Saturday, 27 February 2016

Project 366 week 8


Made a start on Ziggy's blanket, step 1 has to be making the tassels on the edge.


Took Bob to gymnastics, and while he was there I went for a walk. It was just beginning to get dark and I really liked this tower in the gloom.


Stopped in to drop a few things off that I had picked up for DD1. Minky was playing peek with mummy. 


Went round the watch the twins while DD1 went shopping. She took Bob to do the bending and lifting for her. Later on I went back to help bath them and then watch them while DD1 dropped Bob off at bowling. Here they were sat on the couch cleaning their teeth. They were quite happy to have me put them to bed and do stories. Just as well really as there will be more of it in the next few weeks. They have started arguing over who has which jammies for bed, I saved myself the problem and dressed them the same so no argument needed.


Went out to do some geocaching. Took a wander up to a trail up the top end of Darvel. Our route took us from just over 600ft to just over 1300 ft in height, up hill and down again, then back up. We encountered snow on quite a few stretches. I like the way this road seemed to join up with the sky.


Have sorted the threads for Ziggy's blanket so I can pop them into separate bags ready for use. When I got this kit it said the threads needed to be washed before use as some colours may not be colour fast, first kit I have ever known that with. All washed and bagged now. Just need to decide what is going on it and make a start.


When I was out caching last week the seam on my zip on my rucksack came away, so I treated myself to a new one. This one has an elasticated top so no zip to come away from the seam and has more than enough wee pockets for all the bits and bobs that were inside the other one. I was going into the sport shop for re proofer for my hiking boots, a cheaper option than replacing the boots when they are still good apart from that.

So that was my week. How was yours?

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Project 366 week 7


A cold and very frosty start to the day. As per usual my sweet kind loving husband went out and defrosted and scrapped my car for me before running it round the block to warm it up. Not the best picture going but says it all better than a bunch of flowers for me. I actually popped the picture onto a Facebook page to enter a competition, and it won me a £100 Amazon voucher and some deicer.


I listen to local radio, you remember the nice ones last year that chose me one week to win £2000? Well this time I was one of three that won a box of chocolates, so as I am nice I gave them to hubby ( after I had removed the two turkish delights first). They arrived today. This was my first of three wins in the week.


We are planing on going out on Thursday, me to do some geocaching and hubby to do some chipping at a country park. I have planned my route and written it out so I can leave a copy with the visitor centre so they have an idea of where I am going if I should break a leg or something as silly. Better safe than sorry especially considering the weather conditions under foot. Also made sure I had packed the whistle to signal with if need be. I had planned two routes, one for before lunch and one for after, but took a lot longer than I expected but never mind.

my planned route


Turned out not a bad day at all. Took the children up to the park again. Bob moaned he was cold and did not play on much. Minky was tired and wanted on and off and on and off, but for once Dinky went and played.

ahoy down there


A cold day it snowed, it sleeted and it rained in between the sun shining. I managed to find all nine of the caches I looked for, so was very pleased with that. This was the view across the frozen quarry with The Campsies covered in snow in the back ground. Have to say I was glad to get back to the car after about 7.5 miles ( forgot to turn on may my walk until approx 2 miles in) . Then get a phone call from hubby to say to come and get him from where he was, so that was just over 1.5 miles as well. I was knackered enough to grab a take away on the way home.

a frozen quarry


Bought these just over three weeks ago, I always feel Morrisons Flowers are work every penny.

still looking good


I made cross stitch afghan blankets for Fifi and Bob, and so now going to make one for Ziggy. So ordered up the kit. First of all I need to tassel all the edges before I start sewing and too wait on the waste canvas to be deliveredas well.  Not yet decided what I am putting on it, will be smaller pictures, a verse and when Ziggy is born I will add name weight and date of birth.

in the planning

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Play in the caravan park

There really are not a lot of places to go without a car round here, and as the twins car seats are not compatible with my car then it is only places we can walk to that we can play in. So for a change last week we decided to walk down to the play park at the local caravan park. It is a walk of just over a mile in each direction on a road with a 60 mph speed limit so the twins went in their buggy as it is not suitable for them to walk. There is a pavement most of the way just the last two or three hundred meters is actually on the road.

So bundled up against the cold we set off.

