Sunday, 31 December 2017

Project 365 week 52

Well I have done it. finished my sixth year of this Project. Some of it has been a struggle, have got disheartened with it more than once, but managed it regardless.
Beginning to feel a lot more positive, managed to do 20 minutes of ironing on Thursday and hoovered right handed the last few days and no pain in the arm. Have halved all my pain killers  hoping to come off of them totally in the next two weeks and get back to work. Fingers crossed.


DD3 bought this sign many a year ago for hubby, it use to be in his radio room at the farm, and lately it has been in the loft, but it is now in his shed.

hubby's sign


We popped down to see the children in the morning. The twins had got kindles and Bob had a new game so they were all  to engrossed in what they were doing to be interested in us. Spud played catch with granddad for a while but then we went home to get changed to go back out.
We then headed off for our alternative Christmas Day, you can read about it here if you wish to.

hubby ( in red)  and another volunteer washing the dishes


SIL was staying locally with her and hubby's Aunt for Christmas so we were invited down to join them for a meal. Was a nice family catch up with masses of fab food and great laughs.
This is hubby's cousin and her daughter.

L trying to cut the robin cake and her hat kept falling down 


The day we do what we call second Christmas. When all the grandchildren come and get the presents from our side of the family. It is a great fun day with lots of noise, mess and excitement. A post will be written about it soonish.

This is the only picture I have of the six of them together, all sat still and looking at the camera.

all six together 


DD2 stayed overnight yesterday. We had a nice day with a walk along the beach front, cold day but sunny.

DD2, Ziggy and Jack the dog seeing the quacks. 


Not a lot happening really. Thought I would share the picture of the cake SIL made us. Her hubby decorated it. I love how the decorations look like a face, well they do to me anyway.

Cake from SIL. 


I spent money I was given for Christmas on myself, refuse to put it through the house. Bought myself a tablet as lifting my laptop is causing pain in my arm and not helping the recovery time. I have tried various options such as putting it on the table but the height is wrong and causes pain in my shoulder. I bought two different tablet cases but neither of them were suitable but I found a plain black one in a sale the other day so bought it and then added some of my glitter tape I won a while ago to brighten it up and make it more visible.

tablet in the case I made more visible 


Went into Irvine to look for another dinner set, just a cheap one as I keep dropping the plates we have on the floor and funnily enough they tend to break. Looked round various shops, and when we went in Tesco there was a
pipe and drum band playing. There was a young boy, approx 18 months old thoroughly enjoying dancing to the music.

a pipe band. 

Saturday, 30 December 2017

Our alternative Christmas Day

We have got to the stage that all the children have left home, and found themselves husbands/partner and now have their own family to do things with on Christmas Day. We do pop down to see DD1 and the five grandchildren that live just round the corner. But apart from that we are now at a loose end during the day.
We do what we now call "second Christmas" when we all get together and swap presents from our side of the family amongst the children on a different day. A great compromise that suits everybody, and to be honest the older children love it. It spreads out their presents and means we get to enjoy them opening and playing with what we buy them.

More than once in the past we have talked about finding something to do that will help with those less fortunate. So as this year was not a working day for me we contacted a local voluntary organisation and put our names forward to help. They were planning the day for isolated people who other wise would spend the day alone. As we were driving into town we volunteered to pick up two of the people who would be attending the day.

Upon arrival I was helping one of the ladies out of the back of the car along with her disability walker. Lucky enough hubby was on the ball and spotted the walker running off down the hill towards the main road and ran after it, and managed to catch it before it did any damage. Looked like something out of Benny Hill.

my first sight of the hall. 

Upon arrival we were greeted by other volunteers, given a name badge and a t-shirt to wear so that we all looked similar and the clients knew who the volunteers were. Hubby went and sussed out where the kitchen was as he had volunteered to spend the day washing dishes.....and spent six hours doing just that.

