Saturday, 28 October 2017

Project 365 week 43


A nice relaxing days holiday. Finished watching the series of Timeless on Netflix. A watchable enough series but not sure they could run with a second one. A Quantum Leap idea where the characters jumped back into history. Finished crocheting the blanket, sewed all the ends in and did the edging, so a successful weekend off.


Paying it forward with two competitions win that I am not going to use. One for a friend and one sent to a fellow comper on Loquax. Had entered hoping to go but could not spare the time.


The complex I do holiday relief cleaning in was having a fund raising coffee morning for The Stroke Association, so I went along to show my support. Bought some raffle tickets and some home baking. Managed to win four raffle prizes out of the twelve tickets I bought.


Pay day. Went to Irvine for a rake round the shops, bought nothing before going and doing a food shop. Making use of the first of  this months vouchers. Could not work out in befunky how to add a black box over my number, so you got wee birds instead.


A night out with a few of the girls for work. The nutter in the photo is leaving our shift and going to Monday to Friday.  Four off us for the Chinese and then met up with three more to go onto the pub. I like small groups like these girls,  just a down to earth bunch that you can let your hair down and have a laugh with. The only thing that let the night down was waiting half an hour to get an order taken, and no they were not overly busy, and the another half hour for the starter to turn up. Was very nice once we got it.


A walk along down to the fishery and back up with the three wee ones. Just over a two mile walk down round and back up. Took us about two hours as we stopped for a picnic on the bench while we were there, it was to encourage them to go and break the walk up half way. Spud was out of the pram and walked/ran all the way round the ponds. Far to busy a road for her to walk along and me safely watch three of them.
We spotted chickens and cockerels, we all tried out best cock-a-doodle-doo in response to them. Saw lots of ducks and sung five little ducks, saw swans and then a whole pondful of geese took off in unison and flew over our heads. Again we had to honk honk like the geese as they flew.
Made sure they kept out of the puddle as it is too cold to be getting wet now. Minky had a stick and was dipping the end into mud and then stirring the mud into puddles as we passed. Finally a kick through some leaves on the way back home.


Our council have no decided that us in the rural outlying places are now going to have to use food bins. The main towns have had them for a few years. All to do with sending less to landfill. They could sent tons less in a year if they uplifted and incinerated disposable nappies as well.

Saturday, 21 October 2017

Project 365 week 42

Been a busy old week with one thing and another, but a lot achieved so worth while.


No overtime so home in the day light. We have decided this needs to be relocated upstairs. The table is never clear enough to eat off of so not fit to call a table anyway.


We were watching the neighbours trees being cut down. Was quite impressive to see the way they did it. Loved how he let the chain saw dangle as he moved round. Weird to look out the back windows now but guess we will get use to them not being there. They were entangled in the phone lines so guess that is why they needed to come down.


Went a wander round the charity shops in Kilmarnock looking for a table of some sort for my corner now I have a chair and not a couch.  Manage to find this. Big enough to cover the plugs on the wall as well as cables on the floor. A few drawers for holding some bits and pieces. Looks fine and I say will do a turn but knowing me it will still be there in five years time.


We need to move the sofa bed out of the upstairs bedroom to make room for my table and sewing machine. But to do this we needed to move the bookcase that sits on the landing half way down the stairs. So the bookcase has been displaced into the spare bedroom......unfortunately the spare bedroom is needed tomorrow for DD2 SIL2 and Ziggy.
Sofa bed away to a new home and books back where they belong.


Our little visitor is very cute. But not overly impressed with the bubbles.


As a UNISON rep at work there are certain things that need to be done to show support. The hospital was  due a ministerial visit by Shona Robison the Health Secretary for an annual check up. So we went along and Ms Robison took time to speak to our Branch Secretary before she went into the hospital. We were there to discuss #scrapthecap the 1% cap on Public Sector wages for the seventh year running.


My new sewing room is set up. Hubby's computer is in one corner my sewing room area takes up another corner, still room in the middle for Ziggy's travel cot that she sleeps in. Moved all the children's toys and books off of the shelves in here and relocated in the front bedroom cupboards where all my sewing stuff was stashed.
Plan is to make a table cover that reaches the floor to hide the stuff under the table. Then I can "tidy" the room under the table once it is up and running. This is probably the tidiest it will ever be so thought I would share it before I start using it and make it look loved.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Hunting for monkeys.

