Saturday, 26 September 2015

Project 365 week 39

The evening are getting dark much quicker and in the morning I now need lights for work in the morning, four more weeks till the clocks change and it will be dark both ends of the day.

Anyway while I was at work hubby got on with painting the fence It is really weird to see it brown through the glass back door.

painting the fence

Bobs gymnastics day again so we went babysitting the gruesome twosome. Dinky was not feeling overly well so when mummy left she took herself off and sat at the dining table and refused to have anything to do with us, at least she huffs quietly!!
Minky had great fun with an empty box and Granddad. Only pictures I got of him were blurred.

fun with a box

Did get some good video though.


Got a new freezer last week and had run down the other one for this one being delivered. So got a load of stuff to restock with cooked food, I find it  much easier to bulk cook and freeze rather than cook food every day. Much cheaper than a takeaway after eleven hours at work. I had planned to make a lasagne and freeze it as well, but then realised I had thrown out my loaf tins as they were passed their best and have not bought another one yet.

bulk cooking
stocking the freezer


It rained on and off for a lot of the day, but we decided spur of the moment to go and pick some brambles. Where we were going was no use to take the children because it involves a walk across a farmers field and sometimes his bull is out. We got there safely with no sign of him, but then after about an hour part of the herd and Mr Bull came across to see us. Luckily this one was just a young bull and seemed to pose no threat ( though you never can safely tell) so we just walked towards them waving our arms and shouting until we had moved them back past the gate we could climb over. Then we stopped and took the photo. I got 3.5lb of brambles. plenty to do some baking with.

nice Mr Bull

SIL was working a day shift so I went and watched the gruesome twosome and Bob while daughter did some bits she needed to do. Then brought Bob up the road as I intended to do some baking and asked him if he wanted to help and he said yes, so we had a fun afternoon in the kitchen.
Once of the things we made was lemon cakes for Bob, so he grated the rind off and we squeezed the juice out, and at that point I ate some of the lemon that was left, so Bob wanted a bit, his face was funny.

sucking a lemon


Lots of yummy cakes to eat from yesterday. I had seen Helen over on The Crazy Kitchen produce a cake I fancied adapting to dairy free , and so here mine is, part of yesterdays baking. Recipe here and very yummy it was to.

chocolate orange cake


No wonder I have spent half the month totally confused and not knowing what day of the week it was.

31 days hath September


  1. The fence is looking great!
    hehehe! Cardboard boxes are such fun! M girls can play with hours with one...That cake looks so yummy! :D

    1. the simplest of things make the best toys with young children.

  2. Aw I could do with a bigger new freezer as I also like to cook meals ahead to freeze. That bull looks a bit scary! When you say picking brambles is that Blackberries??

    1. the bull was actually quite timid, it seemed to be the cows protecting him not the other way round. yes brambles= blackberries.

  3. Love the lemon look. H has loved lemons since babyhood and it's us that pull the lemon face as we watch him eat them.The fence is looking good.

    1. I dont have a sweet tooth and am happy to eat lemons, but yes they are an acquired taste and unusual for a wee one to eat them.

  4. I've always bulked cooked with 5 kids and a full time job, even though it's only me and hubby at home I still cook every meal for 4 and portion it up for two meals. Recently my labelling went astray and instead of having lasagna with our salad i'd defrosted a curry in error, it was

    1. have to say I never label, always say I will remember, and like you we have had some strange mixes when it was not what you were expecting.

  5. that cake looks delicious!! love Bob's face lol. Looks like you've all had a pretty productive week xx

    1. it was a nice productive week, this week wont be as I have a training course on today and tomorrow.

  6. I love brambles, I need to go out for some! That looks like a lovely cake. I really need a bigger freezer. At the moment we have a small drawer one but I really want a large chest freezer but do not have the room. Hope you have a lovely week x

    1. no lack of space is an issue here as well, hence the swap over, the large freezer had to go for the sake of hubbys knees...

  7. Replies
    1. deliciously different and I would make it again, maybe even ring the changes with a different flavour jelly

  8. I really need to bulk cook and freeze! I hate cooking....

    That cake looks yummy!

    1. I actually enjoy cooking, I just hate clearing uo behind my very messy self. I could be a professional cook with kitchen helpers to do my clearing.

  9. that cake looks great Elaine i love chocolate and orange anything!
    ha ha at Bob's face thats funny. bulk cooking is a great idea, i always make extra sp i can freeze some for another time x

    1. Give the cake a try. Freezer food is a god send

  10. I am hating the fact that its dark so early at night now and dark when I get up in the morning!

    1. I know it makes for a dull few months when it is dark early

  11. yes his face was rather funny, hence the picture.

  12. yes his face was rather funny, hence the picture.


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