I went off into the main hall to get an idea of the lay of the land. I felt that as volunteers we were a bit disorganised with nobody given us clear instructions as to what to do. There was a "bar" at the front serving drinks to people, I made it my job of the day to make sure every body had their drinks topped up if needed.

the bar

There were approx seventy clients there and fifteen volunteers. This was the sixteenth year that the meal has been held, some of the volunteers have been in since day one, a mother and her two teenage daughters have been doing it for six years and others like us this was their first year.

enjoying their main course

There was a three course meal on offer, with a choice of three starters, either turkey or nut roast with all the trimmings for a main course with a choice of three desserts. Followed by mince pies, tea and coffee with chocolates available on the tables as well.

my lunch, I don't do sprouts 

plating up the main course 

The whole spread was very impressive and the cook Marie and her daughter Zoe did a fab job of cooking and putting out so many meals in such a small kitchen space.

Marie - the organiser, cook and her daughter Zoe. 

Nobody had any reason to go away hungry. Once the clients had been served with each course the volunteers got to eat as well. As one course was finished the tables were cleared and the dishes taken through to the kitchen, hubby certainly had his work cut out.

hubby washing the dishes with another volunteer drying

After the eating was finished the music and dancing started. Plenty of them joined in with this and others clapped and sung along.

up on the dance floor 

Next off they had a visit from Santa and everybody was given a present.

Santa handing out presents 

More singing and dancing and then the day started to wind down. The minibuses came first to take home the people who came in in them. The taxis were last and meanwhile those that came in by car were taken home. I agreed to take two men home first, they were just going across the road. The two men told me they had been friends for over thirty years.

they have been friends for over thirty years 

I went back to pick up the two woman I had brought in and then went back to pick up hubby. and help with the final clearing up. We came away with a box of chocolates each, a large doggy bag with plenty of turkey, tatties and veg in and half a chocolate fudge cake.

I had a great day and we have been asked to come back again and help next year, do not see any reason not to.

This lady wanted her picture taken with Marie as she wanted me to use the picture of her.

Saturday, 23 December 2017

Project 365 week 51

Well just about made it, one more week and I have completed my 6th year at this project. Not sure about next year but will wait and see.


Popped down to see what hubby was up to in the shed. This was what greeted me.


My old camera went faulty bit as I had a no quibble swap guarantee I only had to pay £5 more for a new one than the one that had gone faulty.
So been trying it out when I get a chance to. Today we drove down to take flowers to Gran's grave. This is taken from the same spot zoomed in a bit and zoomed right it. Impressed with its zoom, but then the last camera really left a lot to be desired. Yes the church ir in the middle of the first picture just to far away to see it.


I picked up the food for the food bank from the complex. But time I picked it up the food bank was closed. Some of the residents gave me money instead we stopped at Tesco on the way home and did a pile of shopping. I bought basics like pasta, sauces, tinned meat, veg, beans and spaghetti as well as some microwave rice. I also got toilet rolls, toothbrushes and toothpaste, soap shampoo and sanitary towels. Went for the cheaper options to allow me to buy more but cheaper options are often perfectly useable. I also bought some treats with biscuits, sweets, and crisps. I left the £50 worth at my local Tesco as they then top it up with an extra 20% so win win all round. Seemed more sensible than taking it home to take it back to the food bank the next day. 


The food I had collected that was in the box was dropped off today at the Salvation Army food bank. This young lady who helps out was delighted to have her photograph taken. They were busy sorting out other donations but these are my bags on the table. 


A tradition that keeps growing. Our annual colouring competition whereby we meet up with an old neighbour for a catch up and we colour at the same time. Started off  five years ago with us colouring in the children's pictures with the provided pencils in a garden centre. We would meet when we took Bob to see Santa. The second year wand every subsequent year we took our own pictures and crayons. DD3 decided to join in two years ago and Fifi complained she does not get to come, so this year we had it after school so she could join us.I am pleased that at fifteen she wants to do this with us. Our friend Samantha brought a small trophy for the winner this year along with a scratch card. We got a member of staff to judge the winner for us and the winner was DD3. All round family and friends madness  ensued as usual. 
Thanks to Wetherspoons in Ayr for reserving our seats and judging our madness. We will be back next year. The date is already booked. 


While we were in the town spending some of the Argos vouchers we won and we wandered the charity shops. Hubby spotted these at £1 each so we bought all three. DD1 moans at me when I get documents attached to my emails that I forward to her to open and cut copy and paste them to me as my computer does not recognise them s I have no office programme in, well now both hubby and I have one in. 


