
Wednesday 11 April 2018

Benjy Bunn's Busy Day book - Giveaway No 4

On April fifth my humble little blog will be seven years old. Seven years of sharing the ups and downs of life, the growth of my family from two grandchildren to seven not to mention a house move and the demise of two pets. 

So by way of celebration I am planning on running a series of giveaways. Some of the prizes I am providing myself and some have generously been donated by various companies. So I have ten prizes so will run one every three days to spread them out over the month.

Today's prize is a copy of Benjy Bunn's Busy Day. This book is not available to buy until May 15th so I am giving you a chance to win it before that. 

Bev Scott Prior first wrote the Benjy Bunn series in the early 1970's to read to her children at the local nursery. The pages of the first copies of the stories, typed by her husband 45 years ago, are worn and weathered, each page smudged and frayed by the hands of her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Now in 2018, Benjy has been brought to life by her grandson James Burns, the main illustrator of the series. The Benjy Bunn Books series is filled with old-fashioned charm, wit and wonderful musicality.

The first book in the series is about Benjy Bunn's Busy Day around his home. Benjy Bunn believes that he is doing good, helping his Mummy in the house and Daddy in the garden, however it is evident to the reader that his actions are actually causing mayhem in his family home. Whether it’s preparing food, tidying his room, or doing the gardening, Benjy gets it ever-so wrong. 

We have reviews from young readers on Toppsta.comThe book is due to be released on 15th May 2018 in the UK, and is currently available to pre-order at and m. It will shortly also be available on Amazon in both physical and ebook format.

This book is suitable for ages 4-8 years.

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Benjy Bunn's Busy Day book - Giveaway No 4


  1. famous five and the secret seven and the hardy boys

  2. I love all Enid Blyton books but especially The Town Mouse and The Country Mouse as I thought they were cute

  3. i used to like a book called the jolly postman x

  4. loved the peter rabbit book, mum spent hours reading the to me x

  5. Michelle Ferguson11 April 2018 at 19:34

    I loved the Witches by Roald Dahl as I was convinced witches were real and it always made me laugh

  6. as a very long child I loved The Very Rainy Day, it was a charming story about a rabbit family battling against the elements, it had lovely illustrations, I wish I had it still.

  7. Loved the book 'Guess how much I love you' I still read it to my son now x

  8. I loved Charlie and the chocolate factory

  9. I loved all books - Enid Blyton, Roald Dahl, RL Stine, Jaqueline Wilson - but I think that my favourite book had to be Enid Blyton's Hurrah for the Circus, I read it over and over, I loved the personalities of all the Circus Folk in it and their relationship's with their animals - especially Jemimah the Monkey

  10. I enjoyed reading Hans Christian Andersen fairy tales book. The Ugly Duckling who grew up to be a Beautiful Swan :- I thought a Wonderful story. As an adult I wish we could all accept people for who they are. Looks is only one aspect, We may all have attributes.

    Rachel Craig

  11. The Misty Annual that came out every year because it had some great scary stories in it and it really was a treat

  12. mine was the lion the witch and th wardrobe. i loved the fantasy element to it

  13. I loved Carrie's War by Nina Bawden when I was a child - I just remember my mum reading it to me and watching her lips move.

  14. I loved the Enid Blyton books, they were great for adventure before bed

  15. I loved Tracy Beaker books, as I could connect with the character.

  16. When I was younger I loved Enid Blyton's the faraway tree it was such a magical story 💗

  17. I liked the Mr Men books when I was younger as I liked all the different characters and enjoyed reading them with my grandad

  18. I loved the Enid blyton book the Treasure Hunters as it was the firat book I really read.

  19. I loved anything by Roald Dahl but the NTH was my favourite

  20. I loved Roald Dahl and Enid Blyton books - I lover Enid's Famous Five books, especially Five Go to Billycock Hill - as it was quite scary!

  21. Anne of Green gables, loved the triumphs and tribulations of her life

  22. I loved Hans Anderson's Fairy Tales as my late Father always read them to me while we had a cuddle too

  23. Mine was Alice's Adventure in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. I loved the very strange, weird and wonderful characters.

