There are a whole lot of stereotypes that surround what happens when you start to get a little older.
Everybody has some image in their mind of what an older person looks like. And, let's be totally
honest here, that image generally isn't all that flattering. It tends to conjure ideas of doddering old
folks who struggle to get by on their own, don't fully understand the world around them, and are
generally rather fragile and in need of care. Now, anyone could tell you that this idea of an older person
is hardly accurate to many, many people, not to mention the fact that it's actually a little
However, it is impossible to deny the fact that getting older is going to have an impact on your life
and on your body. The truly important thing is how you decide to respond to that
fact and what kinds of changes you want to make in your life because of it.
After all, the only person who's really in control of how your life goes should be you.
With that in mind, here are some ways that you can make sure that nothing slows you down, whatever your age.
Watch your diet
When you're young, it can often feel like you can just eat anything and everything you could possibly want.
However, that all starts to change as you get older. Even as you start to get out the younger years of your
adulthood you can start to feel the impact of your diet and lifestyle catching up on you. Most people tend
to think about this in terms of how they look, and sure that's generally going to be a factor. But as you start
to get quite a bit older it becomes more and more important that you think about it in terms of how your diet impacts your health and not just your waistline. Not only does the impact on calories consumed change as you
get older but things like cholesterol and the impact of your diet on everything from your liver function to your
blood sugar become incredibly important to pay attention to. Obviously, this doesn't mean that you suddenly
need to start cutting out everything that you really enjoy from your diet, but if you've never really given your
diet that much thought before, now might be the time to start looking at it at least a little differently.
Keep active
One of the things that often goes hand in hand with a need for a change in diet is the need for a change in your
overall lifestyle. There are a lot of different facets to this but the most obvious is how active you are. Most
of us spend the vast majority of our lives being fairly sedentary. People will spend their entire lives working
at a desk for eight hours a day, sit in their car going one, then sit down on the sofa to relax for the rest of
the day. Again, when you're young it's easy to feel like this isn't really an issue. However, as you get older,
it becomes so much more important to keep active in order to keep the strength of your bones, joints,
and muscles. It's the kind of thing that can start to have a real, tangible impact on the way that your body
functions and how easy you find it to do a lot of simple, day-to-day tasks without needing a lot of help. It
doesn't need to be constant serious exercise, something easy and low-impact a few times a week can make
a shocking difference to how you feel and how much strength you're able to build up.
Get regular check-ups
No one likes going to the doctor, that's just a fact of life. And there are plenty of good reasons for that.
After all, doctor's offices are hardly the most pleasant places to spend your time. Not only that but it's
often very easy to end up convincing yourself that you're wasting yours and everyone else's time.
However, one thing that is true for absolutely everyone, old or young, is that it's always better to go
get checked over by a doctor than to ignore something that might be worrying you. This is especially true a
s you get older simply because, like it or not, you have a greater chance of something being wrong.
Even if you're feeling completely fine, but you haven't had a check-up in a while, it's still a good idea to go
and get one, just to be on the safe side. The idea of something being wrong is always scary but
catching something early is always going to make it that much easier to deal with than ignoring it until it gets worse.
Never stop learning
Of course, it's not just your body that you need to keep taking care of as you get older. Being able to keep
your mind just as sharp is incredibly important. One of the things that scares a lot of people the most
about getting older is the idea that their mental faculties will no longer be what they once were. One of
the best things that you can do in order to avoid falling into this is to make sure that you never stop trying
to learn new things and push yourself. Rather than using your spare time to just relax, why not use it to
learn a new skill? Why not teach yourself something you've always wanted to learn or go to a class that
lets you develop skills that you might have lost over time. These don't need to be for any reason other than
the fact that it's incredibly positive to make sure that you're always pushing yourself to be better than you were
before and to keep your mind just as well cared for as your body.
Make time for yourself
Most of the previous points have been built around making sure that you're as active as possible.
That's because the loss of your ability to do that can be an incredibly unpleasant thing to deal with as
you get older. However, you should also make sure to remember that it's just as important to take time
just to relax. We all spend our lives working and if we're not working we're with friends or family or doing
hobbies or cleaning the house and it all just gets exhausting. And as you get older, your tolerance for it
all is going to be a lot lower than it once was. There's nothing wrong with taking time to just sit down, relax,
read a book, listen to some music, or do whatever it is you want to do in order to unwind.
Don't let anyone take away your independence
Friends and family are a wonderful thing to have around you as you get older. However,
they can also be the source of a decent amount of frustration. The truth is that plenty of people will
want to be as helpful as possible without really realizing that their version of "helpful" just ends up
making you feel as though you're not capable of doing things for yourself. Sure, you know that their
hearts are in the right place but there are few things more frustrating than being able to do things for
yourself but having people around you insisting that you can't. The best thing that you can do is to make
it perfectly clear to people when they're overstepping any boundaries.
Be honest when you need help
That being said, there may come a time when you realize that you do need help with certain things in
life. Whether it's because of your mobility, or your eyesight is not what it once was, or any other
reason, there's no shame in needing some help and you need to be honest with the people around
you. It might be that you just need someone to pop over to your home now and then to help out, or
with yourself and those around you about what you are and aren't capable of.
The truth is that the only person who's going to be able to say whether or not you need to slow down,
or whether or not you need to make changes in your life, is going to be you. There will be all kinds of
people, both friends and family as well as society at large, that there are things that you can't do. A lot
of the time this is less about what's best for you and more about wanting you to behave more like the
way that they think that an older person should behave. But it's your life, you don't need to make
compromises based on someone else! You just need to live your life the way that's best for you.
