
Saturday 9 January 2016

Project 366 week 1

Debated over joining in this year, but have to say I not only enjoy sharing our ups and downs but reading other peoples. I thought with a new grandchild due next month it would be a shame not to allow her young life to be on here for her to look back on just as the gruesome twosome have been followed.

So here we have it - year five of the project.

Friday 1st January

Went for a cold, blowy, but dry walk along the beach to blow away the cobwebs, it certainly did that all right. Somebody had written this message in the sand, and so I decided to share it with you.


Had been at the GP on Thursday as I am finding myself hoarse a lot of the time but my throat is not actually sore. I feel it may be catarrh as I blow my nose upwards of twenty times a day, so I got some steroid drops to use for six weeks and see if it makes a difference, I also mentioned a few other issues I have and so he wants to do some fasting blood tests, so have an appointment with the practise nurse for them at the end of the month.


I often find when sat on my laptop my ankles get cold, so how lovely is this, a pressie from a friend. It is great and makes a difference, a slipper for two feet at once. 


Driving back into the village and I spotted a fab sunset in my mirrors. Stopped in the layby and took this picture. 


Have decided that I need to do something about the fact I am putting on weight. Did a post on it here, but here is a start. A gentle start but considering my age and weight probably a sensible start. Struggled at eight minutes in but was fine by twelve minutes. Hoping to improve and work up to  harder workouts.


Went for a walk along the river. Hubby is down photographing the waterfalls.


Went round to see the twins and keep their other Gran company while daughter was out. There was lots of giggling going on with lots of silliness. The two of them play well together.


It has snowed here and by golly has it created merry hell. People stuck in traffic jams for hours, no way out and no way round. It normally takes me twenty minutes in heavy traffic to get home. Took over two hrs today. There are three sensible ways into the village, my normal route, the back route and the long route. Short route shut off with a police accident sign, so I diverted round to the back way, got about three miles to get stopped and turned round again. So back to the bypass for the long route home, the snow was much heavier at this point. Stopped to phone hubby and let him know what was happening, and then carried on for another two miles on a horrible slippery snow covered road, only to get turned round here and sent back the way we had come. A sign post at the far end would have been nice. Problem is our village is quite high, surrounded by roads that are even higher, and it makes access difficult. The fourth unrealistic route in was gridlocked and no traffic moving so I phoned my pal to see if I could come and sit at hers until the roads opened, but luckily time I passed the first road again it was open. Sensibly enough I have spare jackets and waterproof trousers in the car as well as hat and gloves and food and water so just such an emergency.
When I took this picture I was stopped and awaiting my turn to be turned round.

turned round. 


Where we live is not on the bus route and there is no way with the amount of snow in Ayrshire the gritters were getting anywhere near our street. It has frozen overnight the street will be impossible to get  out of, so I have left my car at DD1 door and planned on putting these on to make walking down the hill to it safer.


TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky


  1. Yay! I am so glad you have continued to join in...I really enjoy your posts.
    What a great message on the beach! A fab find!
    Good luck with the steroid drops. I hope they work and the weight loss!
    Oh gosh! What an awful journey in the snow! We haven't had any but have been forecast it...It's just wet in Northumberland. Stay safe x

  2. Love the sunset and the idea of the cowslipper - what a good idea that is - I need them too! Happy New Year Elaine #366

    1. The cow slipper is great, really does its job well.

  3. I hope you are feeling better soon and the tests come back ok! Love the slipper thing!!

    1. time will tell with the tests, I try to be good with my eating but it is difficult when so many food groups are no available to me.

  4. The snow sounds horrendous! Love the writing on the beach. Wow, I can't believe the new grandchild is due next month - that's flown by!
    Glad to hear you're back for a fifth year, it wouldn't be the same without you.

    1. aaahhhh thats lovely of you, but yes it is nice to keep going with the familiar people.

  5. Good luck with the snow but you sound well prepared - not like us down South where everything grinds to a halt with the first sprinkling! Love the sunset picture - so pretty :)

    1. It does grind to a halt up here as well, it is pathetic in Scandinavian countries etc they get feet of snow and still get on with it, we get 4 inches and it is chaos.

  6. I hope the snow calms down a bit. I do often think of you when I hear about bad weather in Scotland, even though it is a large area! I don't blame you for stopping for that beautiful sunset. Wow how quickly has it come round to your next grandchild arriving! I too am on a diet and working out, trying to work off all the Christmas guilt! I am pleased you returned for another year. Hope you have a good week x

    1. I know the birth of the next grandchild is advancing too quickly.

  7. So pleased you joined in! I almost didn't too.

    Hope the steriods work and that slipper looks cool! Oh gosh didn't realise it had snowed your end!

    1. Glad you joined us as well, nice to keep watching Bee's antics

  8. Hope the snow doesn't stay around for too long, I'm dreading it starting in earnest here... maybe we'll be lucky this year! I have grippy things for my boots too, love them!

    1. he he the grippy things turned out hopeless, they fell off and were lost before I got to the car.

  9. I like the snow shoes things - very practival. Your're wise to have the bad weather gear in the car in case of need.

    1. bad weather gear is essential living as rural as this as Friday showed me.

  10. happy new year!
    well done for sticking it out for another year. i also wavered for a while but am going to keep going but not pressurise myself to take a photo a day so if i mis one it does not matter. I will just see another from the same week.
    i cannot believe that another grandchild is due next month - how fast has that come around?
    great idea to have those snow grip shoe covers. As a country- well united kingdom! - we are not good at tackling snow are we? i hope it does not cause too many more complications for you xx

    1. no we do not do weather very well, pathetic really in comparrison to other countries who get proper amounts of snow.

  11. Hope you're feeling better. Can't believe how big the twins are getting. Hike you're new little ones arrives safe & well. The snow is awful isn't it, fun when you don't have to go anywhere x

    1. yes would love to have taken the twins out in the snow.

  12. We got my MIL one of those foot warmers - she forgot she had it on and went flying LOL

    1. oh dear hope she was not too badly hurt, us old folk are fragile!!

  13. Snowgrips look like a medieval instrument of torture. :) I don't think I have ever walked in them. Are they comfy to use? Hope your catarrh clears up with the help of drops.

  14. awwwh the slippers for 2 feet ~ funny x

    The twins are getting so big.

  15. Happy new Year
    Glad you are joining in so we can follow the new addition, the twins have got so big, and the journey home sounded horrendous, I will no longer moan at my husband when he insists on extra clothing in the boot of the car, just in case!

  16. careful you don't get up and forget both feet are in the same slipper


Nice to see you stopping by. Thank you for your comment and I hope you stop by again.