Every year we make mince pies for Santa. So this morning I went down to DD1's house to make them with primarily the twins. I don't have a table or a kitchen big enough for a table so easier to go down there. So they made mine pies and then decorated a few cakes I made last night. Spud joined in, she had the spare pastry that she sneezed and snottered on and then ate pieces of it raw. Minky also quite liked the raw pastry but was not so keen on the flour I used for rolling out. 
We had fun and instructed Alexa to play us Christmas tunes. 
More icing ended up in them than on the cakes and more sprinkles on the floor than left in the tub!!
Took some cakes down for Bob to decorate for the elves with allergies ( yes he still believes). He is coming up on Tuesday evening to make mince pies and sausage rolls with pastry we have found that he can eat ready for Christmas Day No.2 on Wednesday. 

I hope you all have a fabulous day whatever you are doing. We are off volunteering on Christmas Day, Boxing Day we are going to hubbys Aunt, his sister and cousin will be there, and we will do family Christmas on Wednesday. 
See you all next week. 

Thursday, 21 December 2017

The Nan’s Guide to Having the Grandkids Overnight

The gift of grandchildren is a true blessing and one that can never be overstated. They make you feel young again, bring you endless joy and, at the end of the day, you get to give them back!

There are those occasions, though, when you don’t give them back at the end of the day and they stay the night round at Nan and Grandad’s. We look forward to it almost as much as the kids do, and they love staying the night because they know it means they get to stay up late.

As any grandparent will know, there is a lot of thought and planning that goes into getting the house ready for the little munchkins. Activities, treats and food must all be planned well in advance before the grandkids arrive, otherwise you risk having bored/restless/hungry kids on your hands.


Always have at least a couple of games ready to play at any given time. Try not to rely on an internet connection to keep the kids occupied, because otherwise they will spend the entire time you have with them sitting in front of a screen. It’s not healthy and doesn’t encourage socialisation, no matter how many social channels they have on their phones.

Board games are always a big hit, especially family favourites such as Monopoly, Guess Who and Trivial Pursuit. Don’t be afraid to be competitive, but wouldn’t it be nice if the kids won a couple of rounds?


While you don’t want the kids sat in front of the television all day and night, it doesn’t hurt to allow some television time. Find out what their favourites are and have a couple of box sets and films at the ready.

Young children may only have short attention spans, so best to keep to shorter programmes as opposed to films, otherwise they might lose interest. With loads of on-demand services available, such as Netflix, catch up services and more, finding something that the grandchildren will like shouldn’t be hard. No doubt that they will be forthcoming in saying what they want to watch!


Make sure to have a selection of toys that you keep at the house for when they do come round. Chances are that they will bring their favourite toys with them, or their parents will ensure they are packed in their overnight bag, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Grandkids will always look for presents when they visit Nan and Granddad, so to keep them happy (and save on spending out on expensive presents every time), small keepsakes are the way to go. From Little Cherry, little party bag fillers are available for pocket money and will keep the kids entertained for at least a little while.


Sweets, sweets, sweets! If there is one thing that kids love it is sugar! Pack the cupboards with chocolate and cakes or, if you are feeling brave (and willing to clean up the mess afterwards) why not bake with the kids? It’s a great life skill to learn, and everyone knows that homemade cookies always taste better than what you can buy in the shops.

Now while we obviously champion healthy eating and don’t recommend overdoing it on the sweet stuff, a little piece won’t hurt. A little piece of chocolate, a little piece of cake, a little piece of ice cream…

So, there is the Nan’s guide to having the grandkids overnight and, as you can see, it makes for a hectic couple of days. You’ll be sad to see them go, but you will certainly welcome the peace and quiet.

This is a collaborative post. 

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

New Year Space-Saving Tips

After all the extravagance and indulgence of Christmas, the New Year is a time for getting back into the swing of things and starting afresh. It’s a time for New Year’s resolutions and making changes, committing to a better life and a brighter future – not just for the year ahead, but hopefully for many more years to come.

Of course, many of us will have acquired a selection of brand new gifts and presents over Christmas. From endless toys to chocolates, wine and items for the home, the chances are that your home is going to be a lot more cramped come January – even after the Christmas decorations have been taken down for another year!

To that end, a popular New Year’s resolution is to try and declutter the home and enter the New Year feeling relaxed and happy in your home environment. Similarly, spring cleaning is an annual tradition for many, but how often do you actually try and declutter your home during this process?

