Saturday, 31 October 2020

Project 365 weeks 43 and 44

 We were away for the week last week. On holiday in a caring role for DS1 so we were ok to go despite the fact central Scotland is on a lockdown. Latest info was if you had plans keep them just don't make new ones. 


The weather was nice and the rest of the week was not suppose to be. So we had a trip out in the car to do some sight seeing. Ended up seeing various different places and picked up a couple of caches. 


A rather dull wet day. Dug a jigsaw out of the cupboard and started it while listening to my audio book. It cleared up a bit in the afternoon so took the dog up to a local Forestry walk and picked up a few caches.  The scenery is stunning in all its autumn glory, and the views amazing. 


Another dreary morning but I went and did 15 miles on the bike in the morning, home for lunch and  out with the dog. Just stayed local and went down to a park and a bit of boggy beach. Spotted this piece of history, The Alexandra Bridge which when it was built in 1902 to take people across the firth to a sandy beach with dunes, but now the water levels are much higher and the dunes are long gone. 


A nicer morning so we headed in a different direction. DS1 says he has never been this way up the coast so we went to Inver and did a few miles on the beach there. Then onto Portmahomack and looked at some of the sights and had another walk and then went and bought stuff in the local shops to add to their economy before finally heading to Tarbet Ness lighthouse and walking along the cliffs there as well. 


A 14 mile cycle in the morning, found an underpass (so saves having to go over the A9) but not heading for anywhere in particular. Found a few nice old churches that I went for a wander round the graveyard.  A different wooded walk with some more caches found in the afternoon. 


Went out on the bike again in the morning, staying fairly local in a big loop to pick up some caches, just over 11 miles. 

Back to the same wooded walk as yesterday as the rain is not far away. 


Back down the road for us today. A long drive but made slightly easier as it is one long straight road, over 100 miles being the A9 so hubby drove some of the mileage both up and down the road. 

Some snow on the hill tops as we passed Glencoe.

We stopped at Dunkeld, I live there for twelve weeks back in 1973 when we came back from Berlin while we waited on a house becoming available at RAF Machrihanish. The house is still there at the top of a long steep hill but no longer RAF houses. 

With a few stops and a half hour delay due to the police closing a road in front of us while a large load came through a narrow stretch it took us seven hours to get home. 


DD1 phoned to see if I wanted to go for a walk down to the fishery with her and the children, so happily I went. Don't get many weekends off when I can go out with them. We had lots of fun and they are such a lovely lively bunch. Two came back with squelching feet and muddy to their armpits so got thrown in the shower. 


Was awake early so got up and did some blogging comments. 

Had some out of date bread and veg from the supermarket yesterday so prep and froze the veg, used some to make soup with and then turned some of the bread into bread crumbs for the freezer. 

Nipped into town to pick up a prescription for hubby and walked the dog while we were there.

Home for soup and crusty bread for tea. 


Trying to finish off a crochet item, takes me so long to crochet but could not find a knitting pattern for it so plodding on with it. 

A walk round the park with the dog after dark so she got on her light up collar so we can see her. 

We had ordered some new windows a few months back but heard nothing from the company we paid a deposit to. So having gone through trading standards we eventually got that deposit back. Judging by the conversation with Trading Standards we got off lucky.

I must be in a  grumpy mood as I bought a few bras over the internet. Can't try them on in the shops at the moment and these were more like sports bra's that fit more than one size. Sadly nothing like their description and two of them were just flimsy bits of shapeless material. So offered to return them for a refund. Company did not want them returning said I could give them to somebody that needs them but no offer of a refund. They then offered me $5 credit for something that costs more than £40 for the four of them. So I opened a paypal dispute to get my money back. Now offering me money back if I close the dispute.....told them I will close the dispute ONCE they have refunded my money. 


A few bits in the house and went out for a cycle after lunch. A shortish ride, 8.5 miles but am currently trying to work out a few 5-10 mile routes round the village just for quick jaunts out. Wary of the slippy leaves at this time of year. 

Clocked up 500 miles on my bike today 


A slow start to the day. DD1 has dropped off some wrapped stuff as she has nowhere to store it. Especially with three birthdays next month as well. Washed all my floors and cleaned downstairs while hubby did upstairs. 

Finished off my  crochet project and got wadding and material out the loft to wad and quilt my cross stitch project I have finished stitching. 

This sign made me smile 


A walk round somewhere different with the dog, then home to spend some time in the kitchen. Made a quiche type pie using bread rolled out and then spread with margarine and layered in the bottom to make the pastry. Made a few cakes as well so cake and custard for supper. 