By the time we had got there Minky had fell asleep but Dinky was not happy about having to play without him so she woke him up. So they ran and played.

both playing peek a boo

playing chase

peek a boo

he stood still long enough for me to get a picture

counting on the hopscotch

So as they had had so much fun last week I decide to take them back again today. Again Minky had fell asleep before we got there and Dinky wanted him awake so she could play with him. Sadly this meant he was in a grumpy mood and did not play on anything for longer than about ten seconds. He wanted up he wanted down, he wanted on he wanted off, but that is two year olds for you.

Normally Dinky does not play on anything but for some reason today she wanted up on the climbing frame and then spent ages really pleased with herself as she walked back wards and forwards up and down the step at each end.Then she went on the roundabout for ages as well.

Bob spent his time there today complaining he was cold, believe me he could not have been cold with the layers he had on. So after an hour we headed back down the road. The twins thought it was funny that I chased Bob with them in the buggy. Then he started jumping over the shadows of the cars that passed us. he got quite good at it and was really judging his jumping well time he had done a half dozen or so.

Dinky up high

pushing the swing

oh no a puddle

watching what was going on

more fun pushing them than on them

a serious little face

Not be long now until there is three of them in the triple buggy to take out.

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Project 366 week 6


Exciting news to tell you all. Here is Baby Duff, the first child for our middle daughter, the one who got married last year. SIL has decided baby's blog name is going to be Ziggy. They have also decided they do not want to know the sex of the baby until the birth. Plenty of love to go round all the grandchildren, always room in my heart and the arms for another one.

Ziggy Duff


I have been plagued for months now on and off with cold sores, have got the brand name product on repeat prescription. Have had various tests with no obvious reason for them. I was offered a new product to try.
The SoreFix cold sore products consist of a unique transparent patented lip balm formulation. The lip balms effectiveness is based on the combination of two zinc components.
A physical filter protects the lip from cold sore triggers that cause cold sore outbreaks, such as sunlight, dry/chapped lips, seasonal influences, and injury to the lips.
The zinc salts encapsulates herpes virus infected cells, preventing them from affecting healthy cells. This allows SoreFix lip balm to prevent cold sores.

So here is hoping it works. Time will tell if it is any more effective for me.

here is hoping it works


Pancake Day, and Bob had asked last week if he could come and make pancakes, so of course I said yes. He is being very clingy to his mum at the moment and will not stop over night here for some reason known only to him. So he came, we played some games and he went home in time for bed. Told mum he had lots of fun.

chocolate and sultana pancakes


Took the gruesome twosome and Bob out for a walk, much to Bob's disgust before we left the house. Ask Bob if he fancied the back road or the fishery and he chose the back road. When we got to the end of the village I offered him the back road or the play park at the caravan park, so he chose the park. It is roughly a mile outside the village on a back road with a 60mph speed limit, not the best road but there is a slim pavement most of the way. They had lots of fun.This was the point I suggested getting back in the pram, they both went and hid in here.

peek a boo

a bit of video footage for you


A cold but bright day and so we decided to go for a walk. Went up to Auchincruive Estate hoping to see snow drops, daffodils or crocuses, but there was none. So found this pretty wee waterfall instead.

a waterfall


Tomorrow is DD1 birthday. So I asked Fifi if she wanted to come and we would make her a cake. Cake making is my birthday present to you. We were pushed for time, I did not get in till quarter past four and Fifi's club starts at quarter past six. So we agreed on jaffa cakes to decorate and I also saw some orange matchmakers and picked them up as well. We also made four small cakes.

Fifi with 2 of the small cakes


Have made a start to my charity blanket. Nice and easy. Cast on fourteen stitches, knit twenty rows and cast off. No major weight to cause pain to the thumbs and wrists. Quick and satisfying to make.

small beginnings

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky

Thursday, 11 February 2016

My artistic Granddaughter

Sometimes I have to wonder if my grandchildren are actually related to me, especially when you see talents like those shown by my artistic granddaughter. I mean Minky and Dinky are more artistic than I am. I know she sits at draws quite a lot and (I think) she is really good. But last week she went to a face painting work shop and while there bought some paints and brushes and came home and amused herself by painting on anything and everybody who would sit still long enough.

One of the local women Jools runs her own Face painting company and told the Fifi and her friend about the course and encouraged them to go. She says she gets her ideas from google and comic books and adapts them to her own style.

So here are some of her designs.

I was amazed she even got Dinky to sit still.

I think she has done really well for her first time of doing this. Look forward to seeing more of her designs.