So when a number of years ago I had a job for a sewing machine I decided to buy a basic machine as I never envisaged it would get much use. Its first job was to stitch the backing onto a cross stitch blanket I made for Fifi when she was born, At that point the machine went back into the box and into the loft, It made the odd appearance over the years, a hem here a minor repair there and sewing the backing onto Bob's cross stitch blanket when he was born. So last year when I dug it out of the loft to finish off Minky and Dinky's cross stitch blankets I decided it was not going back to the loft as I was going to use it, properly use it.
At the start of the year I begun messing around with patchwork and applique. Nothing of any particular standard to begin with but fun and interesting.
my quilt on the table |
I also looked at a few differing accessories to enhance my quilting. One of these items is a free motion foot. Again you will find youtube videos on how to use them but I have to admit defeat with this one, no matter what I tried I could not get my bottom thread to have any tension, it just looked all lumpy and bumpy. I did try changing my tension and stitch length but no matter what I tried with it I was not happy with the results.
the backs were loopy |
The final accessory I added was a flower stitch foot. This is great as it works with the patterns you have built into your machine. Again there are many online tutorials, I had a lot of fun playing with this attachment, trying out the different stitches in different colours.
I had to google how to attach the foot to my machine and the first time it took me a while to work it out, I initially found it awkward, but once you get use to it it becomes easy enough.
This was my first attempts at using the flowers, I have not finished any of the ends off on here so they look a bit untidy. Different stitches produce different sizes, and the attachment itself makes three different sizes with an easy slide across to change the size.
I have used the flowers to enhance a quilt I made for a friends baby.
As you can see it is possible to achieve more with the machine you have just by adding accessories, it is not always necessary to buy new if you are on a budget.
The flower attachment and the free motion foot was given to me by Toyota, the table and set of feet were purchased by myself.
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