Saturday, 14 February 2015

Project 365 week 6 and 7 1st- 14th Feb


There are a few of these at various points round the road in and around the hospital. He always puts a smile on my face.


Went for a walk while I was in the town anyway. Along the sea front and back. Was quite pleasant on the way up with the wind on your back but not so pleasant with it in your face on the return leg. This is the Millennium Bridge that spans the small river as it runs into the sea. Before the year 2000 you had to walk all the way round from one side to the other, this makes the far side much more accessible. .


We have had no snow for ten days now, but the temperature has not risen much above freezing and so the snow is still frozen on the ground. The girls don't seem to fussy, they recognise the bag the worms come in.


Watched the gruesome twosome for daughter today as she had Bob at the dentist and it was to save her taking them with her. Not one tear or one temper tantrum was had by Dinky -  when mummy or daddy is there and somebody else looks at her she screams, well no mummy and daddy therefore no screaming - problem solved. We did have a few tears from Minky who got a row but that soon passed. He was sat on my knee photo bombing the pictures I was taking of Dinky.


Oh dear, I have slipped up, for the first time in all the years I have been joining in  - I missed a picture, well two actually. I had a dose of the flu, a full blown version, that made my digital camera that fits in the palm of my hand too big and heavy to pick up, switch on, point and shoot. The button would have taken more energy than I had to activate. Four days in bed, apart from leaving once to get driven to the doctors and staggering up and down the stairs to the bathroom.

So these two are actually staged as to what would have been my pictures.

Thursday was all about struggling with my peak flow, dropped uncomfortably low, thank goodness for blue inhalers


Had to get DH to drive me into the doctor today, by now I was feeling very very sorry for myself. Luckily we never have a problem getting an appointment, same day every day where we are. Was that sore etc I just did not know what to do with myself. A course of penicillin to save any other issues arising.


As I came down the stairs I noticed a nice red reflection shining out on the street. The sunset was amazing and my half hearted attempt at a photograph does not do it justice. Sadly we have nothing to line a sunset up with to get the full effect.


Have been utilising the tablet I won. It already has a kindle reader and an audio book programme on it, so I drifted off to sleep and back again with an audio book on. Had to keep doubling back to the same bit as I could not stay awake, but it helped to mask the tinnitus.


Difficult to do it any credit in a photograph, but this is a bird feeder Fifi made at school for me, very nice it is too. Going to put it on the shed where I can see it from the back windows.


Could not be bothered baking but did make a yummy treat.
I put sesame, pumpkin, sunflower and chai seeds along with some dried apricots and prunes into the food mixture and churned it all up. Melted some dark chocolate with some coconut cream and stirred the mixture through. Spread onto a baking tray and popped in the fridge. Much healthier than some of the things I have been eating lately.


We had a day out planned for Thursday last week, but it did not quite happen. So we went off today instead to see a piece of what will become history. We went to see The Great Tapestry of Scotland. It is currently at Stirling Castle, and we have memberships to get in for free we thought we may as well go and have a look.It covers the whole of Scottish history from the formation of the country, to early settlers, early buildings, and many many people over the years.

The tapestries  are amazing. The details and textures really make the pictures come to live. I love how the overall big picture on each individual tapestry is made from smaller pictures. People's faces make up larger people or buildings make up bigger buildings. It was an enjoyable three hours.

They even have a fab book showing each of the tapestries complete with the write up that compliments each one, but decided we could not justify the expense of the book.


Tomorrow is daughter No1's birthday. The children were over last night and wanted to make mummy a cake, so we did. They made it between them, and then Bob decorated the top, this was done in a Bob friendly fashion so he was not handling stuff he is not safe with. Fifi decorated the sides. Their mum loved it.


Have not done much shopping this last two weeks, so decided I needed to stock the cupboard an freezer.

Aiming to cook ( what I hope is ) more diabetic friendly food. DH's blood sugars have gone up slightly since the last batch of blood tests and he has not been feeling too good. Sadly there is a lot of differences of opinion as to what is good and what is not. I have decided we are going to aim at more protein, more pulses, more veg and less carbs, and plan to change them to wholemeal carbs.

So today's batch cooking is chilli con carne with lentils added as well as the kidney beans and vegetables.  Cubed beef in a black bean sauce with cannellini beans and a pot of carrot and lentil soup made with bacon for added protein.

I now have a nice full freezer.


Daughter No2 gave me this book a while back, going to be using it a lot more in the near future for ideas and inspiration.