If you are looking to expand the free space in your home and get rid of unnecessary clutter this January, here are some top tips to help you get started.

In the Kitchen

The kitchen is traditionally known as the heart of the home, but if your kitchen is still suffering from the after-effects of the festive period, it may well be time to look into maximising the space you have available. One simple job is to have a look through your cupboards and throw out any old or out-of-date food – we’ve all got those ancient tins and packets in the back of the cupboards! Similarly, it might be worth getting rid of any damaged or unused crockery, pots, pans and utensils in order to free up some storage space ready for the New Year. Still got plenty of wine after the festivities? Whether you’re keeping it for a special occasion or just looking to free up some additional storage space, a wine rack can be a great way to display your bottles in style. For more information about investing in a wine rack for your home, visit

In the Bedroom

The biggest hoarding area of the bedroom is almost guaranteed to be your wardrobe. Even if you aren’t a big fashionista, the chances are that your closet is littered with old, frayed or worn clothes, items you’ve been given but never worn and pieces you’ve worn once and never picked up again. If you find yourself having to rummage through all the clutter just to find a decent outfit to wear, it’s high time to go through your wardrobe and sort out what’s good from what’s just plain bad.

For the Kids

Toys everywhere you look? If this sounds familiar, it might just be time to try and cut down on the number of toys your little ones have. While this may sound harsh, the chances are that there will many toys that are old, damaged or simply just don’t get played with. Old baby toys or unwanted gifts are a great place to start – but don’t forget to double check with the kids first to avoid any tantrums! On the flip side, toy boxes and bedroom storage boxes are a great way to keep all their toys together and tidied away in one place rather than being strewn all across the house.

Do Some Good

Of course, once you have decluttered your home, you are bound to be left with a big pile of unwanted items and no clue what to do with them. Any rubbish or worn-out, broken or damaged items will probably go straight into the bin, but when it comes to things which are still in fairly decent condition, why not do your bit for a good cause and donate them to charity? Many charities will be looking for fresh donations in the New Year, so if you have any old toys, clothes or furniture, for example, it may be worth contacting some local charities or organisations in your area to find out if they would be willing to take your items.

At the end of the day, your home is your personal space – the perfect place to kick back, relax and unwind. Although a messy home is often the sign of a well-used home, there’s no need to feel cramped or hemmed in when you are at home this New Year. Stick on your favourite tunes, enlist the help of family or friends, and start making some headway on the clutter this January!

This is a collaborative post. 

Sunday, 17 December 2017

Out of the frying pan.....

Things have a habit of coming along unexpectedly and kicking you just when you don't expect them to. Not always easy just to get back up and dust yourself down, but it doesn't always equate that out of the frying pan needs to be into the fire as per the old saying. 

Take a friend of mine,. We have a wee private joke between us where by she calls me mummy and I call her daughter. She reminds me of me very much when I was that age, and she has no immediate family. A few months back I got a call from DD4, she was howling and sobbing and totally incomprehensible on the phone. So despite it being nearly 10pm and the next day being a work day and I am up at 6am for work day I jumped in the car to go and see what was wrong. To cut a  long story short it turns out her husband, after being together for ten years, had out of the blue assaulted her. He had hit and run so to speak, we got the police involved and got him charged and then got her out of the marital home.

This involved her going into temporary accommodation and as she has two children she has now been given a permanent home but this so close to Christmas has caused her some issues money wise. I am fortunate I do holiday relief in a complex that houses elderly people and I managed to round her up some cups, plates and cutlery some towels, kitchen accessories and a hoover. Because she involved Woman's aid she got the bigger items provided to her but it left her with smaller bits and pieces to buy and she knew if she bought them she might not have enough to pay the rest of her bills until pay day. 

She decided the best way forward for her was a Pay Day loan.  I'm sure most of us have heard about them after all there are many companies offering such services. Now I am quite sure that a lot of people have heard the horror stories bandied about in the media and to an extent some of them may be true so for the sake of this blog I will go on DD4's experience of applying for and receiving pay day loans.

She decided to go for a pay day loan as her credit rating was not all that good so applying for a loan from the bank was out of the question and besides that she only wanted a short term loan till the end of the month so a pay day loan sounded an ideal solution.