A lovely lady that I talk to on social media was given masses of wool from a house that was cleared out. so she sent me some along with this card and a lovely message inside. There were three balls of the brushed chunky but one is currently being knitted with. 

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Friday, 30 October 2020

Clocked up 500 miles on my bike.

 As some of my regular readers might remember I purchased a bike back in August. I thought long and hard before I spent the money, I did plenty of research based on my experience of the bikes I have been using when out volunteering with The Active travel hub. I knew what I liked and disliked and what I wanted out of it - a bike I could use for years to come. The money had to be invested right the first time as their would be no second chance.  I also bought a bike carrier (not really sure how much I would use it) so I could consider cycle rides further away from home. But I have to say I cannot believe how much pleasure I am getting out of the bike. 

My biggest drawback living where I do is I need to cycle on main roads to reach any cycle paths or roads. A lot of  them round here rated as B roads that are used by buses and HGV's and can be busy at certain times of the day. Not only does this make it more dangerous for myself as a cyclist it also makes it difficult for the large vehicles to pass by safely and can be infuriating especially as I cycle defensively on roads as I was trained to do. I also fitted a mirror so I am aware of what is behind me.

So of course I had to go and look her up. 


I am quite fortunate as I already had a new helmet and gloves I bought about a year ago with a voucher I won and never got round to wearing due to my shoulder problems last year. I already had pannier bags and a rack from my old bike that I kept and also have good quality waterproofs due to my regular cycling as well. My bike came with lights so that saved another expense. I have since purchased a flashing back light and a holder for my handle bars that holds my phone along with a power bank in case I need to charge on the go. 

I always have mapmyride on as I have a habit of seeing a road and wondering where it goes, so I just wander where I want to and then if I am lost I can always look where I need to go or follow my own route back until I do know where I am.  

My wanders vary, at the beginning I was doing 6-10 miles and finding my bum was numb but now I am cycling 25 miles plus. Some days I go somewhere specific, like cycling the 20 mile round trip to the pharmacy to pick up prescriptions or into town to meet a friend, or see a new cache pop up and cycle the  miles to pick it up,  other days I just follow the front wheel and end up where I and up.  

I have also started meeting up with one of the other volunteers for the ATH and her and I try and go out once a week together. The joy of this for me is she has cycled in this area for over thirty years and knows a lot more of the backroads than I do so it is of great benefit to me to learn them. I know know a way into Kilmarnock that only uses just over a mile of main road cycling and then onto various back roads and b roads. 

stopping to read signs and information boards. 

I was away on holiday for just over a week earlier in the month and used the bike carrier to take the bike with me. Lots of new roads cycled, I even found an underpass which saved crossing the A9. Added quite a few caches to my total while away as well. Ok it takes away from the cycling time but adds to the fun. I don't go out trying to beat any fast times or longest routes I go out to enjoy my time on the bike. 

A lot of these items of sights I would not have seen had I just been driving round, getting out on the bike lets you read sign posts that tell bits or history. A heather hut reroofed by four local teenagers as 

Looking forward to the next 500. 

Thursday, 29 October 2020

How to Handle The Death of a Loved One

 It’s often only when something terrible happens, that we truly realise what we had. The death of a loved one is just about as traumatic as it can get. It doesn’t matter whether it came out of the blue or it was expected; it’s never nice to say goodbye to someone for whom you care deeply. Even harder these days when only a few close relatives can attend a funeral. While it’ll never be easy, there are things you can do to help manage the pain. Though it’s awful, we can at least call upon the collective wisdom of humanity. People, after all, have been mourning their loved ones for thousands of years. 

In this blog, we’re going to look at a few useful tips that’ll help to make the pain more bearable.

Pexels - CC0 Licence

Surround Yourself With Loving People

You’ve said goodbye to one person that you love, but you’ll still have others around you. When you’re going through the grieving process, your first inclination will be to shut yourself away from the world. That’s normal, and absolutely fine. But at some point, it’ll be important to step out and connect with people who love you. They of course won’t expect you to be jovial or anything like that. You can just be yourself, which is heartbroken. It’s about nothing other than being close to people who care.

Look After Yourself

It’s likely that in the days immediately after the loss of a loved one, you’ll be in a pit of despair, and will find it difficult to function properly. However, remember that the longer you’re in that pit, the harder it will be to get out. You don’t have to do anything resembling normal life if you’re not ready, but it is recommended that you take care of the basics. Showering, eating healthy food, and going for a walk will all help you, even if it doesn’t feel like it straight away.

Honour The Memory

It’s really important to honour the memory of your loved one. It might be painful to think of them, but you’ll find that it helps in the long run. Their name shouldn’t be something that never gets uttered. Instead, celebrate their life. Work with independent funeral directors to put together a funeral. There’s power in having everyone come together to celebrate the life of a person who has passed on. 