  24. I loved Matilda. I always wished I had her magic powers.

  25. Alice in wonderland as it was the only hard back book I owned as a child.

  26. I loved anything by Roald Dahl!

    Your blog is exactly 2 years older than my daughter to whom I would read this book xx

  27. I loved Little Women because of the love between the girls and their mother

  28. The elves and the shoemaker was my favourite book I was amazed how those tiny elves made the shoes lol

  29. The series of Black Beauty, I really loved them and fantasised that i owned my own horse lol.....

  30. The Faraway Tree, I loved the characters and the magic of it all

  31. I loved the worst witch. Used to pretend I was Mildred Hubble!

  32. Enid Blyton's The Magic Faraway Tree, loved all the characters and brilliant storylines

  33. I loved Hans Christian Andersen fairy tales book, I hope my daughter will enjoy them too.

  34. As a young child I loved Beatrix Potter's books, especially The Tailor of Gloucester.

  35. I loved The Tiger Who Came To Tea as a child.

  36. Meg & Mog - i love those witch books, still love black cats!

  37. Love the Dr Dolittle series of books as I loved that he could talk to animals

  38. I loved the funny bones books, I just never got bored of listening to in a dark dark dark house in a dark dark street

  39. My favourite toy was a hand me down red metal tipper truck. It provided hours of happy entertainment in the sandpit.

  40. I loved famous five and secret seven I'm showing my age now

  41. Charlie and the chocolate factory

  42. christine westlake22 April 2018 at 18:42

    Loved noddy books- he got up to so much fun in his little car

  43. The Ugly Duckling, it was so sad but had a great ending

  44. I had a hard back book of poetry by various poets and loved to read Up in a swing by Robert Louis Stevenson!

  45. My favourite book was guess how much i love you. Me and my mum read it every night together and now i do the same for my son x

  46. I loved all the Enid Blyton books, particularly the famous Five.

  47. My favourite book as a child was the hobbit, a book far too old for my age when I read it (I was 7). The book transported me to a fantasy world that existed only in dreams and from that day I was hooked, I've read it over 20 times and I still get goosebumps Everytime.

  48. we all love Matalida in out home x

  49. I always loved the Goosebumps books. I thought it was great how you could make a different story with some of them (where it would say 'to go through this door to page...' etc).

  50. I loved a book called There's No Such Thing as a Dragon. It was just a fun book which used to make me laugh.

  51. My favourite book was The Very Hungry Caterpillar as it reminds me of infant school.

  52. I had a lovely book called Kurri Kurri the Kookaburra which my auntie in Australia sent me and I loved it and imagined myself in Australia while I was reading it.

  53. Mine was The Very Hungry Caterpillar and now it is my daughter's favourite!

  54. I always loved any books by Enid Blyton, especially Malory Towers

  55. My favourite was Alice in Wonderland, I loved all the unbelievable things :)

  56. Peace at last was definitely my favourite book

  57. Enid Blyton. The famous five. Loved them and the Famous seven

  58. my son loves this book called aan the alliater xx

  59. Enid blyton was my favourite, - I always remember the day I found a very old, red, hardback book at my grandma's house. I opened it and read it - It was Five on a secret trail and I was hooked. From there I searched out all the other famous five books, and most other enid blytons. Fantastic series.

  60. I read so many books as a child and never had a favourite although several such as "Those Dreadful Children" by Enid Blyton or "Little Grey Men" by BB were reread and reread. I found them gripping stories at the time

  61. Brothers Grimm fairytale book I loved Hansel and Gretel

  62. My favourite books were The Naughtiest Girl in the School series by Enid Blyton, as I loved how naughty & mischievous Elizabeth was!

  63. I loved Matilda, I bought my daughter the book and she loves it too xx

  64. enid blytons the naughtiest schoolgirl was my fave series of books when i was a kid

  65. I loved the gruffalo especially for a bedtime story, I think the main reason was because my granny bought me that book x

  66. I don't remember the name of the books but they were from the 'You Choose' range, when you got to the bottom of the page you chose from two scenarios and you chose what happened next in the story! Also loved Nancy Drew,she was awesome xx

  67. I loved The Magical Faraway Tree. It was probably the first book that introduced me to fantasy.

  68. I loved the Faraway tree stories by enid blyton. They appealed to my imagination with their fantastical magical lands.

  69. I used to love the twits by Roald Dahl noddy by Enid Blyton. My daughter now love noddy and we read it together

  70. I loved the secret garden always transported me to a magical place.

  71. Matilda because I loved how clever she was.

  72. I loved the Faraway Tree books from Enid Blyton. Great characters and story telling.

  73. Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe - I always sat in my wardrobe reading it with a torch hoping to find Narnia


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