I asked her how easy she found the process of searching for a payday loan She said it was not too difficult though the number of providers out there was time consuming filling in applications and she thought there had to be a easier way to do it. Well the answer to that is there is a better and quicker way she could have applied - loans with bad credit . This would have saved her  time and effort as she could have applied direct and had her application sent to a number of  reputable licensed and regulated short-term loan providers and if successful would usually have the loan in 24 hours This would be the route she will take should another instance arrive whereby she would need a short term loan in a hurry.

She is settling in well, is hoping to get her carpets down this weekend, and is looking forward to Christmas with just her and the boys settled in their new home. 

This is a collaborative post 

Saturday, 16 December 2017

Project 365 week 50


Bored with being stuck in the house, there is no where to go in the  village so we decided to take a drive into Ayr and go for a walk along the river. It was very cold but still frosty and was a very pretty walk, We crossed the river to walk on the sunny side as it was chilly in the shade. Bought a couple of cards I needed and one small present. Then walked back to the car. It felt good to be out.
The snow on Arran is visible through the gap in the buildings.


Carrying on with my charity collections and placed my box in the complex I do relief holiday cleaning in. Sadly I  missed out on the two weeks in November as I was not fit enough to do it, but I was told I was missed and was asked if I was doing a collection this year so I agreed to.


Another massive pile of toys handed to me today. It is great when people have a clear out that can help out other people, This is just some of the bigger ones. I have washed all the soft toys ready to go and put new batteries in all the battery operated toys.


Needed to hand in forms for our Christmas dinner volunteering and we needed a Christmas jumper for hubby to wear when we do the Christmas Day lunch. But we could not get what we wanted so rather than not have one for Christmas Day we found this for him.


I had a doll in with the toys I  have been given so I decided to make a sleeping bag for her.


The local bowling club was having a prize bingo night. We like to support a local cause so hubby, DD1, Fifi and Bob went along. Hubby shouted house on game two, but so did two others and we lost out on the draw, so got a free drink at the bar instead. DD1 won on game 4, a large box of shortbread and a £30 argos voucher. One of the other woman sat on our table won another game and a raffle prize.


I won with somebody else on the flyer, the last game of bingo last night. A nice end to the evening. £75 of argos vouchers.

Rather disappointed that despite contacting a charity who were very willing to take the toys I was collected, when I contacted them again on Thursday to ask when was the bet time to drop them off they told me they did not want them. What is it with charities these days that they do not want them? Will hold onto them all until after Christmas and then re-offer them to Woman's aid, they hopefully will have room for them then.

Friday, 15 December 2017

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas- and today is Christmas jumper day

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, .....come on sing along........
Take a look in at Debenhams glistening once again 
with Xmas socks and jewellery aglow 
Well I hope so as today is Christmas jumper day. The sort of item we all love to have to help us look and feel festive. I plan to wear mine for our annual colouring competition. Fifi will be joining us for the first time this year, she feels she has missed out on this, and so we are doing it after school. I think it is lovely that at fifteen she wants to join in with this. Started off as a catch up with a friend four years ago and has carried on ever since. I will be wearing it again when hubby and I go and join in with the festivities of a Christmas Day lunch for elderly isolated people. The forms are handed in for that, and I have the names and address of the people I am transporting to the event. Will need to wash and hoover the car and find a few decorations for it. It will also see the light of day when we do our traditional second Christmas on the 27th. The grandchildren get so much pleasure from this tradition. 
Debenhams do conventional to novelty, this appealed to my sense of humour

Its beginning to feel a lot like Christmas
with toys in every store
but the prettiest sight to see is my collection for charity
thanks to friends galore

The stores might be full of toys but sadly not everybody can afford to go and buy them. Christmas can be an expensive time of the year and many parents are torn because they cannot afford to buy presents for their children so they feel Santa has not forgotten them. Sadly there is a need for charities than can supply toys to these children. I helped to raise money for Cash for kids earlier in the year and I am now collecting good quality second hand toys and clothes for another local organisation. Some people may frown on second hand but young children do not notice the difference, and the parents are just grateful to have something their children can open. In the past I have bought second hand and wrapped them up, well the elves need to test some of the toys so they don't all come with full packaging. 

some of the many items handed to me this week. 