Stay Patient

They say that time heals all wounds. That might not be true. There’s a chance that your wound may never truly heal. But it most definitely will not be as deep as it is in the beginning. Grieving for a loved one is all about staying patient, doing your best, and waiting for the intensity of the grief to pass. And trust us, it will.

Professional Help 

If you find that you’re really struggling, then consider getting professional help. Your friends and family may provide comfort, but they’re unlikely to be professionally trained to deal with these types of things. Don’t suffer in silence -- reach out and take your first steps towards moving on. It will help. 

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Saturday, 24 October 2020

Project 365 - an 8 week catch up

A catch up with what has happened over the last few months, and then will write up this weeks post tomorrow.   

Spud has settled into Nursery she started in August. She is now talking to people which for her is a massive achievement. 

Ziggy has settled back in and is using her hours with in two different nurseries, one of them an outdoor one. The gruesome twosome are back at school, Minky struggling with the new covid regulations as he is not a sit on your bum in one place type of child unless he is engrossed in something like Lego.

 Fifi has started her college course, not quite what she thought she was signing up for as they are doing it on line not hands on but she is sticking with it. 

Went out blackberry and apple picking with the four local grandchildren one day, all socially distanced of course and still see them backwards and forwards. 

picking up apples 

My daughter with her dog that I made for her 40th birthday

a walk round a local attraction - An A frame from the mining days 

a make shift bathroom door while it was being renovated - directly opposite my front door so not a good place to be sitting if the door knocks. 

full moon, half moon, total eclipse - 30 for £1 
the two girls on the swing 

Roo is finally mobile 

and had no fear of climbing high

Ziggy just loves the swings and would spend all day in them 

that is not suppose to be a pond, just full of rain water, a few children fell in while we were there  

DD2 came down from Oban for a long weekend, hummed and hawed over coming as it new lock down rules had been implemented in the central belt of Scotland but we were told don't make new plans but keep existing ones, and so the caravan park would not refund her money so she came. Was lovely to see them and all the cousins had fun meeting up and playing outside. 

Loving the me time my bike is giving me, I rarely set off anywhere with a destination in mind unless I am meeting somebody but just point the bike and go and then wonder what is down this road and just head off. 

Workwise - it was decided that face masks were now needed in no clinical areas where you cannot social distance, so that now also means the kitchen. As I have previously been through the procedures that are in place to protect people like me that cannot wear the masks then I have been given the face shields that you see in shops and have to wear it when I move from my designated area in the kitchen. I can live with this and is working fine. Feeling settled in there now and accepting it as an alternative for as long as it takes. 

Been doing various crafting knits and crochet items and taking orders from family for items they would like. Finished off my cross stitching project, it is a lap quilt so just needs the quilting bit done but my tension is out on my sewing machine so I need to spend some time sorting it and getting it right. 

That is about as exciting as it has got I am afraid. 

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Monday, 19 October 2020

What To Consider When Moving Abroad



2020 has been a difficult year for all of us, and after such a long time stuck at home isolated from the rest of the world many of us are rightly searching for an escape. 

Moving away can be a huge task and can create a lot of stress for anyone involved, but it is also the chance for a new life and a fresh start. Today we are taking a look at what you need to consider this year if you want to move abroad. 

The language

Once you have decided that enough is enough and you need a fresh start in life, a new country is a tempting thing. But when choosing the country you want to live in you need to be aware that the people might not speak your language. Although many countries around the world do speak English, some regions don’t and you should be aware of this before you pack up and move there. Take the time to either learn a little of the local lingo or move somewhere English speaking. 

The culture 

The American culture is one that is open, diverse, and allows people to express themselves. However, not every part of the world shares these views. For example a lot of Arab countries are deeply offended by public displays of affection, drinking alcohol, or wearing revealing clothes. Before you decide to make a new life somewhere, be sure that their culture is one that you are able to follow and one that you are comfortable with. 

Hidden costs 

There are a lot of different costs involved in moving abroad. From shipping to ground rent to taxes - you’ll end up forking out a lot on your new life. However there are also costs you may not know about such as in Singapore the SIBOR rate, you can Track SIBOR rate online and look for other hidden costs and this will allow you to be aware and prepare yourself for the outlay. 

Transport links to home 

One of the hardest parts about moving to a whole new country is leaving family behind. Your family will be sad to see you go, but if living somewhere else makes you happy they will always support you. When considering a country to make your new home: take some time to think about the transport links. How easy will it be for you to visit back home and for your family to visit you? Always be sure that there are methods to see the ones you love; because if not it will make your life difficult in the future.

