
Thursday 7 January 2016

Taking their bikes to the park

A few weeks back now I was babysitting  the gruesome twosome and Bob and too them out for a while as it was the first dry day we had had in a long while. They no longer want to keep their rain cover on the buggy if they are out and it ends up wet and my daughter does not have to the space to dry it off. Walking with one is a doddle but two on your own is not so easy near roads, so really needs to be a dry day. I have to say it was cold and again they are at the age where they will not keep on hats and gloves.

So as it had been raining for days the only place I could take them where there were no puddles, which they would have ended up in, was the small fenced in park up the top of the village. Not quite so good for Bob here as the equipment is more suited for under five's but he still manages to play.

I took their toddlebike2's with us as well as they had not had a chance to use them outside since they got them. These bikes are great, dead easy to hang on the buggy and really light weight

hanging on the buggy

So I took the bikes down and let the children out and they both decided to play on them.

racing towards me

She seemed to be having a lot of fun.
one happy little girl

As is about normally for Dinky, Grandma has a camera and she needs to get right up close, I think she this just so adorable. She has always loved the camera, would even stop throwing a temper tantrum when she was younger if you brought one out.

up close with Dinky

Also took some video footage of them, laughed at one point with Minky picking his up and running with it, just goes to show how lightweight they are.

So they toddled off and played. Some fun on the swings. followed by some fun on the climbing frame.

Now for all Minky has from a very young age been happy to climb up. play on the equipment and slide down the slide Dinky has never been keen on taking her feet off the ground apart from in the swing.

Minky peeking through the bars

But for some unknown reason she decided she wanted up. I expected her to say no when I actually went to put her up but she didn't.  

wanting up, bottom step is too high for either of them

She quite happily went up and even walked up the slope on the climbing frame.

look I am up

Was even happy to play peek a boo with Minky. Oops at the muddy knees, she had started out clean.

peek a boo

By this time it was really quite cold, Minky tripped over on the climbing frame and started crying, his wee handes were blue with the cold at this point and I think the falling must have hurt. So after Dinky had given him a cuddle we went home.

cuddles for Minky

So there was a first for Dinky, actually going up on the climbing frame. Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

1 comment:

  1. It's great that you braved getting out in the cold with the twins and Bob, they look like they had a great time. Dinky and Minky look like they're really enjoying their time exploring the park. It's great Dinky braved the top of the play equipment for the first time, it's such a shame it was cut short from Minky falling over, I'm sure they all enjoyed their time. Thanks for linking up with me on Country Kids.


Nice to see you stopping by. Thank you for your comment and I hope you stop by again.