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Everywhere you go
There's a tree in the corner and  one across the road as well
plus the outside decoration that don't mind the snow

I love to take the grandchildren a walk round the village seeing the excitement on their faces looking at all the Christmas trees in the window and the lights and ornaments in the garden. Really magical times.I think I need to get them out one evening this week. 

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Soon the carols will start
And the thing that will make them start, is the carol that you sing
with the help of Alexa.

Gosh modern technology is such a useful tool. The grandchildren can get nursery rhymes or songs literally just for the asking. Alexa does not like being swore at by Granddad, she tells him off....bad Grandad. 

So how are your preparing now that it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas? Have you got your jumper on for Christmas jumper day. 
 This is a collaborative post. I am receiving a Christmas jumper to wear for my Christmas Dinner. 

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

The Perfect Pyjama Styles for the winter

With the cold weather here to stay, now is the time to get your cosy blankets out and treat yourself to some new pyjamas. That way when it gets a bit chilly in the evenings you can just change into your nightwear and snuggle up under a warm throw. There really is no better way to relax and stay warm.
Plus, when you feel your eyes start to droop, you can just crawl into bed. There is no need to wake yourself up too much by having to undress and get into your sleepwear.
This year, as you will see, when it comes to pyjamas you really are spoilt for choice. Most styles seem to be available.
Button ups

Interestingly, button up pyjamas are in this season. It has been a while since we last saw them being made widely available. Why that is, I am not quite sure, but I for one am glad to see them being sold in more shops, once again. With this style of pyjamas if you feel too hot during the night, you can easily undo the top or bottom few buttons and let the air get to some of your skin. It is a great way of regulating your temperature in bed.
Leisurewear PJs
Another interesting trend is the wearing of leisurewear as an alternative to traditional pyjamas. The fact that these jogging bottoms and tops are made from such soft fabric and are generously cut makes them super comfortable. It does not matter how much you thrash about when you are asleep, there is no danger of your feeling uncomfortable. This style of nightwear simply moves with you.

Mix and match nightwear

It is also nice to see more retailers offering consumers the chance to mix and match their PJs. This is a really convenient way to buy your pyjamas. It is an especially good option for those of us who are not the same size top and bottom. There really is nothing worse than having to wear a pair of pyjama bottoms that are too big because it is the only way you can make the top fit. Baggy PJ bottoms tend to bunch up, during the night, and make you feel really uncomfortable.
Everything from sexy satin to cosy flannelette
Fabrics wise there is also plenty of choice. If you want something a little racy a nice lingerie style nightie is just as easy to find as a pair of cosy flannelette (brushed cotton) pair of PJs is.
Christmas pyjamas
A lot of stores are starting to stock Christmas pyjamas. These are great fun and are ideal for getting you in the festive mood a little earlier. They also make good presents. You just need to be careful to buy the style that you know the person you are buying for likes to wear.
Choosing the right nightwear for you
As you can see, there is plenty of choice. All you need to do is to work out what style of sleepwear is best for you and buy it. To help you to decide which style of nightwear is right for you I suggest that you read this short article.

This is a collaborative post.

Monday, 11 December 2017

Limited space and a growing family? - look no further

Do you have limited space in your home?

Are you fed up of stuff cluttering up the house?

Are you running out of places to put things?

I’ve recently discovered a fabulous bespoke storage company called Bravo London that can take all your worries away. They specialise in making handcrafted storage solutions to fit any space you have. What I love about them is that they come to your home, measure up the space, listen to your wants and needs, and then create a personal design just for you.

When we first became parents, we kept all the baby toys in a neat basket in the corner of the living room. Slowly but surely the toys spread to other areas of the room, and before we knew it, they were all over the house.

With Bravo London, we have made the most of every unused corner, and have also created storage under the stairs. If you’re lucky enough to have high ceilings in a London townhouse, imagine the floor-to-ceiling storage you could have tucked away in a corner of the lounge!

What I also love about the storage from Bravo is that the interior is as well thought-through as the look and feel of the frontage. Whether it’s drawers, cupboards, hanging space, or even a trouser press – they can accommodate your every whim. Many of the designs come with adjustable shelves so you can change the layout to suit your changing needs.