On Thursday Bob had an ophthalmology  appointment at the local hospital and so as per normal I am happy to look after the three younger ones. Rather than them get bored hanging around the hospital as the weather was nice I decided to go into the town with my daughter and take the children along the river to a small play park and off to Burger King for a treat. They decided we needed to look for monkeys while we were there.

So we got dropped off opposite the graveyard and went down the stairs and over the red bridge. I let Spud out the pram and she walked as well. She actually walks rather well and enjoys running to keep up with the gruesome twosome.

So over the red bridge which crosses over the river. They spent a while watching the river flow and as the water was high there were bubbles flowing down the river which really excited Dinky and had her giggling as she watched them. She noticed a lot of the river looked black (as this part was in shade) and some looked blue as the sun was shining on it. So on over the bridge with Dinky holding onto the side of the pushchair as there was a man sat at the end with two dogs and she does not like dogs. Minky liked that they were spotty ( Dalmations) and had a stroke at the one that was not on the lead after asking the man if he could. He always has to ask.

So across the river and along the path. The twins were wandering off and exploring and have to laugh as everywhere they go and everything they do Spud follows them and tries to copy. They were running up and down slopes and she follows, and manages to fall over constantly because she does not have the coordination or ability to do what they do. She does not realise she is only eighteen months to their nearly four years old, but has a good try and having older siblings is a good way to learn things the eldest child in the family do not have the chance to. She is a little girl with no fear of anything.

Did not get to many photographs as it is not easy to safely watch the three of them along the river from behind a camera.

I popped Spud back into the pushchair while we went back over another bridge which runs along the road to get back down to the other side of the river so we could play in the play park. We spent time looking at people walking underneath us when we were on the bridge and then watched people walking over as we passed under.

As we were walking along the river they spotted piles of leaves after we had fun kicking our way through them and Spud playing in them with her hands. We then did some colour sorting looking at the various shades or red and orange and seeing who could find another of the same colour first, slightly above Spud's head but she found leaves regardless of the colour. We also spent time looking for others that were the same shape as the one we had.

Next they decided they would throw leaves and sticks into the river. The sticks worked fine but the leaves just blew back onto us. They likened them to bubbles blowing and kept doing it because it was fun. A nice handy fence means I can take some photographs.

We spotted ducks and seagulls in the shallow edges of the water. But never found any monkeys, well apart from the three I took with me. 

Further along we came to the play park I knew was there. Not much in it I have to say and fairly old fashioned but I am thinking it was originally designed for use by the families in the flats at the side of it as it is walled on the level with the flats, up away from the river. 

The two girls went on the two swings to start with but they decided Minky was having more fun and decided to join him on the climbing frame. 

Minky needed rescuing from here once he got up as he was not sure how to get back down. Spud do not get two feet off the ground and Dinky went down the same way she went up.

Had a wee chuckle Spud did try and follow them up here but the gaps were too far apart for her to climb so I put her on the top so she could go down the slide, again and again and again.

Time was getting on by now, it had taken us approx ninety minutes to walk the mile, we were in no hurry, and Minky was saying he was starving......nothing new there
So we headed out the side of the park down the slope rather than going back down the flight of steps we had used to get in, had not realised there was an easier option. 

Minky decided he would roll down the hill, my heart was in my mouth as I was expecting him to get to the bottom covered in dog dirt, but no he either managed to avoid it all the time or there was none there. He has this well mastered, arms tucked in and off he goes, Bob still can't manage this yet. Dinky did not do quite so well at it, and had to chuckle at wee Spud, who lay down and then shuffled herself down feet first sort of backwards commando style, great try though. 

So we then wandered into the town and into Burger King for something to eat. First time they have ever been in there as it is not a place we can take Bob. Bought two kids club meals between them and an extra juice so they all had their own carton. Found it a bit strange that I was given in the assistance words "two girls toys and one boys" hmmmmmm three the same would have been a lot easier but she was for none of it. Lucky I got three toys I suppose as I only bought two meals, but really different toys for girls and boys in today's modern age surprised me.

A fun few hours and something different than the local park.

Country Kids

Saturday, 14 October 2017

Project 365 week 41


Sadly last weeks snowman seems to have melted a bit....


