
Friday 13 April 2018

Ziggy comes to visit.

Ziggy does not appear on the blog as often as the other children do due to her living nearly three hours away. This is the first time she has been down since she started walking, and I have to say Dixie was better with her this time. So I thought it would be nice to do a post on her. 

One thing that has not changed is Dixie still does not like her crying over the baby monitor or for that matter any other babies that cry on the television. I use Panasonic Multi Room Speakers that sit next to my chair and  Dixie stares at it and woofs when babies cry,  Apparently this is not unusual in dogs as you can read hereZiggy on the other hand loves to come over and stand by it especially when her favourite programme Something Special with Justin and Mr Tumble is on. She knows a lot of the Makaton signs from watching this, nice to know tv can be so educational. 

Anyway I digress this post is about Ziggy not Dixie, but then I suppose as part of the family she will feature.

When DD2 arrived they had been cooped up on the car for three hours so after they had all been fed we took the two dogs, ours and hers, wrapped up warmly and went for a walk in the wind and sleet along the back road. Ziggy was cold and a bit grumpy so we kept her going by encouraging her to go from puddle to puddle.

swinging on her reigns 

We did have some dry if cold weather and we spent time in the garden. This is an awful lot easier since hubby moved the shed down to the bottom of the garden and we can now see the whole garden. We acquired some toys from the woman across the road a few weeks back so she spent time in the cosy coupe car, on the scooter and pushing her baby in the buggy. 

sat down to have a snack

the buttons on the scooter play music


The buggy also came into the house to be played with 

She is remarkably good most of the time with us considering despite being her grandparents we are strangers to her due to this distance. She still seems to prefer Granddad to me when mummy is not around

Mummy left her while she was eating her breakfast

and left her while she went for a shower.

We went down to the park with her cousins one of the days, a separate blog post will follow on that in the next week. 

joining in with her cousins 

copying Dinky

We also spent time indoors as well. 

playing with the toys

making a cup of tea for Dixie dog

stories with Mummy 

feeding Dixie ( Dixie is chewing not growling) 

reading a story to Dixie

rocking the teddies sunglasses 

putting the dog toys in and out of the bed and cage 

On Friday night DD3 joined us for a fun evening. 

We also manged to get Dixie to allow Ziggy to feed her. Ziggy was still woofing when DD2 came down the stairs or into the room but a huge improvement on last time. If you watch to the end of the video you will see Ziggy putting toys in and out of the dog crate, the crate gave her loads of fun as the dog did not need to be put in there at all. 

This is a collaborative post 

1 comment:

  1. Aww! Ziggy is such a sweetheart...It looks like you had a lovely time together x


Nice to see you stopping by. Thank you for your comment and I hope you stop by again.