Oh, and there’s a ten year guarantee! I can’t even imagine what we’ll be doing in ten years, but I know we won’t be worrying about storage!

Check out or call 0208 965 5680 to book a design visit with one of their lovely design consultants. Libby heads up the team – she has an eye for detail and is a whizz on the design packages. There are no pushy sales people, and they can have your shiny new storage system installed within three weeks of your design approval.

What are you waiting for???

This is a collaborative post

Sunday, 10 December 2017

Project 365 week 49

Well not long to go now. Starting to do some Christmas stuff and make plans. No notion for it but it is happening regardless.


Slowly slowly plodding away at the sewing machine. This is for one of my colleagues for her dog as she liked the one I did for charity. Still taking silly amounts of time to make but I have not got much else to do to be honest.

a dog cover 


Had spotted some gluten free puff pastry on a allergy Facebook page I follow and so as it is also dairy.egg/soya free I decided to try some. DD3 managed to find some in Glasgow when she was shopping, So I got some of Bob's sausages off of DD1 and decided to make Bob some sausage rolls and jam tarts, a trial run for Christmas food. I also made some into cheese straws , I did this by putting grated cheese in the middle and folding it over and re rolling as well. They were not very photogenic
The pastry comes ready rolled but rerolls well enough if you have cut out shapes, It did not puff up as much as normal puff pastry does but it tasted great, even hubby ate it knowing what it was. Will find some more before Christmas so he can have mince pies and sausage rolls.

Add captionjam tarts, sausage rolls
jam tarts and sausage rolls 


Hubby and I went into the town and signed up for helping out with a voluntary organisation on Christmas Day at a Christmas Dinner for elderly isolated folk who other wise would spend the day alone. They get a four course meal, as much tea and coffee as they want and a drink or two. . I have volunteered to sit at a table and make sure the people on my table have everything they need. No lifting and carrying so if my shoulder is still sore I do not need to worry. It is only a few weeks away so I had to consider this before I signed up. Hubby volunteered to stay in the kitchen and wash the dishes. Quite looking forward to doing something different.

I have been following Jaime's reverse advent calendar and decided that I could do something a well. You can read my post here. But basically I asked family and friends, and would have asked colleagues had I been at work, for any good quality toys and clothes they no longer want that I can pass on. Please feel free and contact me if you have anything.

toys from one of my neighbours


I was contacted by Damart to see if I wanted to do a review for them. So I chose this Sherpa button through jacket. .  I like the length of it, being that bit taller I often struggle to find ladies jackets that cover my bottom. It is very comfortable when it is on, nice and lightweight but still very warm. It was -2 when we went for a walk and cannot say as I felt cold. We have had some nice freezing weather this week to test it out in. The seams are well finished and overall a very nice jacket for the money. I ordered one size larger than I would normally wear to allow for a jumper to be worn underneath it but it is I feel slightly small made so I am glad I went for the size I did. It comes in a choice of six colours and a full range of sizes from a 10/12/ right up to a 26/28. Here it is with a jumper underneath, collar up and collar down

collar up and down, and is a good length 


My second physio visit. More movement than I had two weeks ago so that is good. Still getting pins and needles in my hand on and off as the nerve is still trapped. She did some pressing and pushing on the top of my spine and round my shoulders. Has given me some more exercises to keep strengthening both my shoulders. My job is not helping my condition so maybe need to start thinking about changing jobs to something a lot less physical in the next few years. I guess I need to start listening to the lady in the bathroom mirror that I am not 29 any more.

We had our first proper snow of the winter. Still not thawed off by Saturday.

let it snow, let it snow, let it snow


As part of Bob and Fifi's Christmas we go to the pantomime every year. We usually go for a meal first but the place we use to go is no longer safe for Connor. So we just took snacks with us instead. We went to see Dick Whittington at the Palace Theatre in Kilmarnock. The panto was fab very interactive, a lot of audience participation, and made for a great night out. I would highly recommend it.

a great evening out


Sat this afternoon and put new batteries in the toys to go to the charity and then got the children's presents wrapped up. Stuck them under the bed in the spare bedroom out of the way.
A friend of mine was lovely enough to send me across some crochet squares and triangles she had made and was not sure what to do with. So I think I will make them into a couple of doll blankets and add them to my charity pile.

some crocheting for charity