Shipping costs 

When preparing to move to another country, the main task you’ll have to contend with is logistics. The logistics of transporting all of your possessions and furniture to another country can be a huge challenge. In order to ship items across the sea you’ll need international movers to help you, and the cost of this can often be high. Make sure you are aware of the cost of this before you buy your new home, and also take the time to learn the rules and regulations of materials allowed into your new country. For example if you are moving from the USA to the UK, the UK is much stricter about the materials they allow into the country. Be sure you know what you can take before you pack! 

Grocery costs 

One of the things you might not consider when buying your new home is the cost of groceries. If you have lived in the UK for the whole of your life and you move to Australia - you’ll have a nasty surprise when you go shopping for the first time. Food has different values in different countries and this is something to be aware of before you pack up and move somewhere new. Take the time to research online shops and supermarkets to ensure you know what to expect when you get there. 


The most important thing to consider when you want to move away is the lifestyle you’ll enjoy. Different countries have a different culture and different ways of life. The UK is very much a 9-5 culture: Denmark has 4 day weeks: and Australia has early working hours to make time for family at the end of the day. When considering a move to somewhere new, think about the life you want to lead and the way you look to live. Find a place where you can be yourself and enjoy the most important things in life every day. 

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Wednesday, 14 October 2020

7 Great Reasons To Consider Moving Abroad (Even During A Global Pandemic)


Image by Jason Goh from Pixabay

If you’re thinking of moving abroad and you’re unsure whether it’s the best possible move for you then don’t worry, you have definitely come to the right place. Whether you’re moving as a result of the pandemic or something else has prompted your decision, you need to be sure you’re moving for the right reasons. Luckily, there are lots of incredible reasons to consider packing up your belongings and moving. From starting a new job to better opportunities when it comes to housing, you may be surprised at all of the benefits moving house can bring you. With that in mind, here are 7 great reasons to consider moving abroad: 

You Don’t Feel At Home Where You Currently Are

One of the most common reasons for people to move is because they no longer feel at home where they currently are. Whether their friends and family have moved away or you’ve been struggling to find where you belong, moving to a place you’re passionate about could be a great way to get yourself out of the funk you may be feeling. For tips and tricks when it comes to finding a place that feels like home, you can visit this site here. 

It’s Somewhere New

Another great reason to move to another country is that it’s somewhere new for you to explore. For a lot of places, it can take a whole lifetime of living there before you feel as though you fully know a place, so with the opportunity to move somewhere new, you can feel that new-city feeling all over again. Whether you’re moving to New York or you’re taking a more laid-back approach in the English countryside, there’s no better feeling than the excitement a new place can bring. 

It Could Offer Job Opportunities

If you’re struggling for work, especially during this time, you may find that moving to another country is a great way to introduce you to new job opportunities. Whether that means staying in the same field or starting something new, you may be surprised at the number of job opportunities that open up for you when you move. If you’re concerned about work, you may want to consider looking for a job before you move. 

You May Have A Chance At A Better Home

For some people, having a nice home is a priority and while you may not be living somewhere terrible now, having better options to choose from can help to improve your overall quality of living. Whether you’re thinking of moving to a flat in Setia Alam or a three-bedroom house in California, knowing exactly what you’d like from a home is a good place to start. 

It Could Be Safer Than Where You Are Now

With the current situation, you may find that moving to another country is much safer in terms of COVID-19. Although it’s not a guarantee, here are a number of countries that have been high-risk throughout the entire pandemic and if you’re looking to move somewhere that has handled the process well, it may be something worth considering. If you are considering this, you need to check whether or not the country you want to move to is allowing new residents to join them during this time. For more tips, check out the last paragraph. 

It Could Provide New Opportunities 

If you’re looking for opportunities and don’t know where to begin, moving to a new country may be a great solution! Whether you’re looking for health opportunities or you’re looking for love and friendships, you never know what you may find when you start your new adventure. For a guide to making friends in a new country, you can visit this site here. 

It Might Be Better For Your Health

As mentioned above, moving to another country may be better for your health. Whether the overall diet is better or you’re able to access mental health facilities that you may not have had before, moving is often great for those that are worried about their health. 

Moving During The COVID-19 Pandemic 

If you are thinking of moving during this time, it’s important you’re doing all that you can to keep to COVID-19 precautions. This may also research the current rules and regulations they have in place, so you can be sure you’re doing all that you can to abide by them as soon as you can. If it’s unsafe to move, wait until you can. 

With lots of great reasons to move abroad, you can see why it may be something you should be considering. What other benefits could it bring to you? Did we miss anything off of the list? Let us know your thoughts and ideas in the comments section below. 

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