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. Sorry to hear you were so ill, but glad you're better now. The Scottish tapestry looks incredible! Love the look of all the cooking you've been doing :)

    1. Thank you, its nice to feel better. The cooking is very tasty.

  2. Sorry you've been poorly Elaine. Hope you are better now. No snow here either and that's the way I like it! Lots of cooking going on in your house. You are good!

    1. I am feeling better thank you. cooking on bulk is a great time saver.

  3. So sorry you were so ill, I had the flu last month so I can sympathise, it's awful :( Love the look of the batch cooking, must do some myself! I'd love to see that tapestry x

    1. the tapestry is worth seeing, the details and textures are amazing.

  4. Sorry you've been ill - we did miss you last week. The Scottish Tapestry exhibition sounds amazing - I'd really like to see it, but a bit far to go.

    1. aaahhh its nice to be missed. It is going to be permanently housed in the borders eventually so you may get a chance to see it there.

  5. I hope you're feeling better this week. Your batch cooking looks very inspiring

    1. batch cooking is a great time saver, as well as being a more economical way of cooking.

  6. i love those Ice take care signs! .. i am so sorry you have been unwell lovely and i am so pleased to hear you are on the mend! lets hope there is no more illness this year! xx

    1. I am hoping so as well, hate to have to take time off work but needs must.

  7. Hope you're over being ill now.

    Love the sound of your batch cooking, I wish my OH would eat kidney beans and lentils - make dishes so much more flexible (and healthy)

    1. I am not a lover of kidney beans I have to admit but we are in this together so I have to do some give and take.

  8. Sorry to hear you have been ill. I hope you are feeling better. Love those ice signs. I hope one day my children make me a birthday cake x

    1. I am sure they will, it really is a lovely present to have made for you.

  9. Sorry you've been unwell. Love the bridge and your cooking!! #365

    1. the cooking is great, makes it so much easier to just defrost and reheat.

  10. Sorry to hear you have been ill , get better soon

    1. thank you, sadly there seems to be a lot of it going around.

  11. Sorry you have not felt well, I hope you are better now. I love the birthday cake, hope you all had a lovely day. I also love the chicken picture x

    1. my daughter loved the cake as well thank you.

  12. You must have been proper poorly to have missed a day, hope you've recovered now? I can't believe how grown up the twins are now, feels like only yesterday they were born!

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.

    1. believe me I have never felt as ill as I did last week, but yes feeling better thank you

  13. Your snow certainly hung around didn't it! Hope it has all disappeared now and I hope you are fully back to normal after your illness.

    1. yes it has gone now but it did hang around for a while.

  14. Sorry to hear you weren't well. Hope you're all better now. Love the birthday cake :)
    Ant keeps going on about keeping chickens in the yard. I like the idea but I'm a bit worried about the mess they'll make and whether they're easy enough to keep in case I'm the one left looking after them when everyone else gets bored!

    1. they dont make huge mess if kept contained, but will wreck the garden if left to roam free. They dont take a huge amount of work, 10 mins a day.

  15. Hopefully you're now on the mend and feeling much better. Love how the chickens are all eagerly waiting for their snacks and great cake for the kids.

    1. the kids love to make cakes for other people, it is quite a nice family tradition we have.

  16. Lovely photos! Sorry you have been ill! I hope you are feeling much better now!

    1. yes feeling a lot better, hate being that ill you feel useless

  17. so sorry you have been so ill Elaine and well done for joining in even if you did miss a couple of days.
    i love the cake - no wonder their mum loved it, i would too. and your protein fridge cake sounds yummy aswell. i bet the tapestry was really fascianting to visit, all that history x

    1. could not possibly drop out Jenny, I am in till Project 365 stops!!
      People still go to see the Bayeux Tapestry so hopefully people will look at this one for centuries as well.

  18. Beautiful sunset. I love that birdfeeder. Hope you are all better now.

    1. The picture did not do the sunset any favours. |The bird feeder is lovely.

  19. So sorry you have been poorly. I love the sunset image, it is beautiful. I too would put that GI book to good use :) #365

    1. sadly it is trying to get hubby eating low GI high protein is my battle, one I am not winning to well.

  20. Hope you are feeling better now Elaine. That birthday cake looks fab and wow what a difference having that bridge must have made to all. Love the tapestry. Sorry I am so late commenting! #365

    1. yes we travelled all the way to Stirling to see the tapestry and now the news today says its coming to Ayr town hall so we could have saved ourselves the trip.


Nice to see you stopping by. Thank you for your comment and I hope you stop by again.