
Saturday 16 January 2016

Project 366 week 2.


Before Christmas we bought a few boxes of chocolates in case anybody wanted some. I opened the dark chocolate box and had been eating away at them one here and one there over the last few weeks. Hubby had been helping out as well, I came home today from work and found the box was empty with a note inside it.

my husband does make me laugh


Bob is back at gymnastics and so I am back on the gymnastics run. Went for a walk, yes in the rain, and then popped into the library to get my card updated. While I was there I picked up a few audio books to listen to.

audio books


Daughter has not been feeling well since before Christmas, finally got something off of the GP but was making her feel quite rotten. As SIL is back at work the other grandparents have been helping out so DD1 could go back to bed. I popped in for a visit on the way home. They love sitting up here, the watch the cars go by and knock the window as people walk past and wave at them, of course most people wave back which they think is funny.

watching the cars go by

Pop up a wee video of them sat up there. 


My turn to help out and look after the kids while DD1 went back to bed. Had promised them we would go for a walk. It was dry at the point but once we left the house we got a steady drizzle the whole time we were out. We went down to the fishery and back up.

rain drops on the hood of the buggy


Today was visit day. There were snow warnings for the east of the country, and having found no way home last week I did not fancy a repeat of that this week so far from home. So we packed extra cloths, a blanket, a flask of bovril, and phone numbers for B&B's in the area and also the areas we would pass through on the way home just in case. It was cold and we did see some cars with fresh snow on round about Stirling but luckily it stayed dry all day. We decided as it was a crisp clear ( and absolutely freezing) night we would go and see the Kelpies, Made a collage of the different colours.

Helix Park
four different colours of the Kelpies 


Have been sticking to my workouts, Doing two of them one after the other, all in all about 45 minutes. I appreciate they are level one workouts but taking it slowly considering my age and weight. But added hand weights into the first work out that does not require them and the heavier weights in the second workout which does call for them. All part of building it up. Got to be doing some good and along with my Slimpod I am hoping to see a difference.

hand weights added to the workouts


I have a real bad habit of leaving the light on when I am getting things out from the cupboard under the stairs. Drives hubby mad, so when I got offered the chance to write a review on Amazon for a motion detector light/torch it seemed silly not to say yes please.  It is great it switches off after twenty seconds and switching on when I open the door. It is more than bright enough to illuminate everything on the shelves and is also handy for reading the meter.

no flash used shows the brightness of the light 

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky


  1. The kelpies look so pretty! I did laugh at the chocolate box thing. Hope your daughter feels better soon!

  2. Love the picture of the kids in the window and the kelpies. Very sensible to go prepared - even with the phone numbers of the B&Bs! The picture of the buggy looks pretty miserable. Hope your daughter is feeling better soon.

    1. always like to be prepared, cant think of anything worse than stuck for hours in tail backs with no food, water or a blanket in case the engine is off.

  3. Like the sound of that light. LOVED seeing your Kelpie pictures earlier in the week, they look stunning at night. Would love to visit one day #366

    1. The light is a great item, so useful and portable as well if you need to move it from place to place.

  4. Great shots of The Kelpies and love the pics of your granchildren staring out the window - it's amazing what keeps them entertained isn't it?!

    1. simple things amuse them at that age, they had so much fun shouting and waving

  5. hehehe...That note is funny!
    I hope your daughter is feeling better soon...
    Well done at sticking to your workouts...It sounds like they are going really well!
    That light sounds a great idea...I will have to have a look. I always leave the light on under our stairs too :D x

    1. Well I wont loose weight if I dont make an effort. The light is worth looking at.

  6. Clever light - weird as I kept leaving my under stairs light on today! The Kelpies look amazing and so big. Well done on the work outs - such a good feeling I bet! :)

    1. The kelpies are huge 30m tall, quite impressive to stand under

  7. The Kelpies look splendid. The McMouse note made me smile. And the waving kids are so cute. It's nice that people wave back. Hope your daughter will be better soon.

    1. The note made me smile as well, that is why I thought I would share it.

  8. Those Kelpies are absolutely astounding, how beautiful an image. I think it's very sensible of you to pack all those essentials in case of being stranded; I'd hate for you to be cold and stuck.

    Thanks for linking up to Project 366.

    1. that is why we packed all those things, and fortunately brought them all back unused.

  9. I've been admiring your kelpie photos on Facebook. How amazing are they! They look humongous too!

  10. I also always leave the light on. Well done on your workouts

    1. Glad it is not just me. I am determined to make this keep fit work.

  11. I did chuckle at the note on the box of chocolates. I would have been very cross with that mouse!! Love the Kelpies, very pretty!

    1. He often does daft things like that, not did not bother me as they were there to be eaten.

  12. I love the Kelpies - they look amazing. Well done you on the weights - maybe I should get mine back out again.

    1. need to do something, surely it has to make a difference if I do it at least 3 times a week.

  13. Hope your daughter is feeling better. The box of chocolates is funny. I love the kelpies, they are just stunning when you see them and even better at night. Breathtaking. Great captures of them. Good luck with thinking slimmer and your workouts. Keep going xx

    1. yes the note was funny. The Kelpies are better at night.

  14. You are doing really well on your workouts, and those Kelpies look amazing. I love it when children are up at the window waving, their little faces when you wave back is just the sweetest thing.

    1. the twins love it when people wave back, and who can resist a toddler

  15. Good luck with the Slimpod and weights. I'm also listening to my slimpod every night as I drop off to sleep. I have been listening to it everyday for 2 weeks and I can definitely tell a difference. I love the pictures of the Kelpies, they must be such a wonderful sight to see. Hope you have a lovely week x #project366

    1. Nice to see so many friends on board the Slimpod train, hope it works for us all.

  16. well done on sticking to your fitness regime Elaine - i am very impressed. Your husbands note in the chocolate box is funny! The Kelpies look amazing - i bet they gather a lot of admirers. My two like sitting at the window in my mums house and playing guess what colour car will pass next! x

  17. Haha love the top one and the children in the window is gorgeous! Happy new year to you x

  18. Hope your daughter is feeling better, I saw the Kelpies photos they look wonderful

  19. Love your hubby's note! And keep up the good work with the fitness! Love those Kelpies and the different colours!

  20. Love the photos of the Kelpies, I would love to see them in real life! The shot of them all looking out the window made me smile and that does look like a very damp walk!

  21. Well done on the workouts! The Kelpies look awesome! love the colours. Bless the twins sitting on the window sill!


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