Just try not to let your pride get in the way too much, sometimes the best way to live your best life is
to embrace the support of the other people in it when you really need are a whole lot of
stereotypes that surround what happens when you start to get a little older. Everybody has some image
in their mind of what an older person looks like. And, let's be totally honest here, that image generally isn't
all that flattering. It tends to conjure ideas of doddering old folks who struggle to get by on their own, don't
fully understand the world around them, and are generally rather fragile and in need of care. Now, anyone could tell you that this idea of an older person is hardly
accurate to many, many people, not to mention the fact that it's actually a
little offensive. However, it is impossible to deny the fact that getting older
is going to have an impact on your life and on your body. The truly important
thing is how you decide to respond to that fact and what kinds of changes you
want to make in your life because of it. After all, the only person who's
really in control of how your life goes should be you. With that in mind, here
are some ways that you can make sure that nothing slows you down, whatever your
Watch your diet
When you're young, it can often feel like you can just eat anything and everything you could possibly
want. However, that all starts to change as you get older. Even as you start to get out the younger years
of your adulthood you can start to feel the impact of your diet and lifestyle catching up on you.
Most people tend to think about this in terms of how they look, and sure that's generally going
to be a factor. But as you start to get quite a bit older it becomes more and more important that you
think about it in terms of how your diet impacts your health and not just your waistline. Not only does
the impact on calories consumed change as you get older but things like cholesterol and the impact of
your diet on everything from your liver function to your blood sugar become incredibly important to pay
attention to. Obviously, this doesn't mean that you suddenly need to start cutting out everything that you
really enjoy from your diet, but if you've never really given your diet that much thought before, now might be
the time to start looking at it at least a little differently.
Keep active
One of the things that often goes hand in hand with a need for a change in diet is the need for a
change in your overall lifestyle. There are a lot of different facets to this but the most obvious is how
active you are. Most of us spend the vast majority of our lives being fairly sedentary. People will spend
their entire lives working at a desk for eight hours a day, sit in their car going one, then sit down on the
sofa to relax for the rest of the day. Again, when you're young it's easy to feel like this isn't really an
issue. However, as you get older, it becomes so much more important to keep active in order to keep the
strength of your bones, joints, and muscles. It's the kind of thing that can start to have a real, tangible impact
on the way that your body functions and how easy you find it to do a lot of simple, day-to-day tasks without
needing a lot of help. It doesn't need to be constant serious exercise, something easy and low-impact a few
times a week can make a shocking difference to how you feel and how much strength you're able to build up.
Get regular check-ups
No one likes going to the doctor, that's just a fact of life. And there are plenty of good reasons for that.
After all, doctor's offices are hardly the most pleasant places to spend your time. Not only that
but it's often very easy to end up convincing yourself that you're wasting yours and everyone else's time.
However, one thing that is true for absolutely everyone, old or young, is that it's always better to go get
checked over by a doctor than to ignore something that might be worrying you. This is especially true as
you get older simply because, like it or not, you have a greater chance of something being wrong.
Even if you're feeling completely fine, but you haven't had a check-up in a while, it's still a good idea
to go and get one, just to be on the safe side. The idea of something being wrong is always scary but
catching something early is always going to make it that much easier to deal with than ignoring it until it
gets worse.
Never stop learning
Of course, it's not just your body that you need to keep taking care of as you get older.
Being able to keep your mind just as sharp is incredibly important. One of the things that scares
a lot of people the most about getting older is the idea that their mental faculties will no longer be what
they once were. One of the best things that you can do in order to avoid falling into this is to make sure
that you never stop trying to learn new things and push yourself. Rather than using your spare time to
just relax, why not use it to learn a new skill? Why not teach yourself something you've always wanted to
learn or go to a class that lets you develop skills that you might have lost over time. These don't need to be
for any reason other than the fact that it's incredibly positive to make sure that you're always pushing
yourself to be better than you were before and to keep your mind just as well cared for as your body.
Make time for yourself
Most of the previous points have been built around making sure that
you're as active as possible. That's because the loss of your ability to do
that can be an incredibly unpleasant thing to deal with as you get older.
However, you should also make sure to remember that it's just as important to
take time just to relax. We all spend our lives working and if we're not
working we're with friends or family or doing hobbies or cleaning the house and
it all just gets exhausting. And as you get older, your tolerance for it all is
going to be a lot lower than it once was. There's nothing wrong with taking
time to just sit down, relax, read a book,
listen to some music, or do whatever it is you want to do in order to unwind.
Don't let anyone take away your independence
Friends and family are a wonderful thing to have around you as you get older. However, they can also be
the source of a decent amount of frustration. The truth is that plenty of people will want to be as helpful as
possible without really realising that their version of "helpful" just ends up making you feel as though you're
few things more frustrating than being able to do things for yourself but having people around you insisting that
you can't. The best thing that you can do is to make it perfectly clear to people when they're overstepping
any boundaries.
Be honest when you need help
That being said, there may come a time when you realise that you do need help with certain things in
life. Whether it's because of your mobility, or your eyesight is not what it once was, or any other reason,
there's no shame in needing some help and you need to be honest with the people around you. It might
be that you just need someone to pop over to your home now and then to help out, or maybe it's time to
start looking at some kind of senior citizen centre. The key is to be truly honest with yourself and those
around you about what you are and aren't capable of.
The truth is that the only person who's going to be able to say whether or not you need to slow
down, or whether or not you need to make changes in your life, is going to be you. There will be
all kinds of people, both friends and family as well as society at large, that there are things that you can't do.
A lot of the time this is less about what's best for you and more about wanting you to behave more like the
way that they think that an older person should behave. But it's your life, you don't need to make
compromises based on someone else! You just need to live your life the way that's best for you.
Just try not to let your pride
get in the way too much, sometimes the best way to live your best life is to embrace the support of the other
people in it when you really need it.
This is a collaborative post.