Thursday, 5 April 2018

Giveaway No 2 £70 of Dorling Kindersley books

So today is the fifth of April and my humble little blog is seven years old. Seven years of sharing the ups and downs of life, the growth of my family from two grandchildren to seven not to mention a house move and the demise of two pets.

So by way of celebration I am planning on running a series of giveaways. Some of the prizes I am providing myself and some have generously been donated by various companies. So I have ten prizes so will run one every third day as an average to spread them out over the month.

My second giveaway is a lovely selection of £70 worth of books from Dorling Kindersley. These have been supplied by DK for me to giveaway. I have to say I am tempted to hold onto the embroidery book but ssshhhhh don't tell them. This is the biggest value prize I have to giveaway so decided it was the approproate one to share on the actual date.

The five books I have on offer for today's giveaway are 

1 A Little course in Yoga   takes you from complete beginner to being able to master 49 yoga poses and 12 sequences. Start simple with basic poses including downward facing dog and the cobra, build on them with the warrior lunge and the half lotus and take it further with the dolphin and the rocking bow. The step-by-step pictures show you what other courses only tell you.

2 Sushi Taste and Technique   An enticing mix of classic and contemporary recipes, showing you how to create dozens of dishes including pressed mackerel sushi, spicy tuna and avocado sushi bowls and stunning sashimi plates. Learn the basics of how to make sushi, with foolproof recipes and beautiful photographs to make Japanese cooking simple. This brand new edition also includes a handy photographic guide to fish and shellfish, teaching you how to prepare every ingredient and ensuring perfect homemade sushi every time.

3 How Food Works    your own friendly nutritionist, on hand to debunk common food myths and give you the answers to those pressing questions with easy-to-swallow information. How Food Works reveals the facts behind your food, evaluates the benefits of superfoods and antioxidants, and explores behind-the-scenes of modern food production.

4) Allotment Handbook takes you through 10 steps to preparing your plot and teaches you need to know techniques such as sowing, plating, feeding, mulching, watering and weeding. Armed with the basics, you'll learn how to grow over 70 types of fruit and vegetable crops. You'll also find easy projects such as making a simple compost bin and planting a fruit tree and tips to attract wildlife along with simple, delicious ways to enjoy your produce. A handy troubleshooting section covers identifying and dealing with weeds, pests, and diseases.

and finally the one that may be missing from the parcel when I send it to

5 Stitch step by step will help you progress from sewing student to seasoned stitcher in no time. This is the complete guide to decorative sewing, embroidery and needlepoint stitches from cross stitch to couching and whitework to beading.
Over 200 stitches and techniques are clearly photographed across the full sewing spectrum and annotated notes make following the steps quick and easy. Stitch Step by Step will give you all the stitches you need to create beautiful, personal pieces perfect for any occasion. 

To enter this giveaway just follow the instructions below;

Please note comments will show after moderation. Please can people answer the question asked with a minimum of eight words as requested as it would be a shame if the randomly chosen winner had to be disqualified as they had not done so.

You can enter my other live giveaways here

No 1 (closed) 
No 3
No 4

No 5 No 4

£70 of Dorling Kindersley Books


  1. The yoga book as I keep trying to learn yoga and failing!

  2. Karina Henderson5 April 2018 at 09:29

    how food works looks very interesting and helpful

  3. The Allotment Handbook appeals to me the most as we have just got our first allotment and need some help with knowing where to start, what to plant etc :) So happy as it is just in time for Spring!

  4. would love to read the allotment book as I love growing veg

  5. Josie Bicknell5 April 2018 at 10:28

    How food works appeals to me i am keen to learn

  6. Stitch step by step, I do a lot of my own stitching and am teaching my niece's as their school doesn't teach the way we used to learn x

  7. I like all these books and would use the yoga, allotment and stitches as I'm into these right now . The yoga would come in useful as I'm doing a little , I like growing my own organic fruit and veg and I'm doing some embroidery but learning how to do different stitches so all three would be very handy. I don't like sushi but my daughter eats lots of the stuff so I'd give her that one. Thanks for the chance to win.

  8. I like the look of Stitch Step By Step. I already cross-stitch but can I heck do a French knot! It'd be nice to learn some new techniques.

