #project365

    1. what is it with children that they can not take 20 bites out of 1 apple but 1 bite out of 20 instead?

  15. I love marzipan, so that cake looks amazing! Love that they wanted to play with the watering can, always the way isn't it :) My little girl takes bites out of apples like that!

    1. I am a marzipan lover as well. Think we need to start a save the apples campaign.

  16. You really do have busy weeks - it is lovely to see how much you do. I am intrigued by the stovies - they look really interesting. My mum would love your cake - marzipan is one of her favourites.

  17. I really need a recipe for the stovies - looks like something that would warm up a winter cold!

  18. I haven't summoned up enough courage to take both grandson's out and about yet. Still prefer to have one at a time!
    Great isn't it.. we buy toys and they prefer to play with everyday objects!


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