This week has been about the back fence. As my regular readers may remember in the high winds we had back in Spring we had tied the fence to the clothes pole to stop it blowing over as some of the fence posts had rotted and snapped. As there is no direct route between our garden and next doors ( we are mid terraced) and it was too far to hump everything round and keep walking round the block to get from our garden to next doors so hubby decided the easiest way was to cut a piece of the fence away and then make it into a gate when he had finished.


Fifi has been in The Cadets for a couple of years now, and loves it, despite the ironing and discipline. She seems to thrive on it. At the weekend she was away to Aldershot with other Scottish swimmers to represent Scotland in a swimming competition. Despite being a nearly twelve hour bus trip over night the team managed a gold overall and Fifi won a silver. She has also been promoted to Corporal, not bad for a 14 year old. Her few years of swimming at 6am twice a week plus evenings and weekends for the council swim team has paid off.


Needed to go and pick up another fence post and two more bags of post mix. Went via the charity shops but nothing caught my eye.
Hubby finished off the fence and I finished off sewing the ends in on my crochet blanket and finished off the seams on the quilted blanket. They are now on the auction website if you fancy a bid on them or something else that you fancy.


Bob had another appointment, ophthalmology this time, so is at our local hospital. As the weather was nice I got DD1 to drop me and the three wee ones off near the river walk so we could walk into town along the river via a play park and have a burger king.  We had a lot of fun. Blog post to follow.


I have been having problems with sciatica, it is fine when I am walking or on my feet but when I am sitting or when I stand the pains are uncomfortable to say the least. Do not think my aged couch is helping the problem so when one of the residents in the complex I holiday relief clean in was looking for a new home for an electric adjustable chair, so I gave it a new home. So far so good and by back and legs felt better today.
Need to find a way to lose the cables and the junk that use to live in the corner behind the couch. Maybe another charity shop hunt for something is on the cards this week.


Two weeks ago I used a picture of my vouchers last week a picture of the radio I bought with them. Well this week my vouchers turned up that I won from a competition on Facebook with Gala Bingo. A great replacement.

Saturday, 7 October 2017

Project 365 week 40

October already. the cows are still out in the fields are down from the hills. Sadly the dark nights are drawing in and I am needing lights on the way to work as well as the way back.


spotted my first snowman of the season, cheating slightly I know but could not resist it. It is part of Bale art week run by young farmers in Scotland. This one popped up at the roundabout near the hospital so could not resist a quick picture.

ayrshire young farmers


Decided as is was dry when I dropped Bob off at gymnastics I decided to go for a walk. Was going to do a short circuit that I have walked before when geocaching up a local country estate, but I got approx half way along and there were people felling trees and they had the rest of the walk closed off to the public. So walked back the way I walked up.


This is what we bought with the vouchers last week. The one in our car is the original one that came with our twelve year old car and it leaves a lot to be desired. I was also looking at something that will answer my phone when I am driving, save me ignoring it. Family have their own tunes so if one of them phones I will pull in when possible and phone them back in case it is something urgent. No CD player or DAB on it but a radio that sounds better than the last one did.
Had fun with it on Friday, somehow managed to change it to Turkish instead of English, had to google how to change it back and then take the laptop out to the car to follow through the complex stages, so I have no idea how I managed to change it in the first place.


Walked down to the shop and bought the Woman's Own that we are in this week. The photographer was here for approx ninety mins, took probably five hundred pictures, and used two of them.


DD1 phoned to say she could not get a doctors appointment for Spud and she was not happy with her breathing so wanted to take her to A&E to get checked out. So she dropped off the other three here save trailing them with her, I was busy catching up with housework and defrosting the two freezers at the time so I plonked them in front of the tv until I was finished. We then read books and played games. I was very surprised at just how much better they were at playing their Old McDonald Lotto game by Orchard Toys than the last time. They were happy to take in it in turns, putting back the one that did not go and their board and waiting for their turn to wait for their turn again to pick up the one they now knew fitted on their board.


Made this quilt for DD1's friend who had a baby in September. Had made an owl themed one for their other daughters first birthday in July. The bedroom is owl themed so this was my criteria,plus I was to add her name, the rest was up to me.


Did some sugar free baking, then added "butter" icing to it, so no longer sugar free but yummy all the same. Only made the one sandwich tin and cut it in half and creamed it. Not the picture I had in mind to share today but it looked crap by electric light and I was not actually home in day light sos did not work.

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