Saturday, 11 June 2016

Project 366 week 23


It has been far far far to warm here all week for my liking, I mean come on 24 oC on the West Coast of Scotland for more than a week with no rain for more than three weeks is just not acceptable. So most of the evenings this week we have been taking the dog for a walk 9pm ish. Has given some nice sunsets, not that we have much to line them up with here.


Hubby was not feeling well so Lilly and I went for a walk by ourselves when we dropped Bob at gymnastics, I say a walk, it was a stroll trying to keep in the shade as much as possible, was still to warm for a walk but needed to do something with the hour. Knew we would not get a walk later as I was babysitting the twins and Bob while DD1 went to pick up Fifi.


As hubby was still feeling ill I got the joy of the early morning swim session with Granddaughter. So Fifi, Lilly and I went and we walked on the beach while she was swimming, at least at 6am it was cooler.


Still having dog issues with Lilly. She gets very very stressed out when she is out on her lead and is a nightmare woofing and yipping and behaving like a wild animal. She is even worse when she does not even see the dog but it has been suggested to us that maybe she has been attacked on the lead and is nervous when she does not see the dog. But she seems not bad with the neighbours dogs through the fence either side, so we let the two of them in the same garden to see what would happen. Look they are amazing together and played away for about fifteen mins with no problem at all. Gives us hope that she will be able to be worked with as we have still had thoughts of handing her back she is that much of a nightmare.


Still far too hot but I took the twins across to the park for a while to get them out. Much too hot for Spud to be out so daughter been stuck in with them. Dinky spent half the time walking up the slide and sliding down but refuses to go up the steps to slide down. I got them chasing their shadows on the way home to see if they could catch them.


Hubby did the swim run this morning, so while he was away I did a workout. Was still 21 oC in the living room at 6.30 am so I had the fan on. I liked this wee message at the end of the work out.


Made a peanut butter and dried fruit cake the other day, and am taking some to work to eat in my break. Recipe is here if you want a look,


  1. I have been loving this weather....It has been so grey and wet today though.
    Aww! Poor Lilly...It does sound like something has happened to her in the past on her lead. I hope you figure things out soon.
    Ohh! That might be the best combo ever! Peanut butter and fruit cake! Yum :D x

  2. Hope your hubby is feeling better. Lily certainly sounds like a handful, but she's very photogenic!

    1. Well I suppose she has to have some good points to make us keep her.

  3. I'd have loved to have been in Scotland with the weather you've had - bet it's been glorious, but have you been plagued by midges? Hope your husband is feeling better.

    1. a few midges round the river and I have some bites to prove it. This part of the country does not seem to do to badly on the midge front, further east and north seem to get it worse.

  4. The weather has been great hasn't it? Really hoping it comes back. Poor Lilly wee soul. Hope your hubby is feeling better xx

    1. No warm and dry I can live with hot and dry for so long is just way to uncomfortable.

  5. This weekend I really missed the hot dry weather but understand your frustrations when it is too hot to walk. Love the neighbour's dog!

    1. the neighbours dog is cute to look at but likes to bark when out.

  6. Oh dear, sorry to hear you've been having problems with Lilly. Hope Hubby is feeling better now #366

    1. I really hope she settles down, she can be hard work to walk.

  7. Beautiful sunset and gorgeous photos of Lilly in the field and on the beach. Sorry She's having behaviour problems, and hope she'll grow out of her anxiety. Love the sound of your cake too.

    1. the cake was very tasty, always like to try something a bit different.

  8. I love the gorgeous weather during the day but it has been too muggy at night time. Your peanut butter and fruit cake sounds amazing, I love peanut butter. Hope you have a good week x

    1. It has been far to warm during the day and very muggy at night, I find it very tiring.

  9. Love the beach and sunset photo and the cake looks yummy. I am on a strict food regime this week, no cake allowed so pictures will have to do! Thanks for hosting! :)

    1. I suppose I really should be on a strict food regime....but I eat what I fancy within reason most of the time.


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