  9. I really would love to read Sushi Taste and Technique, I love sushi and I've always wanted to know how to make it. Imagining myself as an awesome sushi chef ;) haha

  10. I've been thinking about joining a yoga class so the yoga book would be a handy starter

  11. i like the sound of the step by step stitch. id love to improve my sewing skills

  12. How Food Works looks extremely informative, encouraging and interesting :-)

  13. a course in yoga because with two children i need to find some chill out time lol x

  14. The Yoga Book as it's something I've been interested in for a long time xxx

  15. The Allotment Handbook, i would find this interesting and i expect i would learn so much from this book

  16. Stitch step by step appeals to me the most as l hope to rekindle my love of sewing

  17. Margaret Clarkson
    "The Allotment Handbook" as I currently have fruit trees and bushes but I would like to learn more and about vegetables

  18. The sushi one - would love to try making it

  19. oh my goodness the Allotment handbook would be just awesome for our brand new adventure

  20. I would like to read The Allotment Handbook the most as i am interested in growing my own vegetables

  21. As a general crafter I am most looking forward to the sewing book, although the other books look very appealing too!

  22. The Yoga books looks amazing! i have done a few classes but am not a natural!!

  23. The allotment handbook would be a great gift for my husband as he could do with this and its his birthday soon....thanks for the chance and Happy 7th Anniversary !

  24. I would love the allotment handbook to help me grow more vegetables in my garden.

  25. the Allotment Handbook, love growing my own veg

  26. I would like to read the How food works, It looks like I could pick up some good tips

  27. Stitch step by step is the book i would be interested in.

  28. I am returning to cross stitch and embroidery after many years and the Stitch step by Step would help me a great deal - Im afraid I am rather rusty

  29. A Little Course In Yoga as I've been meaning to start yoga for ages! The sewing book would be great too.

  30. I do like the look of all the booksbut my eye was particularly drawn to the book 5 Stitch step by step as I would love to be able to sew more than the basic sewing stitches x

  31. Stitch Step by Step for me!I have done some basic crafty sewing, but Would love to be a little more skilled.

  32. caroline Harris6 April 2018 at 21:24

    Although I too would love the embroidery one, the allotment handbook appeals the most at the moment. Spring is in the air so thoughts turn to growing our own.

  33. Yoga because I would be a complete novice, and this book would be ideal for me

  34. The allotment handbook appeals to me the most as my dad has just got an allotment so I think this would be great. Am hoping to get the kids involved too.

  35. I would like the Allotment book, I have just moved to a house with a big garden and plenty of room for veg and fruit so would be good to find out how to grow my own food.

  36. The Allotment Handbook as we are very new to it

  37. I would love Sushi Taste and Technique as my eldest grandson is fascinated by Japanese food and culture. He would be so impressed if I made Sushi for him.

  38. How Food Works looks like something we could use here - Leanne W

  39. I would love the Allotment Handbook as just signed up for one!

  40. The sushi taste and technique. I absolutely love sushi and the Japanese culture so I would love to be able to mak it for my family xx

  41. I think 'How Food Works' I am keen to eat a little healthier now I am older

  42. All of them! But the Allotment book would be terrifically handy as small son and I love growing things but have a tendency to kill vegetables and plants!

  43. A Little course in Yoga - I have MS so more gentle exercise would really help, but being shy I would like to start in my home, this book is a good solution!

  44. weve just started plnting vegetables so id lov eot read the Allotment Handbook

  45. The yoga book appeals the most as Id love to try and learn some techniques.

  46. Lindsey Loughtman8 April 2018 at 00:10

    Stitch step by step, I do a lot of my own stitching and it's always good to have instructions handy in a book in case the internet goes down

  47. How Food Works as I'd love to know more about super foods and food that will keep you healthy.

  48. That really is a lovely selection :) they all appeal to me! I think the one that appeals the most is How Food Works - I love getting into the science of anything, and I love food!

  49. would love to read the how food works as it sounds really interesting and i'm interested in cooking, food and health and its a mix of it all!

  50. Definitely the yoga book - i am so interested in yoga!

  51. The allotment Handbook is most appealing because I would love to learn how to grow more of my own veg and salad and fruit!

