Saturday, 2 December 2017

Project 365 week 48

Been a cold cold week with most days not getting above freezing. Still having bad days with my arm, and rough nights as I can still only sleep on my back....which I hate doing.


DD2 and SIL2 had left yesterday with baby Ziggy to head across to his sisters for a few days. Last night we looked for the key that lives in the front door and is only removed if we both leave the house and need to lock the door from the outside. Well last night we could not find it. So after contacting DD2 to see if she had picked it up but SIL2 said it was in the door when he left. So a manic search followed to find it, looking through all jackets, trousers, bags, sheds etc it was eventually found on the back seat of the car under a idea how it would get there as no reason for it to be there, but glad we found it.


A cold miserable day but managed to capture this rainbow.


DD2 and Ziggy arrived back.Poor Ziggy's cold has got much worse and she is a miserable wee sausage, doesnt know what she wants and is struggling to sleep.
 Fifi came round with my birthday cake, and yes it had Peppa Pig on. Got to love the grandchildren.
Do other people have the same bother as us? we buy matching candles and candle holders yet they never seem to sit, hence one candle stuck in the cake and another one squint.


DD3 came up for a while in the evening to visit her sister and niece. She was encouraging Ziggy to walk with her walker down the living room and back. Ziggy's speech and understanding is very very good for a child of 15 months but she is still not making any attempt to walk. But time she starts school you wont know the difference.

She climbed half way up the stairs and played amongst the teddies that live there......monkey that she is.


Poor Ziggy does not know what to do with herself, she is miserable and unhappy. So we popped her in the car and went for a wander round the Christmas stuff in a local garden centre. She enjoyed looking at all the lights and musical items. A spot of lunch before we headed home. Not the cheapest place to eat but the soup was very nice.


DD2 and SIL2 are away to a wedding. They were suppose to be staying away over night but decided that due to Ziggy being so unwell they would come home. DD2 did consider not going at all but we managed to talk her into going.
I took her down to the local toddler group in the morning so they could get ready as she would have just cried for them and nobody would have got ready. She played at toddlers and fell asleep coming back up the road and had a sleep in the pram for about 45 min. She was not eating much so I just made her bottles to take instead. She fell asleep on my knee for just over two hours in the afternoon and had just dropped off on my knee again when DD2 and SIL2 came back. She was managing to get some sleep propped up but not lying down.


Poor Ziggy still feeling rotten, and fell asleep on top of daddy for over an hour this morning.
Them the visitors left, pheeewww, as they had another family engagement to attend. DD2 wanted to head home with Ziggy and let SIL2 take his mum but he wanted them all to go.
Here is Ziggy sat with granddad while the cars were being loaded.


  1. Poor Ziggy. Hope she’s on the mend. Belated happy birthday & what a lovely cake. Sounds like a busy week x

    1. was a hard going week, I am not cut out to have children round all day every day any more, as much as I love them all.

  2. Oh no! I hope Ziggy feels better soon.
    Happy birthday to you! x

    1. Yes DD2 says she is feeling some what better
      Thank you

  3. hope Ziggy is feeling better soon, can't believe how quickly she is growing up. hope you had a great birthday, we've given up with candles now and cake really

    1. I only had candles and cake because the grandchildren made it and brought it round. I think just because it so closely follows their own.

  4. Oh it's horrible enough when we're ill, let alone little ones. Hope she's better soon.

    1. I know you feel so sorry for them, but have to say I enjoyed the cuddles I got.

  5. Poor poor Ziggy. I hope she feels much better soon. Love the photo of her happy with the sunnies on! #365

    1. the teddies are usually out of bounds but it cheered her up for 10 minutes

  6. Hope Ziggy is feeling better now and that you are making progress. Don't think I'd get any sleep if I had to sleep on my back either #365

  7. Argh, blogger hates me this week, I'l try this again! (Had the same trouble with Suzanne's blog!). Sorry to hear that you're still not feeling well, hope you feel better soon, and that Ziggy does too! And, happy belated birthday xx

  8. Awww poor Ziggy...not nice when the little ones aren't well. Hope she is feeling better now.

    And what a lovely cake from the kids!

  9. Poor Ziggy. Hope she's better now.


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