
Wednesday 13 May 2015

Two walks round the fishery with the twins.


I have started watching the twins on a Monday evening while Bob goes to gymnastics as there is no where they can be amused if mummy takes them along. So as it was a lovely evening I decided to take a walk down to the fishery with them, with very strict instructions NOT to let them sleep.
As we approached the fishery Minky was not far off sleeping so I decided to get him out and make him walk. I only let him out because I could not safely watch two of them and push the buggy near water as they are just too young yet to respond safely if told to stop or wait.

So Minky was let out, and spent a while looking at his feet as if he did not know who they belonged to.

those are my feet

He then decided he wanted his jacket off, and in typical little boy style found a puddle.

in goes the finger

look grandma its wet

We had not got very far, mainly chasing him to keep the buggy between him and the pond, which was a good hundred feet away but even so I was not allowing him onto the grass on the pond side. He found stones and picked blades of grass.

oopps wellies may have been better

He splashed from one puddle to another before falling over and getting even wetter. No picture of this as I grabbed him out before he got really wet trying to stand up again.

So I popped him back, the task of waking him up a bit had been accomplished and got Dinky out. Have to say with her we did actually manage to walk in a forward direction and she must have walked a good quarter of the way round the big pond.

my turn, I'm free

laughing at her brother. 

He finds puddles and she finds flowers, typical!!

how cute am I?

getting blown along by the wind

On our way round I introduced them to a field full of cows, we spotted chickens, seagulls and geese, though all birds are ducks at the moment.

some of the "ducks" we saw. 

So it was time to head home to get jammies on ready for bed. On the way back up the road Dinky kept turning round and smiling at me and taking to me, she is such a happy little chatter box.


I took them again on Thursday afternoon, Minky was quite sleepy and did not want out so was just Dinky to run round with Bob.

picking up stones

When we came back up the road I decided to bring them up and let them play in the garden for a while. We got out a box of toys and their rocking "horse" but Dinky made a bee line for the chickens, or ducks as she calls them. She kept popping her finger through and they had a peck or two at her so she gave them a row, Minky is not at all sure about them and wont go within about six feet.

Dinky is fascinated with the chickens

Minky was quite happy to start with to pay with the toys.

on the caterpillar 
Dinky kept climbing on top of Bob and alternating between smacking him on the head with a toy and cuddling him better.

sat  on top of Bob
Soon Minky got fed up with the toys and found a new use for the toy box. 

think he is a bit big for the toy box.

Then the two of them decided the toys were boring and decided an empty watering can was more fun.

Not to mention a brush to drag about.

They have turned into two truly unique little people. He is much more adventurous that she is, much more rough and tumble. She is more of a chatter box and has a wider range of "words" than he does, though they both understand everything you say to them.

There should be many more adventure over the Summer to be had, will share some of them here with you, after all its what my blog is for.

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. Lovely to see their individual characters coming through. I love their gardening,they look so sweet dragging the watering can along. I have every sympathy with your worries around the water, I remember finding it so hard when my triplets were this age. Sounds like all went well and you had a lovely walk with no one falling asleep on the way! Thank you for sharing on Country Kids.

  2. Ah they are cute, they look like they had a lovely time splashing about


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