  52. Stitch step by step because I could do with some help with my sewing skills.

  53. The Allotment Handbook, we have just put in four ne raised beds for my daughter, this would be perfect for her

  54. the sushi book i have always fancied having a go at making it

  55. How Food Works would be an intresting read, useful too

  56. The Allotment Handbook. We have a garden now and I really want to try and grow something - all I've had before is a cactus!

  57. The How Food Works book sounds like an interesting read

  58. A little Course in Yoga sounds good, I've tried a bit of DIY yoga previously but could use a bit of guidance

  59. I think the allotment book will be good as I want to go grow more fruit and veg.

  60. How food works make me appreciate food more as family

  61. Allotment handbooks with its need to know techniques and how to prepare


  62. Sushi is my favourite food so definitely the Sushi Taste and Technique book

  63. A Little course in Yoga because I am thinking about starting yoga for long time, so this book would be great beginning for me.

  64. Stitch Step By Step, always wanted to learn how to stitch

  65. How Food Works sounds really good and something I can pass onto my children x

  66. I would like to read How Food Works the most as it sounds really interesting.

  67. The Allotment Handbook as I have just took on an allotment. Thankyou for the competition.

  68. The yoga book looks amazing. I practice yoga as a way to help with my anxiety 💗

  69. Great selection of books - love the sound of the yoga book

  70. The Allotment Gardener - I have a new plot and lots to learn!

  71. Embroidery is something I've always wanted to try, but never made the time to. :-)
    The Stitch step by step book looks very interesting.

  72. A Little course in Yoga sounds just like my sort of thing, I really want to practise more and this guide looks perfect.

  73. How food works...I think. We should all be interested in what we actually put inside our bodies.

  74. The allotment handbook, just taken up gardening and basically just buy plugs and shove them in the ground. Would love to do veg but it scares me!

  75. HOW FOOD WORKS - i would love to learn more and try to change my diet for the better x

  76. Charmaine Dance16 April 2018 at 21:44

    How Food Works looks really interesting and informative

  77. I'd love to read How Food Works, looks like it has lots of great info

  78. Wouldn't mind any of them but The Allotment Handbook would be the preferred choice

  79. I would REALLY love to read the allotment book as I AM THINKING OF GETTING ONE VERY SOON

  80. The sushi book. My family and I adore sushi so this would be great for us - especially trying to make our own :)

  81. The allotment handbook. I have always enjoyed growing my own veg in my garden, and aim to have an allotment one day. on the waiting lists now!! :)

  82. the allotment handbook, we are growing our own this year and if successful would like to expand to an allotment

  83. I think the allotment book looks really interesting :)

  84. The stitch step by step as I enjoy learning new things c

  85. The Stitch book, as I would love to get more proficient at sewing clothes and things for the house.

  86. I would love to read the Sushi book because I love sushi and would love to learn to make it myself at home.

  87. the Sushi Taste and Technique boSushi and I don't know how to make it

  88. Stitch Step by Step appeals to me as it looks such an informative and concise guide and i enjoy making embroidered items for around the home so this would be a big help.

  89. The allotment handbook - I love nuturing things and being outside and so do the kids.

  90. I really want to get into yoga as it seems calming and energizing! That means A Little course in Yoga would be my choice xx

  91. Stitching step by step and yoga as well love to learn new things and techniques

  92. They all appeal in different ways, however, probably the sushi book as I ave never made my own and would love to learn how!

  93. I would love A Little Course in Yoga, as I have recently been diagnosed with a medical condition, and have been advised to take up Yoga to help with pain management and mental strength.

  94. The Allotment book would be fab !!!!

  95. the little yoga book sounds greats as i would love to learn

  96. The allotment handbook. It sounds like it has some useful tips in it.

  97. A Little Course in Yoga appeals. Been wanting to try yoga for a few years but never got round to it. Might be the "push" I need. Thanks for the chance.

  98. the Allotment Handbook looks most interesting as we like to grow our own fruit and veg and good do with a few tips

  99. The Allotment handbook - I really don't know where to start and this book looks like it has lots of help at hand!

  100. The Allotment Handbook would be my pick. I've had some good results before but I'd like to grow more!

  101. How Food Works. Seems sensible to aim to be kept informed regarding food, health, etc.

    Rachel Craig

  102. Because these look like lovely books, and I know very little about gardening


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